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I stand broken, God please hear my cries. He does everytime.. Rise Up, by Blessthefall

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - AnNiEbOoBaMbI

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Annie Andrade
27 / Female / Ghost Town, United States
Pansexual / Broken Hearted
Member since: Nov 25, 2013
Last online: Sep 25, 2018

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Hello human ~(^.^)~

Im a fluffin CAT! yup i live that lifestyle if you know what the lifestyle is…. yeah c:

My name must be Anayelly yeah say wat!!! Why its not Annie you say? Well I have been Annie since like FOREVER!!! Yesh FOREVER !!!! dont call me Anayelly oh I give you da face -.-

Anyways SILLY CHILD you!! Blah blah random random is what I usually say Am I shy?possibly in reality yesh on here NO

CANDY IS AMAZING!!!! >.< sugar rush half the time im alive!!!

Rolypolypolice is my doing I swear loyalty to them insects :3 DONT SQUISH THEM :o

maybe I should really say something about me...


Brown hair and brown eyes is me but him special much T^T

Heyy you yea you person!!! If you got them blue or green eyes I will steal them from you :3

Can I has your eyes? 0-0 KITTY KITTY COME HERE LIL KITTY LETS GET CHOCOLATE WASTED TOGETHER THEN DANCE OFF INTO THE SUNSET YEAH!!! *dancing and dancing and dancing* Gummy gummy gummy bear mmmmmm ima eat you gummy bear ohhh a jumbo gummy bear >.< Nanananananana BATMAN!!!!!!!

*bark bark* Ohh gosh is there a dog in here :o

Ohh helloooo there >.< didn't see yea there You wanna know more about me??? Seriously ?? Didn't bail on the last few random things I said?? Wow well ok den!

Me likes cupcakes!! Yesh cup a cakes (: MONSTER IS AMAZING!!!

Im a couch potato on the weekends :3 and I dont get out much but when I do... I still dont do anything :D

CAN I HAVE AN AWESOME ACCENT!!!?? I would talk soooooo much if I did have a cool accent haha like I would NEVER shut up!!!

im a silly child like the rest of silly children in dis world of a world :3 Lalalalalalalala sooo ADDDDD MEEEEE!!!

CAUSE I WANT YOU TO BE MY FRIEND :p *sits in corner eats ice cream* ADIOSSS MUCHACHOS!! I have a COUCH POTATO BUDDY names PYSCHO & I own a SILLY CARLOS THE TACO FAHGOT also dont mess with my CHRISSI or I will make u eat veggies e.e

Kellin Is Always an forever mine e.e it was love at first site <3 you cant steal him, especially Will cant e.e

My friends that go to my school are on here too soo check them out :3 its my friend Candy , Chris, and Potato e.e

:3 Well hmmm I guess thats all about me or maybe there is more but I cant remember everything about me hahaha silly me anyways add me or message me to talk (:

Favourite Music

Of mice and men, bring me the horizon, pierce the veil, escape the fate, sleeping with sirens, suicide silence, the story so far, panic at the disco, a day to remember, miss may i, three days grace, august burns red, memphis may fire, letlive, skylit drive, paramore, i see stars, falling in reverse, asking alexandria, nirvana, vampire weekend, crown the empire, breathe carolina, parkway drive, nevershoutnever, eatmewhileimhot, attack attack, bless the fall, black veil brides, sublime, D.r.u.g.s, bullet for my valentine, snow whites poison bite, as i lay dying, devil wears prada, streetlight manifesto, woe is me, blink 182, camila, all time low, my chemical romance, secondhand seranade, abandon all ships, avenged sevenfold, alesana, evascense, mayday parade, iron maiden, emery, stick to your guns, motionless in white, we butter the bread with butter, sum 41, 30seconds to Mars, The ghost inside, Hands like houses, My my misfire, There is more but i cant think straight right now..... Ill keep writing them down later :3

Favourite Films / TV / Books

The nightmare before christmas!! Coraline!!! Corpses bride!! The avengers!! All iron man and batman movies and teenage mutant ninja turtle movies and tv show And soo much more my lovliess! Tv shows~ adventure time! American horror story! Spongebob! And a bunch of freakin anime like black butler, soul eater, fairytail, my little monster, brothers conflict, blue excorcist, black blood brothers, angel beats, sword art online, elfen lied, uta no prince sama, fate zero, another, mysterious girlfriend x, worlds greatest love, karin, bokura ga ita, kaichou wa maid sama, full metal panic, full metal alchemist, la storia della arcana famiglia, and many others i cant think about right now :3 if you strt the convo with anime i will seriously go on for hours on end about anime episodes and series sooo beware!!!! Plus you are automatically my friend if you love anime as much as i do :3

Education / Occupation

College >.> and work

Who I'd Like To Meet

everyone and everything! :3

Comments (Add Comment)

Aug 04 2019, 12:27 PM
wow can't believe you still on here all the way to 2018 lol. Well hope you're doing good these days Annie
Emo Pictures - SnowDoesShit
Jan 18 2015, 10:55 PM
No problem~
Emo Pictures - SnowDoesShit
Dec 23 2014, 09:06 AM
I like ur hair ^-^
Emo Pictures - Heather-Louise15
Feb 16 2014, 03:10 PM
I miss youuuuuuu! <3
Emo Pictures - Heather-Louise15
Feb 16 2014, 09:55 AM
I went out then to sleep. I'm sowwies..I misses youuuuuuuu <3 (/.\)
Emo Pictures - Heather-Louise15
Feb 15 2014, 02:52 PM
This is true ahahah ;)
Emo Pictures - Heather-Louise15
Feb 15 2014, 02:48 PM
'twas not meeeeee ;)
Emo Pictures - Heather-Louise15
Feb 15 2014, 02:43 PM
Someone spammed your kik! :o
Emo Pictures - Heather-Louise15
Feb 15 2014, 02:42 PM
Guess what? *giggles, evilly*
Emo Pictures - Heather-Louise15
Feb 15 2014, 02:37 PM
<b><i></u> Yeeeeeeyyyy hehehe <3
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Aug 11 2014, 12:13 PM
so, its been a week since I've been here my grandma came from mexico and she took my electronics away <.< she thought i spend too much time on the internet so she cut me off, i just got my things back today, this is what i get for being mexican ;-; oh whale sorry for anyone that tried to contact me, especially you Jake c: i missed you cx
Jul 21 2014, 01:52 AM
I have returned e,e for now anyways <.< i seem to disappear and re appear like fucking magic cx das right I'm fucking magical be jealous! hmmm i dyed my hair red since last i have been here e.e my friends say I'm ariel cx honestly, Ariel cx i do absolutely nothing during summer, i literally play Pokemon like a badass all day in pjs cx well sometimes i have the dignity to wear clothing decent enough to go outside XD hmmm im paler now e.e My step Dad died from accidental suicide, yet it doesn't stop me from drinking alcohol, I'm stupid that way cx hmmmmmmm met someone amazing c: hm stated talking to kellin again cx o.o im trapped in Olli's closet cx lol hmmmmm kik seems to be a messenger i use all day cx seriously waow im rambling anyways i bet no one missed me ;-; oh whale BAI
Apr 10 2014, 11:27 PM
No words to describe you 0-0 Omfg I haven't been here in a while... I feel bad me is quite sorry if I never responded your messages @-@ I say you guys be all looking fine today @-@ it's not like I'm stalking you or anything <.< pffft
Apr 01 2014, 10:42 PM
Such beauty much waow lots colors XD Mexicans Mexicans everywhere Now everybody sing with me "shake dat ass gurl!" Ahh god donut XD I have nothing worth being interesting to say but omfg u sexy ;)
Mar 25 2014, 04:46 PM
Annie ish sick ;-; I feel like it's killing me XD every time I laugh I sound like a dying whale XD I need support ;-;
Mar 20 2014, 08:52 AM
I HAVE RETURNED FOR YOU ALL!!! lol I'm back now guys anyone miss me???
Mar 07 2014, 01:11 AM
ughhhh I came back from a track meet and I have soo much hw im soo exhausted .-. while mom and step dad are partying in Vegas..... lucky them....
Mar 05 2014, 04:06 PM
I'm sorry guys T^T I haven't been on lately... I'm dealing with a loss of a loved one, I'm studying all the time and doing homework at the same time doing a sport....ughh I hate my life sometimes I wish death upon me... I'm dealing with way to much things.. But I bet some don't really care but anyways hai guys I'll try to be on more often
Feb 26 2014, 06:24 AM
GUYS!!! my best friend is POTATO!!!! well Michael but his username is potato .-. we hang out too much to not be best friends c: im so happy he finally got that one girl he liked! YOU GO MICHAEL!!
Feb 13 2014, 10:33 PM
im grateful for meeting so many people these past few months I love u all... but as all things come to a close im giving up on the struggle of being here. things change and my time has come for the closing act to where you all move on without me and be happy because honestly who would care if I didn't exist in anyones life... even my body hates me soo fuk it and go with my instincts.... annie is drawing to a close every breath is becoming weaker and less of a lost soul and soon the annie you know will soon disappear from your life without you giving a thought of me for the rest of your life cause lets face it... im going to a better place then here

Aug 11 2014, 12:13 PM

so, its been a week since I've been here my grandma came from mexico and she took my electronics away <.< she thought i spend too much time on the internet so she cut me off, i just got my things back today, this is what i get for being mexican ;-; oh whale sorry for anyone that tried to contact me, especially you Jake c: i missed you cx

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Jul 21 2014, 01:52 AM

I have returned e,e for now anyways <.< i seem to disappear and re appear like fucking magic cx das right I'm fucking magical be jealous! hmmm i dyed my hair red since last i have been here e.e my friends say I'm ariel cx honestly, Ariel cx i do absolutely nothing during summer, i literally play Pokemon like a badass all day in pjs cx well sometimes i have the dignity to wear clothing decent enough to go outside XD hmmm im paler now e.e My step Dad died from accidental suicide, yet it doesn't stop me from drinking alcohol, I'm stupid that way cx hmmmmmmm met someone amazing c: hm stated talking to kellin again cx o.o im trapped in Olli's closet cx lol hmmmmm kik seems to be a messenger i use all day cx seriously waow im rambling anyways i bet no one missed me ;-; oh whale BAI

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Apr 10 2014, 11:27 PM

No words to describe you 0-0 Omfg I haven't been here in a while... I feel bad me is quite sorry if I never responded your messages @-@ I say you guys be all looking fine today @-@ it's not like I'm stalking you or anything <.< pffft

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Apr 01 2014, 10:42 PM

Such beauty much waow lots colors XD Mexicans Mexicans everywhere Now everybody sing with me "shake dat ass gurl!" Ahh god donut XD I have nothing worth being interesting to say but omfg u sexy ;)

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Mar 25 2014, 04:46 PM

Annie ish sick ;-; I feel like it's killing me XD every time I laugh I sound like a dying whale XD I need support ;-;

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Mar 20 2014, 08:52 AM

I HAVE RETURNED FOR YOU ALL!!! lol I'm back now guys anyone miss me???

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Mar 07 2014, 01:11 AM

ughhhh I came back from a track meet and I have soo much hw im soo exhausted .-. while mom and step dad are partying in Vegas..... lucky them....

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Mar 05 2014, 04:06 PM

I'm sorry guys T^T I haven't been on lately... I'm dealing with a loss of a loved one, I'm studying all the time and doing homework at the same time doing a sport....ughh I hate my life sometimes I wish death upon me... I'm dealing with way to much things.. But I bet some don't really care but anyways hai guys I'll try to be on more often

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Feb 26 2014, 06:24 AM

GUYS!!! my best friend is POTATO!!!! well Michael but his username is potato .-. we hang out too much to not be best friends c: im so happy he finally got that one girl he liked! YOU GO MICHAEL!!

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Feb 13 2014, 10:33 PM

im grateful for meeting so many people these past few months I love u all... but as all things come to a close im giving up on the struggle of being here. things change and my time has come for the closing act to where you all move on without me and be happy because honestly who would care if I didn't exist in anyones life... even my body hates me soo fuk it and go with my instincts.... annie is drawing to a close every breath is becoming weaker and less of a lost soul and soon the annie you know will soon disappear from your life without you giving a thought of me for the rest of your life cause lets face it... im going to a better place then here

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