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Then I lost it all, back's against the wall, cut me open Lost It All, by Black Veil Brides

Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - XxemilyxX1
Posts: 47
What drugs have you tried? Aug 21 2013, 03:42 PM
I was thinking what sort of drugs does everyone take and why do you take it I'm not going to judge I was just curious I've dont weed as I found it de-stressing A drug mixture (don't want to name it as its deadly If you have to much) it was a 1time try but it got to addictive and its hard as hell to stop taking it Like I said I'm not going to judge and I dont mind saying anything as I'm quite open xxx


Emo Pictures - Artemis
Posts: 16
Dec 07 2014, 03:01 PM
Staying out of this one.
Emo Pictures - skullznglitter
Posts: 1
Dec 09 2014, 12:12 PM
advil is better
Posts: 3
Feb 28 2015, 12:48 PM
I don't know how to get drugs. Anyone ?? Thanks x
Emo Pictures - EyeWings
Posts: 287
Mar 04 2015, 12:43 PM
I drank a bit too much a few years ago, luckily I recognised I had an addictive personality and managed to kurb it. I still drink on ocassion but I stay within my limits. Because of my expereineces with booze I have avoided ciggies because I know I'd turn into a 60 a day croaky voiced hag faster than needed if I started! haha I also am on perscribed anti-depressants and obviously use painkillers as and when. I have never dabbled in other drugs and don't ever intend to.
Emo Pictures - Everything_is_Red
Posts: 173
Mar 07 2015, 04:47 PM
I had some very bad weed today.
Emo Pictures - hiding_in_the_dark
Posts: 313
Mar 11 2015, 04:11 PM
I've never done hard core drugs like coke or meth, nor have i done weed, but I have just taken random combinations of things in the bathroom
Posts: 1726
Apr 25 2015, 06:02 AM
Love is the strongest drug Iv ever taken
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Apr 25 2015, 08:21 AM
^Someone has loved you :O Or was it a way one thing
Emo Pictures - Remix
Posts: 12
Jul 11 2015, 11:58 PM
Emo Pictures - Arkaine
Posts: 21
Sep 19 2015, 07:43 PM
Since I have/had ADHD, I was prescriped some Methylphenidate pills, when I was 12-16. Now, 8 years later I still have 3 stacks of those and sometimes use them, when I got to learn for exams. Works wonders. I hate to study (even got problems studying more than half an hour), but when I take those I can study for 8 hours without even noticing. I also sniffed 2 of them once, but since I still seem to have ADHD, it didn't do much of an effect (apart from having superhuman senses and brain capacity :P). The next drug is nicotine. I started to smoke with 20 years (woooww.... I know), but quit 1 year ago and started to vape. I must say, that my body benefitted so much from switching to vape. It's definitely better than smoking (although still not something healthy), it smells and tastes better and it gives me my daily dose of nicotine :P The last one is weed. I must admit, I detest the taste of weed. It tastes so awkward, I almost wanna puke every time I smoke more than one joint, but I simply love the effect. It's simply amazing, because when I close my eyes I see stuff, that reminds me of that Windows Media Player visualizations in a never ending loop of new things, that come to my mind. Still, since I wouldn't even spend a penny on that stuff, I only smoke some of it every 2-3 moths or when a good friend of mine gives some of his to me as a present (I think he's some kind of drug baron, since he always got like 100 grams at home, but since I get it for free I won't complain xD).
Posts: 41
Sep 21 2015, 01:52 AM
Alcohol for sure (since theoretically it's a drug) and addy just because like Arkaine says, superhuman focusing. Writing music and programming on addy is like a godsend. I'm considering trying some modafinil since based on some recent studies it has the potential to boost creativity with virtually no side effects.
Emo Pictures - etoile
Posts: 4
Jan 02 2016, 05:01 PM
Arkaine I don't know what kind of weed you take, but I think it tastes awesome, like lawn. it smells like that. i mean it tastes better than cigarettes. maybe your stuff is streched, if it doesn't smell like meadow.
Emo Pictures - redelete666
Posts: 36
Jan 30 2016, 07:03 AM
I just do painkillers and caffeine (is caffeine a drug?)
Emo Pictures - FusionFallX
Posts: 21
Jan 30 2016, 07:42 AM
I have drank alcohol before and found it disgusting :P plan to never drink it ever again in my life because of what it did to my dad. Cigs are nasty and plan to never do them Will never do any meth or heroein 100% Never done any weed and plan not to, but I wouldn't mind if my girlfriend uses it occasionally, since it isn't really harmful at all. Never plan to make love to anyone who uses any of these Other weed lol.
Posts: 52
Jul 19 2016, 08:28 PM
Weed, a few times. nothing I like. Cigarettes,a few times. Nothing exceptional. Alcohol. Alot recently. Ketamine, once. Never again. Does Oxygen count?
Posts: 9
Jul 22 2016, 01:04 AM
I'm a fan of prescription painkillers when I really need to take the edge off. Oxy is my go-to.
Emo Pictures - slippingsanity
Posts: 86
Sep 28 2016, 05:05 AM
Well I was actively addicted to meth for a year. Now I'm 3 years clean. Of course I've smoked weed before but I don't like it. And when I was doing meth, I tried crack but it didn't do anything for me except make me feel like shit the next day and didn't keep me awake like meth did. Um but srsly don't do meth. or heroin. ever.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Sep 28 2016, 08:57 PM
^Well done on being clean for 3 years :)
Emo Pictures - slippingsanity
Posts: 86
Sep 28 2016, 11:10 PM
thanak you :)
Emo Pictures - bruedlyfirearms
Posts: 24
Oct 02 2016, 01:05 PM
quite a few I used practice solvent abuse like sniffing glue and nail polish remover, beer since I'm pretty much drunk most days and lots of weed, I used to use speed and ecstasy pills as well but for medicated drugs I for a time was using Ritalin and now am on flouxotine.

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