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I'm letting go, cause i cant take this anymore since you broke my heart in two and now I know that you dont love me anymore so take my broken heart with you!! Broken heart, by Escape the fate

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - BabyAngel


29 / Female / humm guess, United States
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since: May 17, 2012
Last online: Dec 05, 2012

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

I'm very honest and a strong personality I'm sensitive and I dont fight back alot of the time,very strong about gays. love them :) guys kissin is cute. No I dont look at porn lol! my "brothers" are gay. I'm opionated can b bitchy at times. Very caring and loving. been told I'm sexy,beautiful and cute. I think I can b a cutie pie lol(NOT self center) not preppy bt can act like it at times when im excited. I say "like" alot but I'm geting better at not saying it. Ii funny and fun to b around.Im a virgin proud of it. 16 i will be 17 on june 21st. PLEASE!! dont take the real pictues of me. hummm. I wrote my own poetry and love music and texting waching tv and having fun with friends. Im a flirt i love doing it. love sexy emo guys lol!! :) hum...... i watch tv a lot i dont do much lol. I ask a lot of questions...I'm just cerious I'm a social butterfly tht was my nick name for along while. but now its CupCake :) and Angel :) so if you would like to n=know more just ask :) 
  i'm not the prettiest girl out there in the world, but im very sweet and i love meeting new people where. Ever in the woeld they are from :) so pm me om me lol text email ne :) just ask :) *blows kisses* ttyl ^-^

Favourite Music

my fav music is like all over the place... i like bvb and botdf and jojo, all time low and we the kings.. umm kinda everything i listen to a lot of music and i cant member what bands i like ^_^ hehe 

Favourite Films / TV / Books

-Secret life of the American Teenager
-Teen Mom 2
-Make it or Break it 

-The Notebook 
-A Walk to Remember
-Time Travelers Wife
-Dirty Dancing 
(romance and drama comedy and just anything good and interesting to me)

The Immortals- Allyson noel
and a lot others I read a lot. 

Education / Occupation

High school 
and I don't work. though I wanna be a model :) 

Who I'd Like To Meet

a lot of people too many to name :) 

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May 21 2012, 09:05 AM
HI, I’m June :) I is 16 years old, My birthday is June 21st 95’. I love the sun and summer, also I love to listen to music and write poetry. I have a hole binder full of my original poetry, It's really sad and depressing; ..but I know other people's lives are harder than mine and just have it real bad.. but I write about me and how I feal. Most people say I dont have the right to be depressed because I kinda have “everything” as they put it, but in actual reality my life is not perfect. I’m very sweet little girl and I’m extremely emotional and sensitive, I’m not the the smartest or the strongest girl. I am a natural brunette but for some reason my mind act like a blond.. people will talk about me in front of me in the third person and it takes me awhile to realize they are talking about me, and just things that should be extremely simple takes me awhile to figure out and break it down LOL. I was born a month early......I think I was supposed to be born sometime in the middle or first week of August. I am a preemie baby and for the first entire month of my life I was in the hospital because I was very sick. Clothes for girls and teens my age do not fit me and it really pisses me off (LOL). So It’s hard to find cute clothes that fit me hehe. :) and before anyone asks No I am not anorexic, or Bulimic. I’m just naturally tinny I have never forced myself to barf, I really hate throwing up. I’m a virgin and I’m proud of it, I dont personally see the need to have sex when I’m in HighSchool so many things could go wrong. Also it comes with many complications and responsibility, It is a very complex, holds too many emotions that most teens can not handle. I barely can take care of myself as it is now, and adding the complication of sex and getting pregnant would be too much to handle. I do not and I would assume that no one wants to get an STD so the way to prevent it is not to have sex... pretty simple haha. I’m a very stubborn and strong willed person about things.You do not diss or talk bad about the people I care about and love or you will get a smack down. I have gay friends and bi friends, I do not mind them and I love them. Gays are not aliens they are just like you and me. People can not help who they fall in love with. People are always afraid that if they are friends with Gay’s they will try to hit on you and kiss you, that is not always the case; I was not kissed till this year...humm maby a month or so ago my Ex bf kissed me when I was really sad. I have had boyfriends since I was...... lets see I’m 16 now so... about 14.. yeah 14 years old. I didn't know how to date so my first few relationships failed and I never kissed them. I know that Adults say “That kids dont know what love is and we are too young,” But love has No age No time pierd saying “Ok now you are old enough and wise enough to love person you are attracted to” It is just something you feal inside of you. I believe that I have found the guy I’m going to be with for a very long time. My parents hate him because he has really hurt me in the past (not physical btw) but they dont get to decide it for much longer. I’m almost 17 and when I turn 18 I’m going to move out and live with Dakota (my boyfriend). My mother does not know this yet, but I’m making my life the way I want it. For now I’m just gonna act “normal”(whatever normal is). Well im not sure what eles to put on this entry so ttyl for now add me talk to me mesage me :) love you <3 Sincerly, June W.

May 21 2012, 09:05 AM

HI, I’m June :) I is 16 years old, My birthday is June 21st 95’. I love the sun and summer, also I love to listen to music and write poetry. I have a hole binder full of my original poetry, It's really sad and depressing; ..but I know other people's lives are harder than mine and just have it real bad.. but I write about me and how I feal. Most people say I dont have the right to be depressed because I kinda have “everything” as they put it, but in actual reality my life is not perfect. I’m very sweet little girl and I’m extremely emotional and sensitive, I’m not the the smartest or the strongest girl. I am a natural brunette but for some reason my mind act like a blond.. people will talk about me in front of me in the third person and it takes me awhile to realize they are talking about me, and just things that should be extremely simple takes me awhile to figure out and break it down LOL. I was born a month early......I think I was supposed to be born sometime in the middle or first week of August. I am a preemie baby and for the first entire month of my life I was in the hospital because I was very sick. Clothes for girls and teens my age do not fit me and it really pisses me off (LOL). So It’s hard to find cute clothes that fit me hehe. :) and before anyone asks No I am not anorexic, or Bulimic. I’m just naturally tinny I have never forced myself to barf, I really hate throwing up. I’m a virgin and I’m proud of it, I dont personally see the need to have sex when I’m in HighSchool so many things could go wrong. Also it comes with many complications and responsibility, It is a very complex, holds too many emotions that most teens can not handle. I barely can take care of myself as it is now, and adding the complication of sex and getting pregnant would be too much to handle. I do not and I would assume that no one wants to get an STD so the way to prevent it is not to have sex... pretty simple haha. I’m a very stubborn and strong willed person about things.You do not diss or talk bad about the people I care about and love or you will get a smack down. I have gay friends and bi friends, I do not mind them and I love them. Gays are not aliens they are just like you and me. People can not help who they fall in love with. People are always afraid that if they are friends with Gay’s they will try to hit on you and kiss you, that is not always the case; I was not kissed till this year...humm maby a month or so ago my Ex bf kissed me when I was really sad. I have had boyfriends since I was...... lets see I’m 16 now so... about 14.. yeah 14 years old. I didn't know how to date so my first few relationships failed and I never kissed them. I know that Adults say “That kids dont know what love is and we are too young,” But love has No age No time pierd saying “Ok now you are old enough and wise enough to love person you are attracted to” It is just something you feal inside of you. I believe that I have found the guy I’m going to be with for a very long time. My parents hate him because he has really hurt me in the past (not physical btw) but they dont get to decide it for much longer. I’m almost 17 and when I turn 18 I’m going to move out and live with Dakota (my boyfriend). My mother does not know this yet, but I’m making my life the way I want it. For now I’m just gonna act “normal”(whatever normal is). Well im not sure what eles to put on this entry so ttyl for now add me talk to me mesage me :) love you <3 Sincerly, June W.

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