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He draws the shades down to his room, he tries to smile but it's no use and he's wagering his life He feels that he can never make it; no one could know because he fakes it, the end is waving in his palm roses, by your name in vain

Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - AliceHeartnet
Posts: 101
To Cut or Not to Cut Dec 18 2014, 10:35 AM
To Be or Not to Be. I'm pretty sure you've all heard of this phrase at least once, from Hamlet by William Shakespeare. The tragedy of Hamlet is nothing else: Instead of considering how to be, what to be, when to be, where to be, and WHO to be, He was stuck in the realm of only those two options: To be or not to be. While you are trapped within this solipsism of "To cut or not to cut" (and actually do cut), There are others think ahead of you, those who think of the options of how, what, when, where, and who to be. And what else to do. While you are wasting your life cutting, abusing, and harming yourself, There are others who live constructive and productive lives. I'm clearly telling you: We are born to live happy. The purpose of life is to become a truly happy person. If you can't help thinking of cutting, just "scream until there's nothing left" instead, like Vic Fuentes and Kellin Quinn sing in their Song. Many of you might find Vic and Kellin extremely sexy and attractive, because they are actually HEALTHY, healthier to the point they are transforming their desires and energies into music (damn, Freud... You are always right: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sublimation_(psychology)). Read a book, go for a walk, talk to someone, do some art, do some exercises or sports, do more productive things. Live an actual life, not only a biological life. Otherwise, you live a life that is manipulated by others, It is no different from living like a salve. And there is nothing worse than living as a slave to your own solipsism. I'm clearly telling you: We are born to be free. We are sum of our own choices. "Life is filled with moments like this. Reality is completely opposite of what you think. In school, at work, in love, everyone imagines reality is as they would like to think of it. And one day, suddenly you realize that you were mistaken. The strength of a man is put to the test in moments like this. Now, two paths are in front of you. One, continue to create your own illusions and forget... Second, accept the reality even if it is tough to take and while keeping your head held high, start again from the beginning. It's your life. YOU decide." -Sakuragi Kenji, Dragon Zakura


Emo Pictures - Jesse
Posts: 3
Dec 29 2014, 02:13 AM
No. Don't x
Emo Pictures - Lumierepoison
Posts: 28
Jan 01 2015, 05:43 AM
Instead of answer my reply at your topic, you create new ones, refusing to argue with me. I think you're the one who doesn't know about ANYTHING about self-cutting and all the entire suffering from this. Please, there are real problems for us to deal with not to list all things I wrote at your other topic. So, well, shut the fuck off, you don't know nothing and you want to be adored and cause fuzz Calm down your "haooy-haooy-lets-live-happy!" bullshit and mind the others xx
Emo Pictures - AliceHeartnet
Posts: 101
Jan 01 2015, 08:19 AM
Lumierepoison: For further information, please check this link out: https://www.soemo.co.uk/forums/topic.php?id=2810634
Emo Pictures - SLOW-LIFE
Posts: 52
May 16 2015, 04:26 PM
I didn´t see the other topics you mentioned Lumierepoison but I don´t think there´s anything bad about wanting to live a happy life and sharing this thought with others. So please be less harsh. I was never raped and my closest family members (parents + bro) didn´t die yet so maybe I´m not the best example for my theory but I got bullied a lot in school (like every day) and had no contact to friends for 3 years but still I didn´t harm myself. However, I´d say that cutting is all about how strong you are. And a happy and optimistic attitude can give to you such strength I think. But what do you think about it? Oli Sykes says: Oli

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