I saw him, torch in hand he laid it out what he had planed, and then I said, i'll take the grave...please just send them all my way. A Car, A Torch, A Death, by Twenty One Pilots
Saturn Neptune
31 / Female / Hound Wolf Squad, Texas, United States
Member since:
Nov 17, 2022
Last online:
Nov 17, 2022
Current rating: 5.3/10 (4 votes cast)
You have rated BeelzebubGateEyes
About Me
Also if you're 50 years old adding me and up why are you adding me? My dad is 61 years old. Get out of here!
On my last deleted account people needed a dictionary for what the term friend meant. Some people thought I was looking for a hookup partner or someone that is a table nightstand. But that goes for people as well that need a dictionary of what Autism means. We're not textbooks and we're not on a scale of ''this is how much Autistic you're'' + every single Autistic person has different needs and accommodations to get through daily life. We're not cookie cutters.
Anyways, some people believe you've to look a certain way to have a disease or illness bitch please. It's even more a joke that some doctors are still trying to cure Autism with ADHD meds, Antidepressants and some doctors say Autism is caused by a lack of sleep. Like omg are you joking with me?
You should also not message me if you're not comfortable with these physical disabilities.
I've unbalanced issues, so sometimes I will hold onto something or lean on something if I feel unbalanced coming on. My pigeon toe has never reversed and stayed permanent which according to research is rare, when my mom was alive and my dad btw is still alive today. Anyways, the doctors told my parents that my foot would've to be completely reconstructed and the success rate was 50 percent and my parents denied the surgery. I don't blame them. Because 50 percent is low. So I was put on braces, special shoes and dance lessons for several years. But that did nothing. I can't tell you why my parents didn't try anything else after that. I don't have the answers and I'm not going to ask. I also found out that in 2022 according to my primary care doctor I've Knock Knees which means the knee bending inwards when you walk, my ankles hurt to the point where I can't stand physically for long hours and I need to take rest or in between breaks. I'm not in terrifying screaming pain but the pain is enough to speak up and say I'm hurting. I need to sit down. I walk with a sway. The cause of this is unknown but my Medicaid provider thinks I've a limited neurological input, then she referred me to a neurologist which she says I constantly weight shift each and every single step I take, my left leg is bad and I stick my right hip out some. She thinks I either have scoliosis or something is wrong with my lower lumbar. She thinks my neck is slightly crooked. On November 26th I've a no color contrast MRI for my brain. This is to see if my cord wrapped around my neck 3 times and was unresponsive until a few minutes had passed then I started crying. She wants to see when I was born, if that has caused something to happen inside my brain, MRI scan for Lumbar and a neck X-Ray. I already had my foot, ankle and knees which also shows the leg. No signs of arthritis so something has to be wrong in the upper area. So basically my neurologist is doing a process of elimination to find the source and cause of the problem.
Finding people around the globe to chat about various topics.
I wouldn't care if you wanted to talk about the occult, the paranormal, ghost stories, folklores of your countries, science, philosophy and anything weird like that etc. If you're a person that collects any kind of weapons, or video games, or do photography, or any arts and crafts then show them to me :) heck even the planet's personality traits would be cool or even folklore topics. I like the oddball stuff lol. Besides talking about video games for hours on end or the other topics listed above. There is Hot Wheel collections, Funko collections like I stated at the very start of my profile haha, if you do art or any photography work I would love to see :) and also if you want to spam pictures of your wildlife in your country or your pets then that would be great as well :) but feel free anyways if you've a collection you're proud of sharing :) I probably will have that backfire on me one day haha. Some people are really fruit cakes out there or a full family size coco for coco puffs.
People that smoke for attention, yeah if all you do is talk about smoking weed and posting weed all over your social media, then obviously you're seeking attention. People needing a dictionary before insulting someone, make sure you know what the word means before you do. Act your age if someone tells you that makes them uncomfortable then don't keep harassing them, respect boundaries. Don't like jokes or humor? Then I'm not for you. As I don't have time for someone that is an extreme sour candy. I also don't have time for people that post fake information so that their profile becomes attention grabs. What a sad and pathetic life you live. So that way you can be noticed by others. Also if you're a witch that calls yourself a green fairy and loves their little precious rocks, then get away from me with your fake ass Christmas turkey self. No need to insult the witch community. If you're a Norse Pagan and you say Loki is pure evil then clearly you're a fake and need a dictionary about what misunderstood and evil means. Also I've been blocked many times for debates. What a sad pathetic person you're.
My profile might be really short looking but I've more information on my blogs which is Google Blogs. I know I say I'm a gamer and there aren't a lot of game topics. Well that's why my blogs come in handy because there is a stupid text limit here. My full RE 9 review is on my Google Blogs.
RE Village gets a 9 in my book. So what that means is that RE 4, RE 2 Remake, RE Village are my top three favorite RE games. Followed by RE 3 original, 6, 7 and 5. Sorry but I really do personally believe that 5 was the worst RE game out of the bunch. I don't know what I fell asleep more in such as RE 5, RE 3 remake and RE 7. RE 7 is A LOT BETTER THAN 5. I WOULD RATHER BE CONFUSED ALL OVER AGAIN FOR RE 7 THAN REWATCH RE 5 again and listen to the annoying as fuck voice actors and boring ass story. Also I did rate RE 6 a 9 but I will say RE 3 original and 6 are both tied and both rightfully come after Village. I'm sorry but I think Village deserves being in my top three favorite RE games of all time. Basically RE 4 is a 10 , RE 2, remake, RE Village, RE 3 original and RE 6 are all 9's. Because RE 4 will always be a 10 and nothing won't ever top that, not even a future RE game. Anyways, onto the review. Oh wait I can't because the text goes over the text limit LOL! Oh well will be posted on my Google Blogs. You don't need an account for that lol.
People think spiritualism is the true ultimate form of evil. Is that so? You never talked to me, yet on my old account people assumed the craziest stuff about me. How does that work when you don't even know me? You basically read my profile and made something up in your head, then decided not to message me in a friendly way to see if your random accusation was true? Makes no sense.
"Welcome to the family, son."
Who is your favorite Baker? Lucas Baker is my favorite.
Asleep, on YT, Switch Lite or PS4 and basically nothing much really. Also I really get annoyed when someone ask every 30 minutes or an hour every single fucking time. Like stop asking what is up haha.
Abyssal and living the life of true self hatred.
Favourite Music
Video Game Lofi Radio Chill 24/7 Beats for Studying Sonic Lofi Café - YouTube
Video Game Radio [24/7] Nostalgic Retro Music Live Stream Nintendo, SEGA, PlayStation, PC... - YouTube
VIDEO GAME RADIO [24/7 Video Game Music Live Stream] - YouTube
I also see where he has taken down the Nintendo version. He used to have a Nintendo version besides the Video Game Radio. I guess that's gone now.
Japanese Lo-Fi and both links are by the same creator, the second one is Tokyo Lo-Fi. I don't know what the difference is but the beats do sound different, at least that's what I hear on my wolf ears. I've not tried to listen to regular Lo-Fi music. I don't think that would be my cup of tea, because wouldn't that be Dubstep music by then? There are not many good video game Lo-Fi music stations out there. There was one but the creator took that down :( what a shame.
Tokyo Lofi Hip Hop 24/7 Japanese Lofi Playlist 2021 No Copyright Lofi & Chillhop Beats - YouTube
Japanese Lofi Radio 24/7 Aesthetic Lofi Hip Hop Music No Copyright Lofi Hip Hop Beats - YouTube
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Read my blog on that :)
Let me know if you need however many amount of days you need to exchange information. I will not download Telegram, WhatsApp and anything similar like that. Why? Because those apps request your real phone number and you can't protect yourself either by using a real number. Which is a big fuck that for me. If you don't have Discord, Instagram and Snap then you can just email me. If your account is blocked that is because of a few reasons. You're over my age limit, you've something on your profile that I find disturbing, you look like you could be a serial killer hiding bodies in a basement, you're asking too many personal questions * I've been stalked in the past, therefor that's why I posted a random town in Texas even though I'm in Texas and last reason is if your personality is just too bitter and you're not laughing at any of the comments I make. Sorry, but you're out and I don't have time for that shit lol.
None of these require you to own a account. Because if that were the case then why would I even post the links in the first place?
You can also view my post on Instagram without an account. But you will probably only see half. Basically what happens with a person looking at my IG account is that you can click on the post, you can read captions, scroll through slides and when IG says you can't scroll anymore and you must log in and what that means is that's IG rules not mine. But you should be able to see at least a good few scrolls of my updated post etc. But don't add me on Instagram unless I know who you're. Also I post every few days, every two weeks and sometimes longer. Just keep a heavy reminder about this one important detail. Don't follow me unless you've sent me an inbox message about you wanting to follow my account etc. I probably won't be posting on here a lot because I normally post either A on a social media we exchanged or B I just upload things on Instagram lol and I've always been that way etc :)
This was a shit show. Again what has happened to me in my past life of school won't fit in the text box characters.
Half of my spiritual belief has came from Fatal Frame series. However, that's mostly Fatal Frame 4 and 5. Where I started to get highly interested in Japanese occultism beliefs. Down to chat about that sometime if you're interested in that.
You can find that out on my blog. With 500 characters I can't tell you what is going on with that because Workforce is really difficult to explain. However if this doesn't making you happy I plan on getting SSI for my Autism, only working 2-4 days out of a week and getting on food stamps. If this is low life material for you. Cool skip ahead! Bon Voyage!
Who I'd Like To Meet
Well that's really obvious after reading my profile. However if this website isn't active I probably will be going over to these websites that are a little bit more active than this. I saw that I can't access my old account as I don't remember the email that I used for the email and I saw my account was still up there with old contact information. If you add me on any of my social medias can you link your account or send me your profile so I can look you up? Also don't follow me on Instagram unless you told me you got my information from here in a direct message :)
Discord is Beelzebub'sCourtDinnerPlates#9055
Bound by Metal, Woven in Black (yeah these are dating websites but many people on there and I mean many people on there are just looking for chats and friends. The owners of the website opened up a gamer dating place + for friends; however you need a Google Translate plugin because for some reason the owners made that website German and the other two aren't. However I did see a few people signed on the Heartshot website that are from the U.S. :) so you can find me there if you don't see me here :)