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We're a broken people living under a loaded gun, it can't be outfought, it can't be undone, it can't be outmatched, it can't be out run. The Catalyst, by Linkin Park

Emo Forums » Emo Fashion (Reply)

Emo Pictures - DaRk_CaRniVal
Posts: 475
Make up: needed or nah? May 07 2016, 09:15 PM
I'm not the biggest fan of make up. I get put off it when I see people have it caked on >.< but I think the thing that annoys me most is the eye brows. When people shave them off and draw them back on, then say its natural. Umm.. Okay.. I've seen girls as young as 10 with the stuff on. Do you believe make up is necessary?


Emo Pictures - ThePiercedCosplayer
Posts: 35
May 08 2016, 08:19 PM
well i no i feel more comfterbal with evelinner, mascara and drawen on my eyebrows (my eyebrows are natrualy that faint you cant see them cos im natruly gignger) my fianice loves it when i dont wear make up. tbh i think its just down to personal taste up and what makes you feel comfterbal. but aye lassies that young shood be worrid bout playin in the park not bout make up, gettin a bf or dressin slutty c:
Emo Pictures - xxLuna-Escapexx
Posts: 1
Jun 12 2016, 12:10 AM
Hehe don't let the way other people wear their make-up put you off wearing it yourself. You can wear it more natural looking, with more of a dewy finish if you're not a fan of the matte (cakey) look. And I guess people draw on their eyebrows because they want different shapes and don't want to commit to a single shape c: (lol this was me for a few years). As for if I think it's necessary or not... I think it can be, in terms of making someone feel better about themselves. Because it can empower a persons sense of self esteem in a way where it doesn't physically or emotionally hurt another person, so I'm all for it. This is coming from a person who feels uncomfortable going out without make-up, due to my low self esteem.
Emo Pictures - Undead_Nightmare
Posts: 824
Jun 12 2016, 09:00 PM
It's all down to personal preference. I don't think makeup is necessary for me as I've hardly ever worn it and find it feels weird on my face. Also some ingredients in cosmetics (I haven't figured out which ingredients yet) tend to burn my skin and even cause itchy rashes so not fun! But for those who do feel comfortable in it, it can be a massive confidence boost and even a form of their self-expression so for them it can be necessary. The point being: whether or not you think it's necessary, it's not cool to make someone feel bad for a personal choice and I'm glad that people on here seem to be taking that approach too :)
Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Jun 16 2016, 10:35 PM
And what is wrong with shaved and drawn on brows now ? ;) Admittedly it takes practice to do them well and make them look neat, if the natural look is what your after ( i dont need to tell myself that!!) but makeup is just another for of self-expression, so dont let what someone else is doing put you off, trying the stuff for yourself! :) For some makeup is a confidence boost, feel good kick and an outlet... Not all wear it to mask themselves, hide things or wear to impress. So is it a necessity or not ? that is totally upto personal preferences :) For me personally i wear makeup because i enjoy wearing it. It makes my style my own and is an extension of my personality. Some days i look like some kinda alien with no eyebrows or makeup at all, others i'm a full blown goth chick and i'm happy as both :3 (admittedly taken me afew years to get to this stage and realize i can be happy being both makeup less or with it). I also Agree with you that young kids nowadays are in a seemly huge rush to "grow up" and meet society's idea of beauty etc, which is a huge shame but blame the media and today's societal cultures for this occurring. However, if i ever were to have kids of my own i cant see any issues in allowing a 7/8 year old things like abit of lipgloss or concealer for spots. Only because at that age i was borrowing my mates and my mothers make up and messing around and trying it out myself.. however allowing a young child loads of makeup ie when 10 yr olds start looking like 14/15 yr olds through makeup alone, that is where i draw the line. Children need t be kids and experiment/explore things (aka have a childhood) but not feel pressured by society to conform to it's beauty standards...leave that worry till they are older/teen years and can decide themselves if they want too or not!!
Emo Pictures - MaximusStephonovich
Posts: 212
Jun 18 2016, 03:03 PM
YES, MORE MAKE UP. Nah I don't know, I don't really care. So long as they are not trying to be someone else.
Emo Pictures - ShatteredRipple
Posts: 35
Jul 22 2016, 12:44 PM
I can't wear eyeliner due to allergies and I hate foundation on my skin coz I have very dry skin and I'm prone to facial eczema. So I just wear lipstick or lip gloss.
Posts: 20
Aug 06 2016, 10:00 PM
Just eyeliner.
Emo Pictures - PurpleFire
Posts: 288
Aug 19 2016, 04:21 PM
I don't like caked on makeup either. I only really use foundation to hide my red cheeks cause I seriously don't like them. Otherwise, I wear eyeliner, concealer and eyeshadow.
Posts: 309
Oct 16 2016, 09:42 PM
if seeing people with too much makeup annoys you, we get it. it's not a natural, everyday look. but don't let that get in the way of you trying it for yourself. some people wear heavy makeup because they have skin problems or they are just really insecure. sometimes, they have a big event to go to or maybe they just feel better about themselves when they wear makeup. not everyone has the same reasons why they wear makeup but in the end, you can't control it so..
Posts: 24
Jan 17 2017, 02:06 AM
makeup irritates my skin.
Posts: 2174
Jan 17 2017, 11:51 PM
Make up is kind of a hobby for me I guess. I find it fun and kind of therapeutic in a weird way. It's can also be really creative and expressive so I love it. :) I have in the past used makeup because I was uncomfortable with my skin because I had acne as a teen/young adult and felt really bad about it. I still get mild acne if I eat bad or during that time of the month but I'm just more comfortable in my own skin now and most days I don't wear any makeup. I think it's very individual... if you wanna wear make up because it helps you feel more comfortable, or express yourself, or you just like how it looks then awesome... go for it! Or don't wear any at all, do what makes you happy and don't judge others for wearing make up or not wearing it. You may think it looks bad but someone else may like. Just like any style/fashion or lifestyle choice and just because we don't like it doesn't mean we should comment negatively on it, you never know what that person is going through!
Posts: 89
Jan 18 2017, 02:33 AM
The xtraordinary becomes boring, when it happens every day. So, don't do always the same. I think that's the best.
Emo Pictures - Erebus
Posts: 149
Jan 24 2017, 10:46 AM
Never bothered with makeup, didn't feel comfortable for me and even if I did want to use it, I have no experience with cosmetics of any sort at all.
Emo Pictures - Anarchy_Rulz
Posts: 37
Jul 03 2017, 07:12 AM
You don't need to wear make up to be emo.
Posts: 57
Aug 25 2017, 02:01 AM
I don't wear eyeliner, the only thing I do wear is concealer due to having nasty eye lines/dark circles under my eyes, no matter if I sleep enough they won't go. :(
Posts: 5
Oct 04 2017, 12:49 AM
Meh. It depends. I wear make up for parties and gatherings, etc. but rlly tho, it’s up to you. U want it? Go for it! U don’t? Then don’t! ^_^

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