Alfie Tobin
32 / Male / Essex, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Straight / Single
Member since:
Apr 21, 2014
Last online:
Nov 17, 2016
Current rating: 10.0/10 (1 votes cast)
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About Me
Hey, im Alfie.. You can call me Alfie!
I am 24 years old... depressing drawing ever closer to 25 :(
I am currently studying a Ba Hons Degree in Music Performance and Tech
I play guitar, a little bit of piano, sing/scream, spoons (poured it right) and I dabble in Drums
I can talk about Music and Bands for hours, so if you want to talk to me, thats a good place to start :)
One of my proudest achievements to date is my Black Belt in Karate :D
I'm also a real game nerd, love my Fantasy style games such as Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, World of Warcraft etc...
Add me on XboxLIVE? - xALFRODOx
any WoW players? Great! My BTag is xALFRODOx#2645
I would say I'm really easy to get on with, so what're you wating for? Drop me a message :)
Favourite Music
Anything and ALMOST Everything
Want to know specifics? Ask me about bands!
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Hobbit, YesMan, Ace Ventura, Gavin and Stacey, How Not To Live Your Life, The Croods, The Mask, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Sons of Anarchy, Greek, Family Guy, South Park, WWE, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Friends, This is The End, Your Highness...
Most Disney Classics
A fair amount of anime
Majority of all comedy films out there
Inheritance (Eragon)
Harry Potter
I sometimes like to read articles in magazines and papers
Not a book, but I love reading lyrics/poems, it can be very inspirational
It's been a long time since I've been even feeling down, let alone the level of depression and utter uselessness that I feel right now..
I can give great advice when the tables are turned but I damn well can't follow my own advice
I feel so cut off and disconnected from everyone and everything around me, as if I'm a ghost, Id be so bold to say loneliness would be an improvement.
What triggered this?
I went out to the bar tonight, with a massive group of friends I've known for most of my life. I use the term friends very loosely, god damn it'd be nice to have a real one.
Out of the 5 hours I was there, 4 and a half of it was spent, me standing in the corner, unincluded, pushed out the group, and uninvolved in conversation and talk of memories and generally having a shit time while everyone else is having a wonderful night. I try to get involved and start conversation, I'm blanked, no one even acknowledges me or answers me.
Tell me, what am I supposed to do when it feels like not a single person would give a damn if I left or dropped dead.
Why can't I break out of this isolation and find a real friend
So I left the bar early, the rain thankfully masking the tears running down my face, to come home to probably cry myself to sleep and vent on this website because it's the only place left where I feel like I can be honest, say what's bothering me and open up without being judged ;-;
My current obsession with Skillet... Is really unhealthy. To the point I could finish this statement off with a bad pun of one of their song titles.
And Jen Ledger is just kqjckshahxjskabdbdjsbsvdh 0.0 <3
Okay, so hopefully without sounding very boastful and such, I'm actually proud and happy with myself and my efforts yesterday, it took me the whole day to work out and learn but i finally got Newton Faulkner's cover of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and his cover of Justin Timberlake's Like I Love You.
So they need a fair amount of work and practice still to get really tight but pretty soon, i am looking at covering these at any acoustic gigs i get. So yeah, productive day
Couldn't help but share this :')
I'd like to reassure anyone going through any problems in life, you're not alone and you don't have to face your demons by yourself.
Whether its bullying, health, family, relationships, friends, etc...
There will always be someone out there who has been through the same thing and will know what you're feeling.
This network is a great place to start, all of us here have sought help and provided help on these forums. Sure, we don't necessarily all know each other that well or even at all, but one thing we have in common is we're all here, on SoEmo, to make new friends that we have more in common with, it is a safe enough place to let your feelings out without being judged.
I've been going through some stuff lately and I chose to distance myself from most people... Now a lot of things are catching up with me and it's effectively a double whammy; i encourage anyone and everyone, speak whats on your mind, never bottle anything up, it makes things worse and never solves anything, the problems won't go away like this.
There are enough people here that you CAN trust, in your own time of course but sometimes the best thing about talking to someone you don't know about your problems, is that they have a non-biased perspective, they're not gonna just tell you what you want to hear, they'll tell you what you need to hear to be able to help yourself.
If you've read all of this, I applaud your perseverance and hope you remember this next time you need help or see someone else asking for it
So, its not far off of 1am here in the UK and instead of sleeping, I'm sketching random Pon and Zi strips :')
What a fun life i lead!
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So the past few days I have been laying down some lyrics, potentially for the band.
A few of the lines i have come out with are not too shabby :)
Quite excited to pitch these lyrics to a track and get some more original material and some more studio time booked!
Things are finally starting to move again for my music :)
Here's a few sneak peeks at some new lines :3
"I dont know what to say
It all just sounds the same anyway
And i dont know what to think
Nothing is gonna change your ways
Why dont you get up and walk away?"...
"One moment Im playing the peacekeeper
The next im firing the first round
How on earth will we make this better
When everything ive worked for
Is burning to the ground"
"Cant you see that you're failing
Cant you see that Im leaving
You dont own me
I can be who i want to be
And Id rather do this alone"
"And I know
When i look into her eyes
I'll see stars
I'll see stars"
Thats enough for now, what do you guys think?
Im getting really excited for bringing these words to life :)
Those moments where guilt takes over completely?
So, today I was working and on the work site I trod on a rake, naturally the thing flew up in the air and hit me in the face (it really hurt but was kinda funny)
My reaction to sustaining injuries is usually to scream and curse at the top of my lungs but for some reason today I came out with "retard baby"
It is safe to say that the young mummy with a pushchair about 10 meters away was not at all impressed :')
I feel bad for laughing about this but it was funny, and I genuinely didn't mean any offence, the words kinda just slipped out in my reaction to pain :')
I believe in a bid to write lyrics after a few drinks back in January I wrote all this down and never used it, but stumbling across it now, it actually seems quite inspirational and helpful for anyone who feels outcast or gets judged on who they are. Drunken Alfie can be pretty deep :')
We live the life we feel with the decisions we were made to make
Some were born to be different to what society claims is normal, but there's nothing wrong with that, If we are just being ourselves, within reason of course
There comes a time when we stop being labels and we start to just become people and we accept others for who they are
Never stop trying to better yourself but don't lose sight of who you are either, because you are born to be yourself and don't let anyone take that away from you
Some decisions in your life will shock you or even scare you but it all just amounts to writing your own chapter in this world, our choices write our story
In the end, everything happens for a reason and everything you do, moulds you into the person you are meant to be.