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I bleed for you forever i will lie awake i would die for you i see the truth I've given you my heart to break i would die for you DIE FOR YOU, by Black Veil Brides

Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - DaRk_CaRniVal
Posts: 475
Do your parents agree with the "emo culture"? Oct 26 2015, 06:17 PM
So, I've pretty much put together that my parents dont really agree with it. They say that 'they' look weird. They dont like the hair styles, or the fact that they wear all black.. Even though not all do. To be honest, they only just agree with gays/lesbians ._. That's one of my pet hates.. Hate against LGBT (?). I can only just about persuade my mother to buy me a pair of black skinny jeans without her thinking I've gone wrong in the head >.< So, does anyone else's parents disagree with the 'emo culture'?


Emo Pictures - xChasingRainbowsx
Posts: 165
Oct 26 2015, 07:33 PM
Mine did at first, but now they don't anymore. My dad even goes to concerts with me, and my mom actually likes the ''razored hair'' look. It took about 3 years tho for them to accept my style but it was worth it XD
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18267
Oct 26 2015, 09:05 PM
Please also see this similar topic: https://www.soemo.co.uk/forums/topic.php?id=2807485
Emo Pictures - Emo_chick_hu
Posts: 21
Oct 26 2015, 09:08 PM
My mom no but she still takes me shopping for everything and my dad doesn't really care about it.
Emo Pictures - fallinangel7131
Posts: 1
Oct 26 2015, 09:20 PM
yes mina also disagree with the emo cultural but i am emo anyway.
Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Oct 26 2015, 09:42 PM
i think it's something to do with the "generation gap" as it's so called. Basically people in their late 30's/early 40's upwards, were born in a society where standards and views were very different.. back then, people weren't as opened minded and accepting of the "different" /non conforming, therefore still view things like that and are slower to take up the more modern ideologies... My parents sadly fall into the above^ so it's been abit of a battle growing up in a house like that and trying to explain to them/get them to see things with a more open mind. Personally, i found compromise worked well when i was younger in getting the style i wanted but now i'm older, my parents just don't care about my style or what cultures i associate myself too and to a extent, they are alot more lenient/opened minded towards things concerning the whole "alternative" culture nowadays.
Emo Pictures - Undead_Nightmare
Posts: 824
Oct 26 2015, 10:53 PM
My parents don't even understand that LGBT+ isn't a choice. Or they claim to "accept" it but the moment a person they know isn't straight pisses them off, they instantly say something phobic of them. And that pisses me off. It's the main reason I haven't straight-up told them that I'm definitely not straight. As for the whole alternative thing, they're just glad I'm not wearing short skirts and crop tops or cutting for Bieber/Zane/whoever else is doing weed these days. They don't agree with it but they'd definitely prefer me the way I am than if I'm trying to be popular.
Emo Pictures - hiding_in_the_dark
Posts: 313
Oct 27 2015, 02:01 AM
My parents don't understand anything. Not to sound stereotypical or anything but they legitimately don't understand the LGBT community, why I like things that I do ect. I explained social interactions to my mom for the emo culture and she kinda understands but they hate it cause they're super religious and closed minded
Emo Pictures - xDeadintheDirtx
Posts: 362
Oct 27 2015, 04:05 AM
My mom was a little weary about it at first but my luckily my mom was always kind of a free spirit/rebellious youth so she let me dress how I wanted for the most part,even taught me how to straighten my hair. She never let me get any piercings or dye my hair or use make-up/paint my nails though. Just stop viewing it as a culture and saying you're wanting to "be" this subculture. Try and explain it as this way of dressing and style makes you feel better about yourself and you feel like it represents who you are as a person. They might be more likely to come around if they think you're doing it because it's who you are and will make you happy rather than just perceiving it as following a trend and all the negative aspects of that group being thrown in there.
Emo Pictures - DaRk_CaRniVal
Posts: 475
Oct 27 2015, 06:24 AM
^ I'm allowed to dye my hair 😶 but my parents said that if I get any piercings or tattoos (even though they have at least one tattoo themselves) then I'm being disowned ._.
Emo Pictures - xDeadintheDirtx
Posts: 362
Oct 27 2015, 03:03 PM
Well,maybe you can talk them into the piercings,but I'd wait until you're older and on your own a bit more for a tattoo anyways, trust me, I've had too many friends get a tattoo at young age and then hate it after a year or two.
Emo Pictures - Undead_Nightmare
Posts: 824
Oct 27 2015, 11:27 PM
^ just to add, try to get something with a deep, personal meaning to you. Not just a lover's name or a band you like. That way it won't be something you hate or regret after a while
Emo Pictures - Thischik_lyndi
Posts: 1
Oct 31 2015, 02:05 AM
My parents think its weird and dont fully like me doing it. They let me dress for the most part how I want but they wont let me get tatoos or piercings. They make feel like Im being judged often though
Emo Pictures - _smurf_
Posts: 10
Nov 20 2015, 11:06 PM
Sorry you have to go through that :/ My parents are pretty chill, dad likes it all and mom's just like "You do you"
Emo Pictures - MaximusStephonovich
Posts: 212
Nov 21 2015, 02:01 AM
Yeah you children, don't be doing no drugs. I like the Emu culture.
Emo Pictures - heatherthekitty
Posts: 3
Nov 22 2015, 09:49 PM
My brother and my sis that I moved in with don't really mind it, I'm allowed to dye my hair, and dress that way however they are kinda religious and don't let me wear skulls or anything "satanic". So I can't wear a lot of my band t-shirts, however my godmother accepted it all, even piercings. My brother doesn't want me getting any however, but they are thinking about allowing me a nose ring (septum) so... yeah. It took a long time however for my family to accept it at first they hated it and especially my godmother she hated the hair a lot because she thought that there was too much hair pulled over??? Anyway, it took awhile but now my family sees that it isn't really a "phase" for me being an alternative. Telling them about the culture and all the psitive things about it might ease them into it, show them some good music from one of your bands too. If they don't like it either way do tell them you are wanting to express yourself freely, you don't want to conform. Just take one step at a time. I can make a video on here to help with family members/parents that are unsupportive, and you can show your parents it. if you would like that.
Emo Pictures - Chessy
Posts: 7
Dec 23 2015, 01:30 PM
As long as I was living with my father , he set me some borders like dyeing hair some 'weird' color like blue etc. or having tatoos, but when it comes to music, concerts and clothes he was pretty chill bout it.
Emo Pictures - FusionFallX
Posts: 21
Jan 30 2016, 07:54 AM
Hell yeah boi! My mom is a 50 year old emo herself! Her favorite band is Falling in Reverse -cringe- true about the Falling in Reverse part.
Emo Pictures - MaximusStephonovich
Posts: 212
Jan 30 2016, 10:07 PM
I thought I would say something clever, but I lost interest.
Posts: 8
Apr 01 2016, 06:00 PM
eh my mom used to be picky but now she doesn't care as much...but she still doesn't like the bands i like :/
Posts: 19
May 19 2016, 10:56 PM
my parents don't agree with it or me they just say that's my style and my mom just says you look cool no one in my family likes that I'm emo or that my hair is always in my eye they say I shouldn't hide my face cuz i have a beautiful face but my dad likes screamo he gave it a try I think he lik BVB

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