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To this nature,So unnatural. ..But home is nowhere., by AFI

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - -nikki-


Nikki Dyer
30 / Female / Horsham (:, United Kingdom
Straight / Single
Member since: Aug 24, 2008
Last online: Aug 19, 2009

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Hey, im Nicola. But frankly i think its a gay name, So call me Nikki, Spelt like that pleasee(: Im somewhat short,and standing at 5ft3, i guess i am. Which makes peole think im younger, but just for the record, im 15 guys :D Naturally, im blonde, but i've put soo many colours in my hair thats it went a weird shade of blonde :S but now, i've put 'chocolate underneath which looks black, but i like it (: Oh, i think i'va also killed my hair with my straightners, im clever. Normally, i quite a friendly person, and sometimes i talk wayy too fast, and i tend to not listen to people. Also, if i don't like you, there is no way you are going to change my mind, sorry. Apparently, i'm bitchy, but who gives a shit anyways. If i get hyper i feel soo sorry for the people round me, i tend to go a lil crazy when im hyper or drunk for that matter. I also get bored VERY easily, so i'll tend to find a way leave the situation :D If you want to get me up before 7, i suggest you have a hott guy and some strong coffee with you, as you can tell i'm not really a 'morning person'. I love to sing, even though i can't and when i do my dad howls up the stairs, i swere i'm not related to him. I like collecting, those funny lil avater things you find randomly on the internet, they amuse me soo much. Have no idea why, weird ey? Fact: Pink is a cool colour. And it follows me everywhere (: Overused; cba, lol/lols, gutted. Bad Habits; Biting Nails, Smoking, Talking fast, Falling asleep whilst babysitting. If you want to find me, i'm usually in town with those losers i call my friends. Oh btw, hurt my friends in anyway, i'll kill you(:, Evii,Lizzi,kiran,jay,nick,chelsea,jaz,amy,sophia,cass, alex,kiri,ryan,lily,aaron,lucy,shannon,niki,amie,amelia,dale,sam & els. I love all of you,and i cannot live wihtout you.Sorry if i've missed anyone out. I ride horseys at Hillcrest Farm with; Lizzi,Hayley,Hannah,Becki,Jake,Richard,Natalie,Sophie,Peter,Alice, Jill&Karen. Evii & Tommy, are getting my into the mighty boosh, which is actaully quite funny. Check it out. :D Msn.AddMe; fairy_princess554@hotmail.com , i'll talk to anyone :D Cba to write more. Loves xx

Favourite Music

Everything on my iPod, I think i would die without it. (: ♪ ♫ ╔═══╗ ♪ ║███║ ♫ ║(●)) ║ ╚═══╝

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Films; Anythign with heath ledger in, i could watch him for hours, which i have done. Big fan of horrors, and a classic disney (Y) Tv; Frankly, i like eastenders, its amusing. ...

Education / Occupation

Going into year 10, going to be fun. I think, Subjects; English,Maths, Triple Science,RE[fullcourse],Art,Citizenship,Russian,Applied French. Having got a clue what im going to do after that, apart from after college going to work in disney, floridaa with evii because it sounds fun. (Y)

Who I'd Like To Meet

I really want to meet simple plan, especially david. Hes a tad hott. And, the queen, haven't got a clue why, it would just be cool to say, 'yeah, i met the queen of england' (:

Comments (Add Comment)

Oct 01 2008, 12:30 PM
yea not bad XD aww, anything up? you sound like you could be better. not really been up to much no just meeting people, what about you? xx
Oct 01 2008, 12:05 PM
I know it has been a long time :O Im good thanks you, Ive been meeting people from the site which is good but my internets slow and anoying. how are you? :P xx
Oct 01 2008, 10:10 AM
Roflcopter! Awwhh man I do love us xD They're gonna be so scared of us when we're in Florida... xD xD Dude. Dude. Dude. I'M SO HAPPY. ilu xxx
Sep 27 2008, 01:08 PM
Lol. I won't :P Ehh. Mine's been okay but now I'm feeling very depressed for some reason. Doing a lot of deep thinking about myself as a person. Lol. Can I say a few words about Chris and Leo? Actually I won't but you know what I'm thinking. :D Jks hun, jks. Y'alreet ? ly xxx
Sep 24 2008, 07:11 AM
He was my friend! And the fifth one is somewhere in my room xD xD You come near him and you will be eaten. Possibly by Oreos Man himself. Or I could just get tommy to crush you with a giant hug again. Hahaha xD XD Anyways. I'm okays; how be you ? loves xxx
Sep 09 2008, 01:56 PM
Aww dont worry about it everyone has days like that. Omg that sounds great, I would love to do that. Take me with you, ill hide in the suitcase :D I wish you the best with that, but you will have to stay in touch :D xx
Sep 09 2008, 09:04 AM
I ment like college or go straight to work? :P sorry I wasnt quick :S xx
Sep 09 2008, 07:07 AM
yea I cant agree that school is shit haha. What do you want to do after school? well glad your kinda okay :S xx
Sep 07 2008, 01:09 PM
Hey ya Yea im good thank you, not been to busy :S How are you? and what have you been up to? xx
Sep 02 2008, 08:26 AM
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Hehe xD You know what I mean xD And btw. Oreos Man was more than a box. Towning tomorrow hun? I'll ring you later. Loveyou xox.
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