If only sorrow could build a staircase, my tears could show the way, I would cry my way to heaven, and bring him home again, I would do anything to bring him back to you, because if you got him back, I would get back the friend that I once knew Suicide Season, by Bring Me The Horizon
Avik Sixx
27 / Male / Calcutta, United States
Straight / Single
Member since:
May 19, 2013
Last online:
Jun 14, 2013
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About Me
AVIK SIXX, I am a emo boy,model and the vocalist of the emo metal band BLACK RIDERZ HOTEL.I
started carrier as a model and i am interst of emo.So i dress like
emo.My makeup is emo and my hairstyle is too emo.I love emo songs so i
founded my band black riderz hotel and i became quiet famous of singing
some emo rocking songs of alkaline trio,kiss or bvb.I won the hottest
male award on 2012 and Best vocalist of the year on 2013
Favourite Music
Kiss,Motley Crue,Davey suicide,Marilyn manson,ETF,FIR,MIW,BVB,Bullet for my valentine,As i day lying,Blessthefall,Eyes set to kill,Snow white poison bite,Alkaline trio
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Fog,Friday the 13th,Wrong turn 4,Sex and the city,American idol,Beauty and the beast,Titanic,Fast and the furious Tokyo drift,Scream 4