27 / Female / Minnesota, United States
Pansexual / Single
Member since:
Sep 29, 2014
Last online:
Nov 21, 2014
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
My friends constantly pester me about my height, but personally being short is fine by me. As cliche as this may sound, I prefer dark places where I can sit in peace and listen to music.
Favourite Music
I'm into a lot of genres, though my favorite are post-hardcore and electropop.
If you name a band I'm sure I know it.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I really like cop shows or really anything with a murder aspect to it. I also love horror films despite being a big baby, but my parents and some of my friends think my taste in movies and TV is morbid.
I also really like anime, which is mostly for when I'm bored.
Short horror films are my guilty pleasure and I like anything with a good murder plot in it. I'm really into slasher films, but even more so thrillers with a plot that messes with your mind.
At the same time I love animated movies with cute, fluffy story lines that make me grin like an idiot.
Reading isn't really a thing that I do. But if I had to pick my favorites, they would mostly consist of the Harry Potter series.
Education / Occupation
Who I'd Like To Meet
Really just anyone who won't ridicule me for my taste in music and I can talk to forever about how perfect Tony Perry is.