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I Was The Chapstick In Your Purse To Keep You Smooth, I Was The Finger In Your Throat, To Keep You Cute, My Liver Hates You, For Walking Out On Us Choke On This, by Senses Fail

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - DeathMist18


Nathan Compton
29 / Male / alone :c, Australia
Straight / Single
Member since: Nov 21, 2013
Last online: Oct 17, 2014

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

  • im shy
  • i get lonely easily, so please talk to me? :c
  • all i wish for is cuddles, is that too much to ask for?
  • i enjoy chillin and playing games
  • i love anime ^-^
  • i love animals, mostly cats, fish and snakes ^w^
  • i talk to myself......a lot :| i think im crazy
i like to cam chat on skype, so please add me?

Name :Nathan
Nick Name :DeathMist18
Birthdate :24/08/95
Birthplace :Australia
Current Location :Aus
Eye Color :its kinda blue/green/hazel-ish
Hair Color :black
Height :im not that tall
Weight :dont weigh that much to be honest
Piercings :none atm :c
Tatoos :none atm :c
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :searching
Overused Phrase :"yea"
Food :pancakes :D
Candy :anything sweet tbh
Number :18
Color :black, red and green
Animal :cat
Drink :ice break <3
Body Part on Opposite sex :their whole body
TV Show :supernatural
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :coke, though i couldn't care less
Chocolate or Vanillachocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee :both
Kiss or Hug :cuddles
Dog or Cat :cat
Rap or Punk :pfft...metal!
Summer or Winter :winter, i love getting all snuggly and warm
Scary Movies or Funny Movies :both ^-^
Love or Money :love <3
Bedtime :when i feel like it
Most Missed Memory :not having asthma and being able to run heaps
Best phyiscal feature :hair, maybe :|
First Thought Waking Up :wish i had someone to cuddle
Ambition :be good at game design
Best Friends :snakes and cats? :D
Weakness :not that strong.
Fears :some spiders
Longest relationship :bit over a year
Cheated Your Partner :no
Ever been beaten up :yea :(
Ever beaten someone up :yup
Ever Shoplifted :nope
Ever Skinny Dipped :nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :yep
Been Dumped Lately :nope
Favorite Eye Color :blue, green. though any colour is good :)
Favorite Hair Color :i like greens/whites/blacks/blues
Short or Long :long?
Height :doesn't bother me
Style :emo/scene hair. seriously its fkin awesome
Looks or Personality :personality
Hot or Cutecute :3
Muscular or Really Skinny :skinny
What country do you want to Visit :japan
How do you want to Die :anything with the least amount of pain?
Been to the Mall Lately :yea i have
Get along with your Parents :i do
Health Freak :just the essentials :)
Do you think your Attractive :no :|
Believe in Yourself :at times
Want to go to College :already going
Do you Smoke :no
Do you Drink :not yet
Shower Daily :yes :D
Been in Love :i have
Do you Sing :to myself....
Want to get Married :i do, if she does
Do you want Children :yea, 1 or 2
Age you wanna lose your Virginity :whenever it happens.....
Hate anyone :no, just raging kids online >.<"
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Favourite Music

metal and EDM

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet

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- hai *.*

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Jan 08 2014, 08:35 PM
heart broken again :'( why does life hate me so much?
Nov 30 2013, 03:51 PM
every path i take leads to a dead end, or just branches off into more paths with ends. i have no hope in finding who i'm meant to be with. why do i keep on going when all i get is sadness and frustration?.

Jan 08 2014, 08:35 PM

heart broken again :'( why does life hate me so much?

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Nov 30 2013, 03:51 PM

every path i take leads to a dead end, or just branches off into more paths with ends. i have no hope in finding who i'm meant to be with. why do i keep on going when all i get is sadness and frustration?.

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