Fuck it all! Fuck this world! Fuck everything that you stand for! Don't belong! Don't exist! Don't give a shit! Don't ever judge me! Surfacing, by Slipknot
28 / Female / Hilden, Germany
Bisexual / Single
Member since:
Jul 15, 2010
Last online:
Aug 05, 2010
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Hey, I am Celina, I live in Germany, have American roots. I am 14 years old and still solo... what bothers me but not really.
I do some martial arts and i love it. My family is originally from a small town called Silver City/New Mexico.
I spend every summer there. Therefore I also speak fluent English and German.
MSN: celina-twilight@hotmail.de
Once ridiculous I could... but when you left me, I had cry day and night... and that only because of you! You are not at all worth the...
Favourite Music
The Used *_____* || Rites of Spring || Blink- 182 || All Time Low || Hey Monday...
Favourite Films / TV / Books
My favourite Film is the 'Twilight Saga' and my favourite TV show is 'The Vampire Diaries'
My favourite book is 'The Vampire Diaries' from Lisa J. Smith. [It is a miracle that i ever read]