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Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - Undead_Nightmare
Posts: 824
Thoughts on veganism/vegetarianism? Nov 07 2016, 08:34 AM
Some people consider vegetarianism a part of the emo lifestyle, so what are your thoughts on it and those who choose not to eat meat? What are your personal experiences? Is there a food you'd REALLY miss if you were to become veggie? Personally, I don't think any lifestyle on the part of an individual person will change how many animals suffer and die at the hands of humans as there are more omnivores out there than vegans and vegetarians, but it's admirable that someone would choose to have as little part in it as possible. I myself have been a vegetarian of some sort since the age of 14. Don't miss meat at all (not even bacon :p) but did miss cheese and mayo when my meds forced me to become practically vegan due to making me intolerant to eggs and dairy. I had quite a bad experience with veganism as it made me very sick (on top of being sick already) and I started losing even more weight than I already was (I probably did it wrong as hadn't taken the time to research veganism before being thrown into it). So a very worried boyfriend and family convinced me to try fish for the first time in about a decadeā€¦ and I still eat a little bit of fish occasionally even though I've changed my meds and it seems I can digest egg and milk again.


Emo Pictures - Kate
Posts: 4199
Nov 07 2016, 03:06 PM
gosh, it's been ages since i've heard that statement about the culture! try getting yourself tested for intolerance if you still cant eat certain foods without physical discomfort and yes, you need to in-depth research and sometimes need a medical opinion before you transfer to a veggie and deffinantly before going vegan. Vegan is a tricky one as depends how serious you are about it..ie are you living the full lifestyle, eating just part of the diet (eg main concepts minus preservative ingredients) or eating the full deit of no animal products or by-products within your food at all. I've swapped between all three over the the years for a variety of reasons and the only thing i ever missed and still do is eating white chocolate as used to love the stuff xD
Emo Pictures - DaRk_CaRniVal
Posts: 475
Nov 07 2016, 08:19 PM
Simply- I have no problems with vegans/vegetarians. Does it matter what you eat, as long as its somewhat healthy? But I hate it when they try to guilt-trip you into becoming vegan/vegetarian. I'm not saying they all do it. But ones I've met have and they hate me because I eat meat. Plants are living things too ._. So yeah.
Emo Pictures - Undead_Nightmare
Posts: 824
Nov 08 2016, 05:48 AM
The discomfort went away after changing my meds, I just get a little bloated after consuming egg or dairy now :) Dark_Carnival, you make an excellent point, as long as you're healthy it doesn't really matter what you eat, and yea I don't like the ones that guilt-trip you into becoming veggie too. I know how it feels because I had a family who just didn't agree with my choice to not eat meat and still tried to put it on my plate at mealtimes. So I think we should all just respect each other's dietary choices no matter what we eat. I missed chocolate too when I couldn't digest milk! And ice cream XD I had to get vegan alternatives to almost everything tbh. Some tasted amazing (vegan ice cream!!) but others were just bland and uninteresting (vegan cheese)
Posts: 24
Dec 07 2016, 12:20 AM
I can't. I love meat too much. But I have no problem with anyone who doesn't eat meat. As long as you don't eat people i couldn't care less about what you eat.
Posts: 89
Dec 07 2016, 03:09 PM
There r famous free runners who r vegans. So there is no problem to be vegan, even for an athlete. But there is no way 2 make the majority of people become vegans. So u can choose whatever u want 2 eat. If u want 2 be vegan, don't eat only raw vegetables. Many of them can be cooked n be as delicious as anything else.
Emo Pictures - PurpleFire
Posts: 289
Dec 07 2016, 04:39 PM
I'm fine with it. I only hope the person is healthy, happy, and not being an asshole about it. I've encountered some vegans that have tried to force it on others so yeah.
Posts: 2171
Dec 11 2016, 10:55 PM
I've been vegetarian since high school and at my age that a long time! More recently I've been reading up on how cruel the dairy and egg industry are too and I can see myself cutting them out in the near future! I believe not only is it not right to kill animals for food but I believe it is better for the planet and our health to not consume animal products. I believe in giving people the knowledge of why someone may chose to be vegetarian or vegan but I would never force anyone to do so or make them feel bad about it or whatever.
Posts: 309
Jan 12 2017, 01:35 AM
i don't think that i can ever become a vegan or vegetarian but i can see myself be a pescatarian in the future, for sure. i'll probably start in college when i can be incharge of what i eat.
Posts: 22
Jan 15 2017, 06:00 AM
I actually am a vegitarian. I have been for 5 years because i get really sick when i eat meat. It doesnt bother me to be friends or be dating someone who eats meat i mean its not my choice to choose what they eat so why guilt them into doing something they dont want....I do miss having turkey on thanksgiving but its either my health or turkey and i dont think its worth it so..... but being a vegitarian does have its benifits and downfall, ex: i eat healthier now but my mom usually has to call ahead to a restraunt to see if they have vegitarian options for me and its a hastle. I have had a lot more energy though since the switch.
Posts: 548
Mar 15 2018, 03:28 PM
I have no problem with vegans or vegetarians. Especially since recently I found out I was lactose intolerant, I still frequently indulge in cheeses or dairy products tho. I think honestly I can never really give up meat in general, the closet I think I would come to would be a pescatarian.

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