Separate me from my own two hands I've killed so many times but I can't save the world from the creatures that don't die Props and Mayhem, by Pierce The Veil
Cheyanna Laray
32 / Female / Melbourne, Florida, United States
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since:
Aug 21, 2010
Last online:
Aug 26, 2010
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About Me
My name is Cheyanna Laray Paradise. I am scene. I do give out my number, but only to guys I like. I am a very outgoing, random, loud, colorful person. Many people like me. I am single, and I am looking. Guys with the crazy, sexy hair, and the band tees, and skinny jeans, are just adorablee(: I am very talkative. I love* to flirt. I love talking/chatting with people. I loveeee* getting nice/sweet/flirting comments or compliments. I really dont know anything esle to say. If you want to know more, all you have to do is talk to meeeeee(: Byeeeeee(: Lime Green Rules*
Favourite Music
I love screamo music, it is absolutely the bestest music ever invented!!!!!!!!!! I love Hollywood Undead, BrokeNCYDE, and moreeee(:
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I love HORROR movies, and movies with HOT guys(;
I really hate reading. I like reading poems though, and I love writing stories and poems too. I have had some of my stories and poems published before.
Education / Occupation
Who I'd Like To Meet
I would like to meet some ahhh-mazingglyyy sexyy guys(;