I hope I never see the end I hope I never have to live without her comfort but for now she dies... oh Rome! so full of majesty, you're gone... Nero's Decay, by Alesana
Cupcake With Death Sprinkles
33 / Female / Wisconsin, United States
Member since:
Apr 02, 2011
Last online:
Feb 21, 2013
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Im CREATIVELY UNIQUE. I love my family and friends. SOOOOO DONT MESS WITH THEM. I love making new friends and talking to new people. You can never have to many friends. ^_^ Im usually happy but I have my moments like everyone else. I dont like people feeling sorry for me. I have a hard life but "What dosent kill you makes you stronger". Sorry for my spelling i havent ever been good at it, I try my hardest though. I pretty much love all music, and i love to draw. Drawing is my life. I feel i can express myself not just through a drawing but through my tattoos an my style of clothing. Every tattoo i get has a deep meaning behind it. If you want to know just ask. I love helping people. One day i hope i became a Famous Cartoonist so all the money goes torwards adopting children and building art/music studios for teens to keep them off the streets and do somthing amazing with their lives. I could go on all day about myself which i realy wouldnt like to do. So if you want to know more or become friends message me. Im a very nice, caring person. ^_^
Favourite Music
I love all types so we could be here for years lol
If you have a band or know of some AMAZING artist PLEASE do send them my way i would love to hear new music and artist.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I dont watch to much tv but heres a list of show i do watch when i get time:
Being Human
American Dad
Family Guy
ask me for more if you want to know any more shows i like ^_^
I rarley read. So the books that ive read are:
House of Night Series
The Immortals Series
Education / Occupation
I'm going to college for Digital Design and Animation ^_^
Who I'd Like To Meet
TOKIO HOTEL for sure lol
i mean theres soooo many out there that again like my music list we be here for years