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Emo Forums » Emo Music (Reply)

Posts: 309
My Digital Escape - not a band May 04 2016, 11:38 PM
My Digital Escape is a youtube collaboration account with a bunch of people such as Bryan Stars, Johnnie Guilbert, Alex Dorame, Shannon Taylor, Jordan Sweeto and etc. Most of them are starting their music careers and was wondering what do you guys think about their music?


Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18264
May 04 2016, 11:46 PM
Only heard some of Bryan songs and not a massive fan. How about you?
Posts: 309
May 04 2016, 11:58 PM
im not a big fan of their music career honestly but some of Jordan Sweeto's songs are good. and soundslikeharmony/tyler hagen's which is Shannon's boyfriend at the moment.
Emo Pictures - DeathcoreIsCool
Posts: 14
May 05 2016, 03:26 AM
Yeah it annoys me how when I liked them on facebook they went into my music list...
Emo Pictures - xDeadintheDirtx
Posts: 362
May 05 2016, 03:35 AM
I like Johnnie's stuff and Sounds Like Harmony is okay but that's about it. Don't really like any of the other stuff or the channel but I respect their music.
Emo Pictures - Avalanche
Posts: 98
May 05 2016, 04:20 PM
Not going to lie. I really dislike mde and even I didn't expect Bryans music to be so bad. When I clicked on of the music videos I feel like it instantly gave me cancer.
Posts: 309
May 08 2016, 06:08 AM
I agree with all of you about this, honestly. I mean I understand that they want to try a music career but not a lot of people will be attracted to it. when I saw Bryan's music videos ( I think there's 2 now), I was immediately hit with that autotune vibe. I'd rather listen to him covering tyler hagen's song acapella which was really impressing.
Emo Pictures - ReverseWhiskey
Posts: 5
May 13 2016, 08:23 PM
I like them as youtubers, and I don't mind Sounds Like Harmony and Johnnie's music, I just don't listen to it regularly, only if it fits my current mood.

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