"Mama we're all full of lies Mama we're ment for the skies right now they're building a coffin your size mama we're all full of lies" Mama, by My Chemical Romance
34 / Male / Shrewsbury/ Shropshire, United Kingdom
Straight / Forever Alone
Member since:
Jul 03, 2011
Last online:
Jul 23, 2020
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About Me
I do have skype if you want it ask dont use msn any more. I am gamer, like anime, listen to whatever music I want but more metal, rock. I am shy, quiet and hard for for me 2 communicate because never know what 2 say but I will talk best I can. if you want my number just ask or facebook
Favourite Music
Don't really have a favorite listen to anything I want
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Films marvel Batman all of them alien series/ predator series fast and furious series Avatar Res films Twilight series Underworld all of them Karate Kid I Robot Men In Black all of them Tomb Raider Skyfall Casino Royal The Expendables both Final Destination all of them Shaun of the dead Hot Fuzz Terminator all of them Transformers all of them Saw all of them Edward scissor hands and loads more movies
TV Dragon Ball Z/ GT/ DB Yu-gi-oh Cardfight Vanguard Family Guy The Big Bang Theory Bakugan Shaman King Fullmetal Alchemist Black Cat Lost Shield TV series
I really do not understand women what so ever nothing makes sense with them. the reason saying this is coz this girl was pushing for us to meet up for a coffee so we did and we talked so on, she said wanted to meet up again soon so I was like ok then sure, so time passed nothing so I tried to get in contact with her for to then just ignore me. I saw her one night when I was at work and she said sorry I havent been ignoring just been busy I will text next week when I am free so we can meet up again, again with that she seemed really eager which is good, but then nothing so I try to get hold of her and shes done nothing but ignore me. so I feel I have done or said something wrong and she went tell me
this going 2 sound so needy but really not trying 2 be like that but I really do need 2 find someone, feel lonely, unloved, unwanted, miserable I just want someone 2 love me for me even tho I am complete freak
just 2 bring people up 2 date. I went 2 a&e on saturday morning after because after work I had a fit in the middle of the road and now I am in lots of pain still
well I have a sort of job now, one night a week in a night club which is good I guess just not enough hours. I still havent found anyone :( still no one wants me, dont blame them like christ im ugly and always negative about myself and no confidence which of course puts them off
My life atm
So right now my life is quiet shit to be honest. I know this is just sounds like i am moaning but it really is. I have nothing to show for my life so far. I have no job, I have no1, I am alone and where the fuck is my life going. someone tell me
Feeling lonely, unloved, unwanted and like I am not going any where in life. My life isnt going forward. I am stuck in nothingness and why coz im nice, nice gets no where but I cant change who I am
Would my life be better if I lived in the USA and not the UK?
Yeah probably because all the shit I get here be gone, all the pain I have be gone, no more worrying who is my friend and who is not, no more worrying how long I will be on my own because I think I might be able 2 find love for once, I feel I would have a nice job where I am happy and I would just have a better life.
Do I really have someone that actually loves me for me and wants 2 be with me for the right reasons? Thats not gana cheat, lie or con me. Do I deserve that at all tho? I would like it 2 be true. I do need someone close 2 me and not miles away coz its so hard 2 have long distance coz it also makes it awkward. Which is also a shame :( :'(