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Cos I’m a f*cking mess sometimes, but still, I could always be whatever you wanted but not what you needed. Especially when you’ve been needing me Drugs, by Eden

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - -a-walking-nobody-


Chye Harrison(Ugly As Fuck,right?)
25 / Female / west chester , ohio, United States
Pansexual / It's Complicated
Member since: Oct 13, 2013
Last online: May 26, 2014

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Contact me by...
Email 2:Walkingnobody@gmail.com

&3!chye{&} <3

color:red,blue,black,and purple
book: 13 reasons why
band:Dont have one
Song:To hard to choose
Movie:The crow or Footlose
body part on me:My eyes
Food:Mash potatoes
Song(S): Friday &Saturday by r.b
people:Judgemental type
I have-
I have a shaking problem
I have trust issues
I have anger issues
I have 4 sisters
I have 2 brothers
I have insomnia
I wish`
I wish i never started using self harm
I wish my parents were different
I wish I was shorter
I wish there was never any war
I wish I was better at making friends
I wish I didn't wear my heart on my sleeve
I still have the first DS
I am majorly into older guys
My female taste is .... still a bit undecided
I want hazel eyes
Or different colored eyes
I'd change everything about myself
Welp anything else you want to know ask! Feel free to ask anything you want I dont care :)
I LOVE YOU!!!! <3

Favourite Music

i like a lot of music so heres some bands and people i like :
Snow white­s poison b­ite
System of­ a down
Asking Ale­xandria
Falling in­ reverse
Stereo sky­line
Amy winehouse
Avril Lav­­igne,
never shou­t never
get scared­
Jeffre sta­r
suicide si­lence
breaking B­enjamin
motionless­ in white
nine inch ­nails
Carrie Und­erwood~cou­ntry lol
my chemica­l romance
Five finge­r death pu­nch
Bring me T­he horizon­
Escape the­ fate
macklemore ryan & ryan ­lewis
Lady gaga
Green day
Disturbedsimple pla­n
faber driv­e
three days­ grace
one republ­ic
Linkin Pa­­rk
3 Door­s ­Down
Al­l time ­low
Ave­nged ­Seven­fold­
breath­e C­arolina­
Bullet f­o­r my Valen­tine
papa roach­
Sleeping ­­with Siren­­s
Secondhand­­ Serenade­
For All Th­­ose Sleep­i­ng
The ­Used­
Blink 182Pierce the­­ Veil
Of Mice an­d Men
miss May I­
Attack! At­­tack!
Motley Cru­­e
The Devil ­­Wears Pra­d­a
Marilyn Ma­­nson
Panic! At­­ The Disco­­
Eyes Set ­­To Kill
hope dies ­last
all americ­an rejects­
many many ­more

Favourite Films / TV / Books

i love horror movies <3 cut,the child called it,hunger games,chew on this, the chronicles of vladimir todd ....yeah i can be a nerd at times

Education / Occupation

going to start working during the summer....
MAYBE lol I really need money though...

Who I'd Like To Meet

ronnie radke, bvb member,uh so many but honestly some true friend i know will be there for me and actually care

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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Oct 13 2013, 02:33 AM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Oct 13 2013, 02:17 AM
Heya -a-walking-nobody- welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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Dec 19 2013, 07:46 PM
Everyone who I was friends with on skype,my mom took it away right before she got hit,sorry. I need time to clear my head before right now I feel like driving a knife through my heart. I hate it and I'm tired of the people i love and care about getting hurt and it hurts worse when its my fault. Truth be told I know none of you will read this, Cause I know none of you actually care but I figured why not? Maybe they'll prove me wrong..If you want to keep in contact you can message me on here..don't know how much I'll be on for awhile but here's my email jellybeansndconverse@gmail.com .. Bye. less
Oct 18 2013, 02:46 AM
i'm not sure wat to put here,so uh-here's the song i wrote for my bud daisy and her asshole of an ex-boyfriend~enjoy loves <3 BEG FOR MERCY: kicking and screaming,you cry out for mercy, your blood splattered face use to be so beautiful . now its to late you wronged me after i warned you , to love me is to play with fire,and if your not care you will get burnt, now my dear your burning alive, tears run down your face, do you want me to feel bad for you?! fuck! you didn't care as you ripped out my heart,stomped on it,but my love, you hurt me for the last time , there's no mercy in this body of mine for lying shit like you, you lay there slowly breathing,you whisper your cry for mercy, as i drive the knife through your throat, your voice makes my head spin, and when you look at me like that it makes me sick! to think i gave you a chance. this love was meaningless from the moment it began, i never should have said yes. but i got caught up in your eyes. stop begging. its too late now as you eyes flutter shut. i lean down to hear your heart stop and now i feel so alone. i want you back, i think i'm sorry, i pull the knife from your throat and kiss your cold lips. i pull back and put it through my heart as the world fades i realize , i love you even though you hurt me, i'm stupid but ready to burn with you.

Dec 19 2013, 07:46 PM

Everyone who I was friends with on skype,my mom took it away right before she got hit,sorry. I need time to clear my head before right now I feel like driving a knife through my heart. I hate it and I'm tired of the people i love and care about getting hurt and it hurts worse when its my fault. Truth be told I know none of you will read this, Cause I know none of you actually care but I figured why not? Maybe they'll prove me wrong..If you want to keep in contact you can message me on here..don't know how much I'll be on for awhile but here's my email jellybeansndconverse@gmail.com .. Bye. less

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Oct 18 2013, 02:46 AM

i'm not sure wat to put here,so uh-here's the song i wrote for my bud daisy and her asshole of an ex-boyfriend~enjoy loves <3 BEG FOR MERCY: kicking and screaming,you cry out for mercy, your blood splattered face use to be so beautiful . now its to late you wronged me after i warned you , to love me is to play with fire,and if your not care you will get burnt, now my dear your burning alive, tears run down your face, do you want me to feel bad for you?! fuck! you didn't care as you ripped out my heart,stomped on it,but my love, you hurt me for the last time , there's no mercy in this body of mine for lying shit like you, you lay there slowly breathing,you whisper your cry for mercy, as i drive the knife through your throat, your voice makes my head spin, and when you look at me like that it makes me sick! to think i gave you a chance. this love was meaningless from the moment it began, i never should have said yes. but i got caught up in your eyes. stop begging. its too late now as you eyes flutter shut. i lean down to hear your heart stop and now i feel so alone. i want you back, i think i'm sorry, i pull the knife from your throat and kiss your cold lips. i pull back and put it through my heart as the world fades i realize , i love you even though you hurt me, i'm stupid but ready to burn with you.

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