I don't feel like I am real, but I know it's all imaginary, are the real and do they feel? Is all the pain, just inside my head? Abracadavre, by Elena Siegman
Ash Mortem
18 / Nonbinary / Dagenham, United Kingdom
Bisexual / Forever Alone
Member since:
Oct 19, 2022
Last online:
Feb 07, 2025
Current rating: 8.5/10 (19 votes cast)
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About Me
Hey! My name is Ash Mortem, I am 18 years old, I'm bisexual and I feel dead inside XD. I'm using the term Nonbinary Even though I am Agender. Since it is very similar. For those who don't know what Agender is: Definition & Meaning: Agender (adj.) is people who see themselves as neither a man nor a woman, or both. They're gender-neutral and often are described as gender free or genderless. That being said I go by they/them or no pronouns :) (unless I'm with my family then it's she/her :/)
Loves: Reading, Writing, Movies, Photography, 1940's-2016 style/music, Cats, Food [it's a love hate relationship XD], and Music. Hates: Spiders, Homophobes/Transphobes, People who are rude for no reason [Like dude wtf is wrong with you], When I start writing something and then I either forget about it or I just lose interest [It's so fucking annoying >:(].
Favourite Music
I love the early 2000s music, like Emo shit lolz, Metal, and Rock. Though I'm open to anything as long as it sounds good. Some bands/singers I like: My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, Twenty One Piolets, Fall Out Boy, Green Day, ACDC, Ice Nine Kills, Black Veil Brides, Falling in reverse, Bo Burnham, David Bowie, Paramore, KoЯn, Not Enough Space. Honourable Mentions [Aka Singers and bands I like but are not obsessed with]: Papa Roach, Boy Bleach, Ls dunes, Linkin Park, Bowling For Soup, Marylin Manson, System of A Down, Set It Off, Melanie Martinez.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Favourite Movies: Labyrinth- 1986, Jigsaw- 2017, The Nightmare Before Christmas- 1993, Heathers- 1989, The Mortal Instruments (City Of Bones)- 2013, The Shining- 1980. The Crow- 1994, Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging- 2008, Man Who Fell To Earth- 1976 [There's too many I'm not bothered to write them all :')]
TV Shows: Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, Supernatural, House MD, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Criminal Minds, The 10th Kingdom.
I read a lot but I don't necessarily think i have a 'favourite' book.
Education / Occupation
I'm In College rn, studying Photography. Still don't have a job :/
Who I'd Like To Meet
On here: Friends!!! [Even though I know I'm a dry af txter] Celebrities: Any and all people from the 'Favourite Music' box, Matthew Gray Gubler, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, Tom Baker, Peter Davidson, David Tennant, Mathew Lillard, Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Jenna Coleman, Alex Kingston, Michelle Gomez, Christian Bale, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Sheehan, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki,Misha Collins, Mark Shepperd. [again, there's more but I ain't typing that bs out].
My now ex mate is trying to talk to me acting like nothing happened and I don't know what to do about it. I don't particularly want to be their friend but I don't want to be bitchy and ignore them...
Put a finger down challenge!! Put a finger down if you loose the only friend you have because they want to be friends with everyone but then start to leave you out of everything, they don't text you or hang out with you anymore but the second their friends aren't in you k ow you're going to be the back up because you're just a side person in their life...
Literally SOBBING because I found an old Camera I apparently used to own as a kid and as I was going through it I found REALLY young pictures of myself and my mum, and the way we used to decorate our house at Christmas, I just sobbed...well I'm still sobbing XD
(taken in 2018 meaning I was 11 in both pics (They were taken before Nov) T~T)
Apparently I hate all social interactions no matter what they are...I started shaking cuz I wanted to send a message to a group I'm on in Discord (I joined today) and i feel the EXACT same as I do when I speak to people in person. Like please...a screen is meant to help me...
I think it's cuz its a group...I feel like I'm butting into a group that is already friends and It's feels like: Group: *Talking happily with eachother* Me: Hi! Group: *Stares at me in confusion and disgust* Me: 🕴 Ookayy...*Runs away in fear* Group: *now makes comments on me, laughing*
Like I know it don't go like that but god I hate this...
I am doing this project in college about portraits and I'm meant to contact some people we would love to photograph, but of course the emo bands I want to photograph are in the US! Or their dead!!! (WHY GOD WHY!!!!)
So earlier 2day I was hanging out with my friend in college and I was casually scrolling Pinterest and I clicked on a picture of Gerard Way (the one below) and my friend looked at him and told me I kinda looked like him. I don't see it like at all but I legit wanted to burst in happiness thats like the highest compliment imo :3
Also I'm growing my hair out cuz the hairstyle I have currently doesn't suit me. Which sucks but I'm hoping sometime in the future to get my hair cut like the one in the pic
I've been struggling to find motivation to work on my college project. Like I like taking pictures but I just really want to hang out with friends and take stupid pictures with no inspiration or thought behind them, only problem is that I don't have friends to hang out with. Like I talk to people but we have polar opposite interests so most of the time its just awkward silence....you could hear crickets chirping, that is unless we are both on our phones. I don't know what to do (T~T)
It was my birthday 2 days ago and I got a new camera iudsjvhfb I don't have an SD card yet but I'm still fucking hyped about it XD I also got some CD's to add to my collection <3 (David Bowie x2, P!ATD, Paramore, SOAD, FOB, The Phantom of The Opera, Melanie Martinez.) I LUV them soooo mucchh
I did it! I cut my hair!!!!!! I tried 4 '2010's Gerard Way' though it doesn't really look like that XD, which kinda suxs but its fine cuz i think this suits me I'm soooo happy rn!!!!!!