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I don't need a friend I need to mend so far away So come sit by the fire and play a while but you cant stay too long It aches in every bone Ill die alone but not for pleasure I see my heart explode its been eroded.. Remedy, by Seether

Emo Forums » Emo Music (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
BvB anything like A7X? May 07 2013, 01:16 PM
Ok so I heard on the radio...Kerrang radio I think that one of the presenters thinks BvB sound a little like A7X. I think he was referring to the vocals mainly. I was like :O Are you shocked as well? By the way I'm an A7X dude, not a massive fan on BvB...


Emo Pictures - Ebbykills
Posts: 1
May 09 2013, 01:29 AM
Oh.. Why they are not even the same genre as each other -_- I'm surpised
Emo Pictures - thelastchapter
Posts: 179
May 20 2013, 02:02 PM
BVB are nothing like A7X A7X are the best and there are only one of there kind BVB are wannabees..

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