35 / Female / Lala Land O.o, United States
Not Sure
Member since:
Nov 10, 2009
Last online:
Dec 19, 2009
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
I hate these tiny boxes. I can never actually get who I am into words. :/ I will probably change this alot...cause I tend to find better words that describe me. Most ppl call me margi. Its short and simple. Idk ...So im a music junkie. I love the color purple ( which is a great combo with black :D )Currently I have a job as a math tutor...yeah yippy :/ I am a really hyper person but dont let that fool you....I have my dark side too haha..dont we all. I am glad this site is not like most sterotypical sites...claiming to know about emo...when all it does is create a negative connotation with the label. I really dont like labels..but Im already labeled...and eh oh well.
ok i will edit this more later...when my brain decides to function
Favourite Music
LIke I said before, I am a music junkie. I listen to all kinds of music. I am mostly into post hardcore ( screamo) which goes off into other subgenres of metalcore, deathcore....I am a metal fan in general. I love techno...mostly jumpstyle. I kinda know how to jumpstyle( dance). I connect with my if i like it then I will add it to my very long list of musical likes
Favourite Films / TV / Books
I dont watch tv alot..sooo yeah haha
I like horror films ( i tend to laugh during them..yes i am weird i know haha). Ofcourse i like my share of romance and comedy.
oh shit...uhh i read alot...alot alot. Like 4-5 books a week haha xD
house of night novels( series of 6 books), sweep(series of 13 books), Vampire diares, Interview with a vampire( and many other anne rice novels), Wickedly lovely( series of 3 books...still being added to), balefire(series of 4 books), shit load more that i cannot seem to remember. but those are my tops.
Education / Occupation
Graduated high school.... attended UCSC for a year ( shit happened and i had to go i didnt get kicked out ...i maintained a B yeah)
Math tutor... yeah i am a geek sorry. :/
Who I'd Like To Meet
I just like open minded ppl. I hate being judged by my appearance...there is more to me than what meets the eyes. I dont like to be criticized about my religion ( which i will keep to myself unless i trust you).