The more I think about it, we were just kids /
Listening to death music, looking for excuses to live /
With all our vampire make-up on, we were just kids, /
But just you wait until you see what we did... Yellow Balloon, by JJ Demon
Lydia Henderson
25 / Female / mckeesport, United States
Bisexual / Single
Member since:
Nov 18, 2018
Last online:
Jan 16, 2019
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
I sexually Identify as a Gabe Newell. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of filling my wallet by dropping Steam Sales onto 12 000 games at once. People say to me that a person being a Newell is impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I have 10 computers worth over 10k each in order to drop new Steam Sales every few days. From now on I want you guys to call me "Gabe" and respect my right to get rich fast and discount needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a profitophobe and need to check your wallet. Thank you for being so understanding.
We regret to inform you that the card titled "Mommy's Debit" has been declinded your latest purchases due to suspicous activities. To unlock your card for further use, please confirm your recent purchases with your local bank. The listing follows
- 1x Monster Horse Dildo 12' Lubricated Thrusters
- 3x Backdoor Sluts 9
- 1x "Undetectable Aimbot" from AimJunkies
- 6x Magnum condoms
- 5x Bananas
- 1x Small Condom
- 2x Subscription to JakeChillz Minecraft stream
- 1x Deag's Rust Career
- 1x Gay Poster
Please respond back to us using your old email:
Thanks for your patience,
Wells All Mighty Lord Gabe.
Favourite Music
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Film: Lots and i can t choose really xD
TV: Not much these days... jojo bizarre adventure,sailor moon....