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Emo Forums » Emo Lifestyle (Reply)

Emo Pictures - X_fragile__soul_X
Posts: 13
Why is emo stereotyped as being a phase when goth/metal etc isn't ? Apr 15 2022, 12:32 AM

Am I the only one who thinks about this now and again? Just find it a weird thing to be honest, its just a music genre and a genre that I will probably love for the rest of my life. I guess you could say I will be emo 'till the day I die' lol (without being too dramatic! but then that comes with the territory xD). Also hate the expectation that you stop expressing yourself after a certain age:( its not like you magically morph into a person with different interests at 18 or 19 haha, especially if you've loved something all through your teens its pretty permanent at that stage and not really a phase


Emo Pictures - Ghost_of_Silence
Posts: 314
Apr 15 2022, 06:16 AM

if I had to guess its because emo by comparison to goth or metal is relatively new, but its weird to hear people say its just a phase nowadays. I guess context is needed here, what general age groups / social circles do you tend to hear this nonsense spouted by? if its the older crowd, ignore them, chances are they wont change their opinions til the day they die.

Emo Pictures - X_fragile__soul_X
Posts: 13
Apr 15 2022, 12:53 PM

True, I suppose its mainly online that I see it, mostly 30 year olds sharing pictures from when they were in their emo phase and saying how they converted to being goth/a metalhead haha. It seems to be the mainstream view of emo that the fans somehow disappear at 18 but its not a phase for everyone!:) emo bands are more expressive anyway, couldn't imagine myself in another genre really :P

Emo Pictures - em0grl
Posts: 69
Apr 18 2022, 02:49 PM

It really sucks :( I think a lot of the misconception of it being a phase comes from the fact that when this subculture started, a lot of the people doing it were in their preteens/teens and people tend to disregard anything young people are into, even though there are adult emos!! The best thing to do is ignore any comments like that, because there's always gonna be people who don't understand. 

Apr 29 2022, 02:58 AM

it's a completely false stereotype in some people but not everyone drift boss

Emo Pictures - X_fragile__soul_X
Posts: 13
Apr 30 2022, 01:34 AM

Thanks! Yeah exactly, we just gotta keep doing what we love despite what anyone says 😁💪

Emo Pictures - xXghost07Xx
Posts: 58
May 12 2022, 06:34 AM

Because the people who say it's a phase are stupid.

Posts: 12
May 20 2022, 12:00 AM

It’s quite annoying but I think it just comes down to people hoping on the lifestyle and dropping it ,as it trendy so so when the buzz died and let’s be real a large amount of people left emo behind and now there spiked belts and chequered gloves are probably gathering dust somewhere locked in there sarcophagus of lost interest ;(

Emo Pictures - XxViktor_is_tiredxX
Posts: 1
Jul 10 2022, 05:37 AM
Zomg! Yes. I think it's becuz it kinda popped up In the 2000s, whereas goth and metal have been there for a long time! However it's odd they still do that. Anyway, it'll never be a phase for me, been emo for years.
Posts: 3
Jul 16 2022, 12:24 PM

I am 31 and can confirm that it is not "just a phase". The thing that I see most elder emos say when it comes to their own emo "phase" is that they had to change in order to find work and adapt into the "adult world". I noped out of this from the very start and became my own boss as a freelancer. The bright side is that with emo making a comeback, elder emos are realising that they are still emo and are completely ready to embrace it again. It does my little black heart good.

Emo Pictures - xx-AngelSlayer-xx
Posts: 25
Dec 04 2022, 07:18 PM

I think all alternative people kinda get told they're just in a phase. I think that idea comes from people who do it just for the trend, but honestly? It shouldn't matter if it's just a phase, people are in an ever changing state so by that logic you shouldn't like or do anything because it won't be forever. Like if you think by that logic everyone might as well dye their hair grey now because their current hair colour is "just a phase." Life is just a phase. It literally doesn't matter if you stay alternative for the rest of your life, I hate the way people only apply this logic to things they think are weird.

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