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I could never be What you want me to You pulled me under To save yourself You will never see What's inside of me I pulled you under just to save myself Coming Down, by 5FDP

Emo Forums » Emo Poetry (Reply)

Posts: 15
Illusion of Choice May 18 2019, 06:02 PM
Walking around with the illusion of choice, little do they realize how their choices are prepaid. Constantly choosing to do nothing while their hooked on what they think they must do translates addiction into relapse. Dividing life into what they believe they control, time-after-time their minds succumb to collapse. Obsessed with the idea of hope they aimlessly walk in this distorted reality while each day adds a new string to the rope. They expect me to have grips of this sentiment of disarray of lost hope, but I do not relate. When you walk around reality with eyes that now see and ears that now hear, you begin to witness the true dysfunction behind the seeds of corruption that are sprouting around you. Once your gone, your lost forever they say...but perhaps you can wake up in a different place, a different time, maybe even a different person. No matter how much they pry the staples that suture my mind, nothing will numb the pain but at least surely I know I wont die in vain


Emo Pictures - fakeness
Posts: 18
Jun 15 2019, 11:17 PM
fuck thats really good
Posts: 1726
Jul 26 2019, 07:36 AM
The government give us an illusion of choice It’s all a Conspiracy

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