And through it all, how could you cry, for me? 'Cause I don't feel bad about it. So shut your eyes, kiss me goodbye, and sleep. Sleep, by My Chemical Romance
Ash Redfern
26 / Male / in a coffin six feet under, Australia
Straight / Forever Alone
Member since:
Jul 03, 2015
Last online:
Apr 25, 2020
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
uhm im not to sure what to say about myself but im Ash i lived most of my life in Perth and then moved to Townsville with my mum when my parents broke up im single tho i have been most of my life cause im nervous with girls and just socially awkward i know its pretty pathetic of me so yea that doesn't help much if you cant tell already i suck at just talking in general but im not to sure on what else to say :3 add me kik, skype, snapchat or fb if you want just ask for them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Everyone deserves to own the world but nobody deserves to just be handed it.
Favourite Music
i dont really have any favorite type of music or band i guess it all depends on the type of mood im in and usually i only like one song from a band tho i do like bliss n eso, hilltop hoods, horrorshow, beartooth, botdf, illy and anything good really so yea