I can't tell you what it really is, I can only tell you what it feels like and right now there's a steel knife in my windpipe I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight! Love The Way You Lie, by Eminem
Talon Rue Thorne
32 / Female / California, United States
Not Sure / Single
Member since:
Jul 18, 2011
Last online:
Mar 03, 2013
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About Me
I have an incredibly boring normal name, but around here, I prefer to go by Talon Rue. One could describe me as being eccentric (or just plain freakin' weird, but I am honored by either title), artistic, perceptive, individualistic, and also very compassionate. I am an aspiring filmmaker and author/illustrator, but it is not the acquisition of fame or fortune that appeals to me. More than anything else, I live to help others. With my films and novels, I want to be able to reach out and touch lives. I want to help those people who feel different or alone--those whom society deems "strange" or "wrong." I want to help those who struggle with mental disorders, those who feel rejected or ostracized for the way they dress or for their sexuality. I want them to seek refuge in my work, knowing that there is someone out there who understands them and is willing to fight for them. I dream that one day, I will change the world, one life at a time.
Favourite Music
I have a rather eclectic taste in music; I will listen to just about anything, although I'm not a big fan of country or rap music. However, my favorite artist is Black Veil Brides. Their music inspires me every day to take pride in my individuality and to pursue my dreams no matter what the sacrifice.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Tim Burton is my idol. There is not a single one of his movies I don't love, but my two favorites are Sweeney Todd and Edward Scissorhands. I'm also a huge fan of Disney and anime. (Go figure that one out.) I watch a lot of anime, but there are only a few shows I've ever really loved. I'm a harsh critic, but when I find something I like, I tend to obsess over it to no end.
I have too many to even begin listing them. I will read just about anything, but my favorite stories tend to be gothic fantasies and classics of horror--like 07-Ghost and Dracula.
Education / Occupation
I am currently a student at the Art Institutes. I am studying to go into the film industry, hopefully as a director, but I am pursuing a career as an animator as I aspire to the ultimate dream.
Who I'd Like To Meet
That's a difficult question to answer. For all my searching, I may never find who or what I am looking for.