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I heard you were waisted and thinking ‘bout the past again, darlin’ you’ll be okay Hold on till May, by Pierce The Veil

Emo Forums » Emo Poetry (Reply)

Emo Pictures - ChaoticAngel666
Posts: 13
CoachTripHome.jpeg Oct 26 2020, 03:06 AM
I don't know how I'm feeling any of the time. It's stupid and impulsive, compulsive feelings. All I can see in my brain are replays of memories, conversations and times I thought my world was ending but it never did. Professional train wreck. sociopathic or delusional is all I know, but I feel too much. Feelings arnt facts and the fact is I've been deeply unhappy for such a long time that whenever anything remotely bad happens I am indifferent. I wanted to die before I even had a reason to. Trauma is relative to how you perceive it to be. This shit is so deep seated, I'm constantly overwhelmed. I wouldn't know how to live honestly if I tried because honestly I never know if how I'm feeling is real or an elaborate trick I'm playing on myself and the people around me.


Emo Pictures - Ghost_of_Silence
Posts: 318
Oct 29 2020, 10:35 PM
you're right... it is all relative. its kinda funny now that I think about it. all those times in the past that I wished I could return to a previous hell in my life, at least now I understand why.

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