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Emo Forums » Feedback (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
More chat mods! Jun 04 2013, 01:19 PM
Ok so we need some more chat mods now. The main points are: * You have to have been a member for at least a month * You need to have a picture of yourself on your profile * You need to actually be able to warn, kick and ban other members if they break the rules. * You need to be on regularly - at least a few times a week Some mods in the past have become one and don't really do anything. These get removed so don't be one of those please! Please reply here or email info@soemo.co.uk if you'd like to be a chat mod. Include your username and briefly describe why you'd be a good mod. Also please note I will ask other mods opinions as well before I add new ones.


Posts: 1
Jul 25 2013, 08:34 AM
I think I'd be a good chat mod cuz some mods dontt realy do anything until asked or told to. This is not the kind of people I would like to be in charge. I would actually have the will to act because some people DO say alot of offensive things in chat. So yeah, those are my reasons but it is up to you guys.

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