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Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Parents and your friends/relationships Apr 30 2013, 02:36 PM
Have you been in situations where your parents dislike your friends or relationships? What have you done about it? Just ignored them or took their advice...


Posts: 39
Apr 30 2013, 10:37 PM
Well, there was this girl that told me to take my "dark" site out, and my parents disliked her for the same reason. I just gave a fudge and continued hanging out with her..
Emo Pictures - MidoKilmy
Posts: 237
May 01 2013, 04:13 AM
Wel.. My mom is very tolerant person. I have more problems with my dad who dislikes my style and wouldn't be happy to see ppl I hang out with x.x I think my dad is critical about my bf because he's from disfunctional family, has difficulties with finding a job and has this punkish style with lots of piercings etc. but after all he's awesome person. And this is my choice to be with him. My family has to accept it. Also the fact that some beautiful day I am going to marry him ^ ^
Posts: 66
May 01 2013, 10:56 AM
My mom had problems with my current boyfriend for a long time because we have been brought up very differently. He's from a rather conservative, well off family while I'm from a more liberal, middle class family. She was convinced that him and I couldn't work out these differences and constantly threw that in my face (which began to get old after a while and actually started causing big problems between her and I and my boyfriend). My dad took the approach that ultimately only my boyfriend and I could decide if our differences were too much. But now that we've been together over three years I think she's finally just accepted that me and him are perfectly fine together and respect eachother's differences lol. But over all my parents are usually okay with my relationships and who I hang around.
Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
May 01 2013, 11:23 AM
Most of the time so 98% of it i ignore there advice on friends and relationships as at the end of the day its my life and my socail circle not theres and if i pick wrong (which i have in the past) you learn from the mistake and carry on ...if im really unsure about someone or something id ask mates first then if all fails parents and they can never really stop me seeing or talking to mates as for relationships ..there tolerant its a bonus if they like them if not stuff it my relationship not theres
Emo Pictures - Pinky_Fucking_Pie
Posts: 3
May 01 2013, 01:02 PM
I have now such a situation but I try to ignore it . ___.
Posts: 4
May 01 2013, 03:04 PM
Friendship wise, my parents have a had a few issues with the friends I have or previously had. At the moment there was a situation between me, my best friend and a guy I liked. I did get over the guy and my best friend went out with him about a week after I got over my crush on him. Now my mum labels her the 'boyfriend stealer' and I have to keep pointing out he was never my boyfriend and I've already forgiven my friend for the stuff she did to me in the past. But my mum just can't seem to see me eye to eye on that bit... -_-' Relationship wise, well... I've only had one boyfriend and she liked him, but then some issues happened between us and we ended up splitting up. He's um... avoiding me like the plague now XD But really there's no problem between my parents and that relationship.
Posts: 1726
May 19 2013, 05:16 AM
...I don't think anyone would try and give me any advise...cuz they no I wont take it I always do the opposite :P xx
Emo Pictures - nikkiwest
Posts: 2440
May 22 2013, 07:20 PM
My best friend and I actually dated last year, before I moved and I didn't want my mom and step dad to find out because he's had a LOT of trouble in his life and I knew she wouldn't like it. After I moved in with my dad though, she found out and was actually okay with it (I think because she knew we broke up and weren't together. His mom and I still talk all the time though (he's in jail) and she told me that he wants to marry me :3
Posts: 1726
May 26 2013, 12:35 PM
rrr nikki your life seems well complex...hmmm marriage lol don't yet me started on this story!! :P xxx
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
May 26 2013, 03:03 PM
^why not do explain...
Emo Pictures - xSUICIDEBLOODx
Posts: 7232
May 27 2013, 02:33 AM
Well i have been in lots of those situations both regarding friends and guys..lol and i drove my parents mad.. with worry and such.. but i am always certain too meet new people in crowded places and such and well i am a strong minded person soo i do what the fuck i want its my life .. so after a while then my parents just had to accept me for the person that i am :3 <3 and yeh they r not too keen on the emo/goth culture but well they love me anyway no matter what thats what family r for <3 :3 x

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