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if gods the game that your playing, well we must get more acquainted cuz it must be so lonely being the only one thats holy... playing god, by Paramore

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Angel_Zuicide

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32 / Male / Dattebayo, Mexico
In a Relationship
Member since: Sep 08, 2012
Last online: Jan 15, 2019

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

I'm an emotionless person, i don't judge and i cut prob? ne ways i no longer contain a heart for thou has been shredded for i no longer have a need to be sad and lonely and needing to give a care about ne thing ne more. i write depressing dark poetry and im good at it, i draw but its alright i would say, im emo so get used to it, i do cry alot im not affraid to admit that im a sensative guy, not like other guys, sex isn't the only thing in my mind its actually the last thing im more of a romantic guy but i still won't watch chick flicks x.x, im pansexual and i am weird and random alot and i do sometimes fake a english accent cause i feel like it.  Im somewhat anti social i guess i would say. at times i do tend to walk away from the crowd just to be alone, and in that time i take to write meh poetry, i guess im like the only guy left i know to still wear guyliner, must be out of style but idgaf i'll never leave home without it cause without it im all horrible looking in my opinion lol even though many (only family members) claim that i look better without it. i also do like to wear skinny jeans where ever i go, if its to a rockin mosh party or to a formal wedding, i'd still wear meh band t and skinnies.  I'm also not a shallow guy even if you may find it hard to believe, i believe true beauty is in the eye of the beholder, in which people these days need to focus more on personality cause that is where true character matters, you'd be amazed at how many awesome people you can meet if you didn't judge them on their looks.  I'm also sometimes negative and when i mean sometimes i mean about 99% of the time but when you are in need of advice or help with a problem im here for you, im considered the psychologist of my friend group lol i guess since i've been through alot of fucked up shit in my life i could relate and advise you whats best from personal experience, if you need someone to care im also here.

Favourite Music

Fav music would have to be screamo, all kinds or rock, heavy metal, garbage, punk, techno, electro, euro deance, hardstyle ect.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet

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Emo Pictures - whereshadowslie
Nov 12 2012, 07:37 PM
hey how are you
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Sep 08 2012, 05:19 AM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Sep 08 2012, 04:49 AM
Heya Angel_Zuicide welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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- Rawr

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- no description needed

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- Bleeding

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- Waiting

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- Tada

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- bloop

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- rawr

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- huh

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- Blah

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- Eh

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Oct 01 2012, 01:55 AM
wow banned from the chatroom because i spoke some spanish after I pointed out to the mod that he was being a dumbass for kicking meh out. way to be a responsible moderator -.-"
Sep 13 2012, 11:35 PM
The Taken Night The night is young, the stars are bright, this heavy feeling is still here. Life's rose is wilting, as am I. The end is in the air and death is near, suffering of the innocent fall upon me. Tears are shed for the lost but never forgotten, weighing down my heart with sorrow and pain. The night sky above I stare with a feeling of absence, a need of importance. The clouds are grey and the soul grows weary, I can't go on. Dreams are shattered, life is pale, hollowing despair is what keeps me going. The fear of loss, the fear of failure, but unknowingly is already here. Weakness of the mind, soul, and body are one in the same, destined to share the same painful fate. My mind is dying on each day, for it sees what most ignore. Chilling winds fill the air but no one to share it with. Dead silence is heard and steps are taken, the life is being lost, there is no mistaking. A farewell is at hand with the cold touch of death, my beautiful has been taken.
Sep 12 2012, 02:48 AM
Part II My body on the street, lifeless and bloody. I see a bright light and its not heaven, its hell, for my life has not ended. Its a man putting a light to my eyes asking if I'm ok, I tell him kill me please. Unable to move my body, for it is cold inside and out. My sight fades with every second, and every minute wanting to die more and more, to end this tragedy and nightmare. Asking myself why, why live, to be with people who don't care, to be with friends who are now my enimies, or to get my heart broken again and again. My life in the hands of someone who I don't even know, someone who could've kept going instead of stopping, maybe I do matter, maybe I do have a purpose. As I was feeling better and happier, a drunk driver hits the car that stopped and rolls over the man and me, killing us instantly. (THIS IS AN EXAMPLE THAT LIFE JUST ISN'T FAIR, SO DON'T EXPECT IT TO BE)
Sep 10 2012, 08:29 PM
PART I Laying in the middle of the street starring off into the crying sky. Why is the the sky crying, has it felt the pain I had deep inside my heart, or is it crying cause its laughing at me. Haven't I suffered enough, why am I being tortured like this. They say it happens for a reason, well whats the reason for me to suffer every second of every minute of every hour of my life. I've had enough but pain keeps finding me no matter where I hide. As I lay there thinking about how my life is a total disaster, I hear a car suddenly stop. A person walks up to me and points a gun at my head. I say why bother, just let it be. the gun goes off and now I'm dead, my final thoughts are now on the road. R.I.P (Ripped. Into. Pieces) I'm never at peace
Sep 09 2012, 11:47 PM
Day to night and night to day, i feel safer to lay beside the darkness. the light hides from me and the shadows appear before my eyes. the stars frown and the moon cries cause they may shine bright but they are so far apart. the heart stays alone beating in the dark, the mind floating in the abyss. the night always stays young and the day always stays long, but even so life is still so short. angels cry and demons smile upon tragedy and despair. everyone is born to hurt people but no one is born to really love someone. life is a blur but death is clear, i walk a line to nowhere and it begins at the end. light flashes and all is gone, smoke takes over and everything appears. life is dead, death is alive, you live to die and you die to live. the world may be moving but your body is still. the eys travel at the speed of light, to see into the future and also the past. blood runs hot and the heart is cold which kills the mind from the body and stays so numb and free but caged like a beast with no hope and in pain. the heart hurts but yet it will not die, you may stab it, burn it, shred it, and rip it in half but it will always beat for that one special thing you can call yours one day. the mind can explode and the body may still live, nothing in this world can really make you feel. the good is bad, the strong are weak, i plant my body at your feet, i lay beside your body to keep you warm but all i get in return is your cold back laughing at meh. The night shines and the day is dark but the clouds will never leave your sight. the soul is empty, the body is hollow, life is a fog to get lost within. will i care if i care or lye in the side walk and perish in a flash of darkness. life isn't real, dreams aren't fake, rality is what it is and anything can change it. dust isn't to dust and ashes isn't to ashes, life doesn't last long and yet it feels so alone. roses are red, violets are blue, this is pathetic and life is too.
Sep 09 2012, 01:58 AM
What is real pain. What is the reason for pain. Why does life urge it, I've felt so much pain during my life that I have become an addict to it. The only pain I don't like but recieve it more than any other pain is the pain of love, it leaves me scars deep inside that no one can see but so deep that it hurts to live. Pepople use pain to escape their problems or just to feel something, to know that they can feel. Does one know the real definition of pain, is it what we feel when we hurt or is it just an obsticle that life throws at people to see how much one person can endure, if it is then my future is fucked cause I'm young and I've endured so much and I can tell its only the beginning. I look up into the night asking eventhough I know that I won't get any answers but with hope in my eyes of everything getting better even if it is just an illusion. I wonder just how much more pain I can handle.
Sep 08 2012, 07:17 AM
Deaphly Cry If thou shall be destined to live amongst the sad and weak, be better off to let the heart beat no more, void the heart and drain it of its love for thou shall not be useful in this life no more, and thyself shall be weak for your heart can't belong to thyself, i cry for thee, i cry for death may be the only way to be, the sweet scent of your beauty is not lost nor gone for i still bask in your essence. sadden in not having that which having is great but being ripped from thy hand is a fate worst than death before me. my mind not ever at ease in my mind the thought of you not with me, so death i choose thyself to show and take me, for i am nothing without my Juliet as a rose without its red beauty. please take peace in thy soul for i become no man without thy love in my heart to accompany thee, no man worth life, no air, and no soul. i damn thyself for i will pain, pain deep for you my love, deeply in the shadows where the memory will always lay about. where tears i shall shed be. In the drenches of where all bleeding bleed. the mind will take no more and thy heart will shatter. thy fragile heart will take no more in mans cruelty. have mercy on thy soul, no i can't take it any more. may the shadows take part in my leaving and take me to the beautiful underworld. Let thy blood be the proof that i am only human. Let thy broken heart be proof that i can die and still live. Let thy hatred be proof that i will suffer no more. Let thy pressence be proof that I'm still here. fate may write thy life story, let it bleed me dry but i shall still stand, holding up a weary hand holding onto dear life. let death wrap itself around thee, on thy knees i shall be. shedding tears of pain that will never go away. into the night i release thy soul, in which the path i'll never go i go alone, i die alone thy soul fades, it fades alone

Oct 01 2012, 01:55 AM

wow banned from the chatroom because i spoke some spanish after I pointed out to the mod that he was being a dumbass for kicking meh out. way to be a responsible moderator -.-"

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Sep 13 2012, 11:35 PM

The Taken Night The night is young, the stars are bright, this heavy feeling is still here. Life's rose is wilting, as am I. The end is in the air and death is near, suffering of the innocent fall upon me. Tears are shed for the lost but never forgotten, weighing down my heart with sorrow and pain. The night sky above I stare with a feeling of absence, a need of importance. The clouds are grey and the soul grows weary, I can't go on. Dreams are shattered, life is pale, hollowing despair is what keeps me going. The fear of loss, the fear of failure, but unknowingly is already here. Weakness of the mind, soul, and body are one in the same, destined to share the same painful fate. My mind is dying on each day, for it sees what most ignore. Chilling winds fill the air but no one to share it with. Dead silence is heard and steps are taken, the life is being lost, there is no mistaking. A farewell is at hand with the cold touch of death, my beautiful has been taken.

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Sep 12 2012, 02:48 AM

Part II My body on the street, lifeless and bloody. I see a bright light and its not heaven, its hell, for my life has not ended. Its a man putting a light to my eyes asking if I'm ok, I tell him kill me please. Unable to move my body, for it is cold inside and out. My sight fades with every second, and every minute wanting to die more and more, to end this tragedy and nightmare. Asking myself why, why live, to be with people who don't care, to be with friends who are now my enimies, or to get my heart broken again and again. My life in the hands of someone who I don't even know, someone who could've kept going instead of stopping, maybe I do matter, maybe I do have a purpose. As I was feeling better and happier, a drunk driver hits the car that stopped and rolls over the man and me, killing us instantly. (THIS IS AN EXAMPLE THAT LIFE JUST ISN'T FAIR, SO DON'T EXPECT IT TO BE)

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Sep 10 2012, 08:29 PM

PART I Laying in the middle of the street starring off into the crying sky. Why is the the sky crying, has it felt the pain I had deep inside my heart, or is it crying cause its laughing at me. Haven't I suffered enough, why am I being tortured like this. They say it happens for a reason, well whats the reason for me to suffer every second of every minute of every hour of my life. I've had enough but pain keeps finding me no matter where I hide. As I lay there thinking about how my life is a total disaster, I hear a car suddenly stop. A person walks up to me and points a gun at my head. I say why bother, just let it be. the gun goes off and now I'm dead, my final thoughts are now on the road. R.I.P (Ripped. Into. Pieces) I'm never at peace

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Sep 09 2012, 11:47 PM

Day to night and night to day, i feel safer to lay beside the darkness. the light hides from me and the shadows appear before my eyes. the stars frown and the moon cries cause they may shine bright but they are so far apart. the heart stays alone beating in the dark, the mind floating in the abyss. the night always stays young and the day always stays long, but even so life is still so short. angels cry and demons smile upon tragedy and despair. everyone is born to hurt people but no one is born to really love someone. life is a blur but death is clear, i walk a line to nowhere and it begins at the end. light flashes and all is gone, smoke takes over and everything appears. life is dead, death is alive, you live to die and you die to live. the world may be moving but your body is still. the eys travel at the speed of light, to see into the future and also the past. blood runs hot and the heart is cold which kills the mind from the body and stays so numb and free but caged like a beast with no hope and in pain. the heart hurts but yet it will not die, you may stab it, burn it, shred it, and rip it in half but it will always beat for that one special thing you can call yours one day. the mind can explode and the body may still live, nothing in this world can really make you feel. the good is bad, the strong are weak, i plant my body at your feet, i lay beside your body to keep you warm but all i get in return is your cold back laughing at meh. The night shines and the day is dark but the clouds will never leave your sight. the soul is empty, the body is hollow, life is a fog to get lost within. will i care if i care or lye in the side walk and perish in a flash of darkness. life isn't real, dreams aren't fake, rality is what it is and anything can change it. dust isn't to dust and ashes isn't to ashes, life doesn't last long and yet it feels so alone. roses are red, violets are blue, this is pathetic and life is too.

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Sep 09 2012, 01:58 AM

What is real pain. What is the reason for pain. Why does life urge it, I've felt so much pain during my life that I have become an addict to it. The only pain I don't like but recieve it more than any other pain is the pain of love, it leaves me scars deep inside that no one can see but so deep that it hurts to live. Pepople use pain to escape their problems or just to feel something, to know that they can feel. Does one know the real definition of pain, is it what we feel when we hurt or is it just an obsticle that life throws at people to see how much one person can endure, if it is then my future is fucked cause I'm young and I've endured so much and I can tell its only the beginning. I look up into the night asking eventhough I know that I won't get any answers but with hope in my eyes of everything getting better even if it is just an illusion. I wonder just how much more pain I can handle.

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Sep 08 2012, 07:17 AM

Deaphly Cry If thou shall be destined to live amongst the sad and weak, be better off to let the heart beat no more, void the heart and drain it of its love for thou shall not be useful in this life no more, and thyself shall be weak for your heart can't belong to thyself, i cry for thee, i cry for death may be the only way to be, the sweet scent of your beauty is not lost nor gone for i still bask in your essence. sadden in not having that which having is great but being ripped from thy hand is a fate worst than death before me. my mind not ever at ease in my mind the thought of you not with me, so death i choose thyself to show and take me, for i am nothing without my Juliet as a rose without its red beauty. please take peace in thy soul for i become no man without thy love in my heart to accompany thee, no man worth life, no air, and no soul. i damn thyself for i will pain, pain deep for you my love, deeply in the shadows where the memory will always lay about. where tears i shall shed be. In the drenches of where all bleeding bleed. the mind will take no more and thy heart will shatter. thy fragile heart will take no more in mans cruelty. have mercy on thy soul, no i can't take it any more. may the shadows take part in my leaving and take me to the beautiful underworld. Let thy blood be the proof that i am only human. Let thy broken heart be proof that i can die and still live. Let thy hatred be proof that i will suffer no more. Let thy pressence be proof that I'm still here. fate may write thy life story, let it bleed me dry but i shall still stand, holding up a weary hand holding onto dear life. let death wrap itself around thee, on thy knees i shall be. shedding tears of pain that will never go away. into the night i release thy soul, in which the path i'll never go i go alone, i die alone thy soul fades, it fades alone

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