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This isn't fair! Don't you try to blame this on me! My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me. And god damn it, I can barely say your name, so I'll try to write and fill the pen with blood from the sink. Bulletproof Love, by Pierce The Veil

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - xX_so_sad_Xx
Posts: 53
if this is true love, then i'd rather be alone. Apr 13 2020, 05:25 AM
i got woken up at 2am this morning to the sounds of my parents screaming and crying at each other and threatening divorce. this is not the first time and it won't be the last. they argue and upset each other every other day if not everyday. my mom says that it's normal, a sign of a healthy relationship to argue like this. she's also the same person that has told me straight-faced and with my dad in the room that "marriage is only a business transaction." does anyone else have parents like this? does anyone know any married couple that is actually in love and have stayed together? does love even exist? i don't think people are supposed to be together for that long. i've barely even been able to keep a regular friend for more than 2 years before they leave me. my parents are going on a little over 20 years now. i think maybe they're up to expire...


Emo Pictures - Ghost_of_Silence
Posts: 314
Apr 13 2020, 10:24 AM
Its normal for couples to fight from time to time but not if its an every day occurrance and especially not if divorce is being threatened. If they call that normal then Im sorry to tell you theyre either lying to you or themselves. When it comes to fights its not as bad as you describe, and afterward there is usually some form of mutual problem solving or compromise. It takes effort from both sides. In terms of marriage, it depends on how you view it. At its core it is most definately a business transaction in which both parties benefit financially so long as they stay together, but if you want to see it from a more symbolic or spiritual light it can be more than just a contract, but what you choose to believe is up to you.
Emo Pictures - n45tyr4t
Posts: 67
Apr 13 2020, 06:12 PM
my parents did this too.. i know how it feels. it had a huge toll on me. love doesnt always last, i guess. for my parents, it was kind of like a whole 'stay together for the kids' kind of thing. relationships arent always healthy, but i rlly do hope ur parents can work it out in a friendly way.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18235
Apr 14 2020, 03:09 PM
My parents use to argue a lot sometimes, but I guess everyone can have rough patches. They are still together years later so it's all good. Some people just aren't meant to be though. A bit of arguing is fine, but quite a lot for a long time probably isn't that healthy!

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