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My ship went down In a sea of sound. When I woke up alone I had everything: A handful of moments I wished I could change And a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade. Therapy, by All Time Low

Emo Forums » Love And Relationships (Reply)

Emo Pictures - isimaker
Posts: 9
How to find Emo-Friends? Mar 16 2022, 10:02 PM

I don't look Emo anymore since 2 years , because I'm scared to feel too much outcast. I don't have Emo-Friends but I'm a born one. I can't cope with it. Even though I live near Cologne, I only find Punks and Gothics since 2010, but Emo seems pretty dead here. I dream of visiting America to find people of my kind on Emo-Concerts/Festivals. Fans of "Emo-Artists" don't look Emo here and as an Example:I am on Amino by BVB-Fansites, but they don't even have an Emo-Mind. How can I find Emo's? Even though you live in America, how do you met your Emo-Friends? Are there specific places to find them?


Emo Pictures - Ghost_of_Silence
Posts: 318
Mar 17 2022, 06:00 AM

Wouldn't know. Outside of online spaces, other emos are few and far between. so far I haven't found any dedicated clubs or social spaces where emos congregate, guess you'll just have to be lucky enough to bump into one of us by sheer chance. not gonna lie to you it can feel very isolating. my advice though, be true to yourself and you will find more genuine friends over those who fall for the mask (as long as it is safe to do so wherever you live, I know some countries can make life as an emo particularly dangerous)

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Posts: 18278
Mar 17 2022, 09:39 AM

For me it's either online or at gigs. Hopefully the emo scene will get a bit more popular again with some of the old emo bands making a bit of a come back.

Emo Pictures - X_LoserKidd_X
Posts: 511
Mar 21 2022, 10:39 PM

Considering my age, I was emo when emo started and so were my friends in school and around town. 

However, I'm now the wrong side of 30 and whilst my existing friends still listen to the music, none of them still dress or look the emo way except me. 

Tbh, this site is the only way I have still found similar people to me in dress and emo attitude. The only issue being age. There's almost this "you're older now, gotta dress like it". Sod that...I feel comfy in vans, skinny jean and a band T and always have. My hair will forever be changing colour, there will always be metal in my face, stretchers in my ears and tattoos constantly being added. 

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