every feeling that i get but i havent missed you yet only when i start to think about it, i hate everything about you!! why do i luvv you?! i hate everything about you, by 3 days grace
Rebecca Mumford
26 / Female / Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Gay/Lesbian / In a Relationship
Member since:
Jul 27, 2012
Last online:
Oct 14, 2012
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
I like to write poetry...and tragedy/horror stories.
Sometimes I can be cruel and sometimes I can okay-ish but still bitchy if I don't trust you...it depends if I like/trust you or not.
And just so you know - I never lie (about people...what I do in private maybe (especially to the parents)) so if I offend anybody then I really don't care...
Also don't give me sympathy...I can't stand it...
Trying to not swear...hence a lot of the '...'.
I use '...' a lot but only because there is more I would say in person but don't feel like typing...
Favourite Music
I like many types of music...this is just some...
-Heavy Metal
-Some rock (not all)
-Occasional classical...just the creepy stuff...well not creepy to me but still...
I prefer stuff I can relate to.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I don't really do favourites...if I like then I like if I don't then I don't...
Old stuff...scary stuff...sad stuff...and anything that has tortured souls in it...you can tell how fun I am to be around...
I prefer writing sadistic poetry to reading...
But again: I don't really do favourites...
Education / Occupation
Suppose I should list my schools and stuff...
- Don't know before Primary schools
-Corpus Christi Primary (left because I kept getting beaten up)
-Whitebridge Primary (School got set on fire and, eventually, knocked down because of the damage caused by the fire)
-Temple Moor High School and Science College (My current school)
Who I'd Like To Meet
People like me or people who understand me...
You know what - scratch that I want to meet people who don't think I am a total freak for once!
Or people who I can talk to...because it gets so hard when you're alone...