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I wrote this song about you isn't that cliche' of me to do but it's nothing for you, the band just needed something more to play I Wrote This Song, by Making April

Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Posts: 46
Facing judgmental people Sep 18 2016, 04:12 PM
It's weird that I get judged for being black and liking alternative more than I get judged for liking alternative. It's weird, stupid, and tiring, so I'll quit trying to explain it to people. What about you guys?


Emo Pictures - PurpleFire
Posts: 289
Sep 19 2016, 12:44 PM
Can't relate on race, but it always does bother me when everybody sees any Alternative scene as purely white. I've looked up POC ____ (insert Alternative scene) on Google before and the most I find is generally Asians or Hispanics, but it's super hard to find Blacks or general dark skinned Alternative kids. It bothers me quite a fair bit but yeah. Oh, and about being judged for race; that's racism for you. Learning about the slave trade and I'm disgusted in my own country. So yeah... Sorry you are going through that, but those assholes are simply that; assholes. (Btw, you rock you! If you wanna be an Alternative kid, don't let race get in the way. You rock you! ^^)
Posts: 46
Sep 19 2016, 01:56 PM
I noticed that too when looking it up, and when I was younger I temporarily gave up on alternative styles because it seemed nearly impossible for it to look good on me. But, now I have more confidence and I'd like to model for it, But, as I grew up, it became sad enough to be funny that when I go outside, talking to people mostly consists of, "That's racist. That's inaccurate and even more racist. That's homophobic. You can't even say that, freedom of speech doesn't cover that!" And more XD
Emo Pictures - PurpleFire
Posts: 289
Sep 19 2016, 03:42 PM
Wow XD Those people should go fuck themselves. Like, sorry, but I hugely doubt a Black person wearing Alternative clothes is "racist" or "homophobic"; it's the person wearing what they fucking want to.
Posts: 46
Sep 19 2016, 05:23 PM
XD exactly. The worst was when it was my mom saying it, but, I somewhat expected her to say something like it.
Emo Pictures - PurpleFire
Posts: 289
Sep 20 2016, 09:38 AM
Ugh... That must be the worst... Well, you are quite like Zoe in "Silent Scream" then. I know how it feels. My dad was the same. he told me off for watching PewDiePie, MLP and listening to Skillet at the age of 11. -_- And he told me off for going on tumblr, as well. And listening to Linkin Park. And basically everything.
Posts: 46
Sep 20 2016, 07:39 PM
"Silent Scream" is actually one of my favorite songs! Mainly because my favorite songs depends on which songs make me cry, but, thankfully my dad is a little better than my mom with accepting things. I still can't talk to him on LGBT matters or stuff like that though, he really doesn't like it
Emo Pictures - PurpleFire
Posts: 289
Sep 20 2016, 08:42 PM
Better, but not by much. Yeah, I like 'Silent Scream' too. I understand Zoe well too much.
Emo Pictures - Anonymous_Editor
Posts: 22
Feb 28 2018, 06:09 AM
Honestly, I just ignore them, I can be who I choose to be, same to everyone on this website. Not a person can tell you any different.
Posts: 548
May 19 2018, 06:10 AM
I am from a Hispanic background, Mexican, and always been lighter skinned compared to my relatives and family members. Keeping this in mind, my distant family had a little dispute on what kind of clothing I was relating myself to, when my mother would post pictures of me and her together. It was always so odd for me because, I mean my close family: like my mom and dad, and siblings, they all kind of just went with it, noting that this was just how I liked to dress. But everyone else just seemed so judgemental especially with the fact that I am Mexican. So yesh, I totally understand what you are saying.
Emo Pictures - holy
Posts: 78
May 19 2018, 04:17 PM
People judge when something/someone threatens their general way of thinking and/or beliefs.
Posts: 17
May 22 2018, 12:56 PM
I know what you mean. I mean, I haven't had anything about my race or anything, but I know plenty of people who hate foster-adopt. I get looks all the time for being one. Had a few comments like "you're adopted. I'm not sure you'll even understand this." Or the fact that I'm blonde. Recently I had multiple ask me if I'm way Younger than I am (usually 12-15 save some who think I'm 10.) But yeah. I understand the struggle. People are assholes no matter where you go.
Posts: 71
Jul 31 2018, 09:46 AM
how many chocolates do you eat when you see your reflection?
Posts: 71
Jul 31 2018, 09:48 AM
yo mish, the only struggle you know is what colour to dye your hair, here is a news flash, none of them look good on you
Posts: 71
Jul 31 2018, 09:53 AM
PurpleFire, just because you learnt history, you will know nothing about prejudice, nothing no matter what you say or think, which mcdonalds were you driving to when you took your profile pic?

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