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Maybe I'm better off dead. If I was, would finally be enough to shut out all those voices in my head? Better Off Dead, by Sleeping With Sirens

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Emo-skatergirl1253

[Site Model]

Suki Shelton
25 / Female / Springfield, United States
Bisexual / In a Relationship
Member since: Aug 21, 2016
Last online: Jul 25, 2018

Current rating: 8.0/10 (1 votes cast)

About Me

Likes: Skateboarding, Drawing, Walking, Biking, Reading, Singing, Making Friends, Meeting New People, Piercings, Kittens, Puppies, and ect. Dislikes: Txt talk, Boring People, Annoying people, Liars, Cheaters, Backstabers, and ect. More About Me: I am very shy and don't have many friends. I'm a very passionate person, I get bullied a lot because of what I like and it irritates me. Please be nice to me and I will be nice back. I am bisexual.

Favourite Music

Black Veil Brides Bring Me The Horizon Miss May I Capture The Crown Black Sabbath Asking Alexandria Attack Attack Blink 182 Get Scared We Can As Romans Amyst Of Mice & Men Atreyu Sleeping With Sirens Breaking Benjamin Flyleaf Pierce The Veil Chelsea Grin Such Great Heights Crown The Empire A Day To Remember Enter Shikari Falling In Reverse Fight For Ashes Follow My Lead Vampires Everywhere Godsmack Motionless In white Twenty One Pilots Muse Paramore The Hot Lies Joel Favierr Marilyn Manson Evanesence NeverShoutNever Nickelback CatchingYourClouds SayWeCanFly SoundsLikeHarmony Famous Last Words The Fathers Seed Sick Puppies Silverstein Brokencyde Skillet A Skylit Drive Three Day Grace Witt Lowry B-mike MikeLWJ Memphis May Fire Shinedown And Many Other Bands :3

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Hills Have Eyes 1 & 2 Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2 & 3 Dark eyes

Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet

Emo guys and girl Scene guys and girls Anyone that needs friends Anyone looking for love as well.

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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Aug 21 2016, 07:02 PM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Aug 21 2016, 06:57 PM
Heya Emo-skatergirl1253 welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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Oct 29 2016, 12:47 AM
Depression Never Ends Depression is here everyday And it never goes away Go away! I yell into the dark As if someone is there I feel as if I'm a prisoner In the dungeon's lair And as always no one cares Do I dare? Dare to care about anyone but me? Could it be, Someone there? Someone there to care? No, just an image That's the way it will always be No matter how hard I try I just want to get by I go through life day by day, I thought pain was supposed To go away with time But it's not It's still here Here with the fear Fear that I will get hurt more
Oct 29 2016, 12:43 AM
Cold Dark Corner There's a cold dark corner in the back of my room, it speaks to me and says I'm coming for you. As I lie on my bed in the fetal position, my eyes are closed hoping and wishing. Maybe that one day my dreams will come true, that I don't have to be here so down and blue. The corner keeps talking about how I'm going to die, all I can do is lie there and cry. As the corner gets closer and takes me in, my soul starts to burn as so does my skin. My bones shall lie there turning to dust, my bed surrounding nothing but rust.
Oct 29 2016, 12:42 AM
The Wicked Path Of Destiny/ The Death Of Gods Pets- Mankind I walk the face of earth once more, a mindless puppet, my strings are torn. the creaky bones, the bad eyesight, yet the chance to turn wrong to right. wars-a-waging, old mans guilt, the worlds now on more then just a tilt. parents weeping, children slain, bloody thoughts, fear will reign. I look in the shadows, a creature did lurk, he whispered to me, hiding a smirk. "Thou shalt be killed if thee can't find, the demon lurking in thou mind." So off I ventured, to quench my thirst, of corpses piled with hearts-a-burst. And on that quest what did I see? The Wicked Path Of Destiny
Oct 29 2016, 12:35 AM
Sweet Agony What do you see when you look in my eyes? A freak? A nameless being? Or maybe simply another face in the endless sea of people What do I see when I look at myself in the mirror? I see pain, laughter, tears, smiles, fatigue, and endless energy. What do I do When the world I live in Doesn't know I am suffering? I feel the scars On my heart My arms My wrists And I think back to a time when I was truly alone Wondering the streets at night The sky dark and stormy, With the cold rain falling down on me It was like the sky was crying All the tears I was too afraid to shed myself That was along time ago, but still I can feel the sharpness of the blades upon my soul My skin My heart Sometimes at night I sit up Stare at my window And cry, for all the pain I still sometimes feel. I wonder if life is meant to be more then this, This town These people These feelings I am like a caged animal, Trapped inside bars Locked in, with no hope to escape I scream Yell Cry But no one hears me I stand alone On my own little path of life That I have been on for as long as I can remember With a broken heart A broken soul A broken mind Still I struggle on So that I can maybe see beyond this world Of darkness and despair, So I can see the world beyond, Of love and life and happiness So here I stand, A smile on my face, Even though I am being torn apart on the inside. I will continue to smile, And feel And love And I will survive; survive to tomorrow So I can learn to trust again And this sweet agony That has been with me all my life Will be dispersed Become nonexistent Gone No more. And I will finally Be Alive.
Oct 11 2016, 09:38 PM
Depression They say you can choose to be happy. That depression is all in your head, but those who truly believe that have never dealt with the pain of waking up everyday wondering if you will be strong enough to get through the day. They have never felt so much pain that it feels like your not even in your own body anymore. They have never been in a crowded room and felt so alone. Never felt like they were drowning on dry land. So tell me how can someone with depression just wake up and choose to be happy. Depression is a real illness and people make fun of it. They treat it like a joke. Would they make fun of someone who was blind or with down syndrome? Depression is just like any other illness. Its wanting to live your live but wondering what's the point? Its wanting to laugh but wanting to cry at the same time. Its like you cant breath no matter what. Depression isn't always scars on your body, or tears running down your face. It could be the girl who smiled and said have a nice day, or the man who paid for your coffee. It could be a little kid playing at the park, or a sweet old lady at the market. Depression doesn't pick an age group, race, or gender. Depression can happen to anyone. Depression is just as real as happiness, its not some made up excuse to be sad. Depression is having more sad days the happy. Its staring into space because it has taking over your body. Depression is a real illness
Oct 11 2016, 09:38 PM
War on Depression Depression is a fight Or a flight Depression is a theif That should be locked up Depression steals... Happiness Motivation Sleep Your appetite It steals your view on life It steals how you view yourself Sometimes it even steals your life
Oct 11 2016, 02:21 PM
Depression is a World Depression is a world Depression leaves you lost Depression drops you into a never ending black hole You want to get help But you can't When you do You wish you didn't Depression leaves you numb With fear Depression leaves you no hope No ambition Nothing to look forward to Tears well in your eyes Depression leaks out Out into the open
Oct 11 2016, 02:12 PM
Demons In Darkness She stood on the bridge In silence and fear For the demon of darkness Has driven her here They cut her heart Right out of her chest Making her believe That the demons knew best They were always there Sometimes just out of sight Waiting in the background Till the time was right These demons were destructive Knocking down the life she knew Hating everything about her She hated herself to These demons can't be seen But they're far from fairy tales They live inside your mind Their evilness prevails So on the bridge she stood About to end the fight The she stopped and thought I'll Fight them on more night

Oct 29 2016, 12:47 AM

Depression Never Ends Depression is here everyday And it never goes away Go away! I yell into the dark As if someone is there I feel as if I'm a prisoner In the dungeon's lair And as always no one cares Do I dare? Dare to care about anyone but me? Could it be, Someone there? Someone there to care? No, just an image That's the way it will always be No matter how hard I try I just want to get by I go through life day by day, I thought pain was supposed To go away with time But it's not It's still here Here with the fear Fear that I will get hurt more

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Oct 29 2016, 12:43 AM

Cold Dark Corner There's a cold dark corner in the back of my room, it speaks to me and says I'm coming for you. As I lie on my bed in the fetal position, my eyes are closed hoping and wishing. Maybe that one day my dreams will come true, that I don't have to be here so down and blue. The corner keeps talking about how I'm going to die, all I can do is lie there and cry. As the corner gets closer and takes me in, my soul starts to burn as so does my skin. My bones shall lie there turning to dust, my bed surrounding nothing but rust.

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Oct 29 2016, 12:42 AM

The Wicked Path Of Destiny/ The Death Of Gods Pets- Mankind I walk the face of earth once more, a mindless puppet, my strings are torn. the creaky bones, the bad eyesight, yet the chance to turn wrong to right. wars-a-waging, old mans guilt, the worlds now on more then just a tilt. parents weeping, children slain, bloody thoughts, fear will reign. I look in the shadows, a creature did lurk, he whispered to me, hiding a smirk. "Thou shalt be killed if thee can't find, the demon lurking in thou mind." So off I ventured, to quench my thirst, of corpses piled with hearts-a-burst. And on that quest what did I see? The Wicked Path Of Destiny

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Oct 29 2016, 12:35 AM

Sweet Agony What do you see when you look in my eyes? A freak? A nameless being? Or maybe simply another face in the endless sea of people What do I see when I look at myself in the mirror? I see pain, laughter, tears, smiles, fatigue, and endless energy. What do I do When the world I live in Doesn't know I am suffering? I feel the scars On my heart My arms My wrists And I think back to a time when I was truly alone Wondering the streets at night The sky dark and stormy, With the cold rain falling down on me It was like the sky was crying All the tears I was too afraid to shed myself That was along time ago, but still I can feel the sharpness of the blades upon my soul My skin My heart Sometimes at night I sit up Stare at my window And cry, for all the pain I still sometimes feel. I wonder if life is meant to be more then this, This town These people These feelings I am like a caged animal, Trapped inside bars Locked in, with no hope to escape I scream Yell Cry But no one hears me I stand alone On my own little path of life That I have been on for as long as I can remember With a broken heart A broken soul A broken mind Still I struggle on So that I can maybe see beyond this world Of darkness and despair, So I can see the world beyond, Of love and life and happiness So here I stand, A smile on my face, Even though I am being torn apart on the inside. I will continue to smile, And feel And love And I will survive; survive to tomorrow So I can learn to trust again And this sweet agony That has been with me all my life Will be dispersed Become nonexistent Gone No more. And I will finally Be Alive.

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Oct 11 2016, 09:38 PM

Depression They say you can choose to be happy. That depression is all in your head, but those who truly believe that have never dealt with the pain of waking up everyday wondering if you will be strong enough to get through the day. They have never felt so much pain that it feels like your not even in your own body anymore. They have never been in a crowded room and felt so alone. Never felt like they were drowning on dry land. So tell me how can someone with depression just wake up and choose to be happy. Depression is a real illness and people make fun of it. They treat it like a joke. Would they make fun of someone who was blind or with down syndrome? Depression is just like any other illness. Its wanting to live your live but wondering what's the point? Its wanting to laugh but wanting to cry at the same time. Its like you cant breath no matter what. Depression isn't always scars on your body, or tears running down your face. It could be the girl who smiled and said have a nice day, or the man who paid for your coffee. It could be a little kid playing at the park, or a sweet old lady at the market. Depression doesn't pick an age group, race, or gender. Depression can happen to anyone. Depression is just as real as happiness, its not some made up excuse to be sad. Depression is having more sad days the happy. Its staring into space because it has taking over your body. Depression is a real illness

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Oct 11 2016, 09:38 PM

War on Depression Depression is a fight Or a flight Depression is a theif That should be locked up Depression steals... Happiness Motivation Sleep Your appetite It steals your view on life It steals how you view yourself Sometimes it even steals your life

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Oct 11 2016, 02:21 PM

Depression is a World Depression is a world Depression leaves you lost Depression drops you into a never ending black hole You want to get help But you can't When you do You wish you didn't Depression leaves you numb With fear Depression leaves you no hope No ambition Nothing to look forward to Tears well in your eyes Depression leaks out Out into the open

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Oct 11 2016, 02:12 PM

Demons In Darkness She stood on the bridge In silence and fear For the demon of darkness Has driven her here They cut her heart Right out of her chest Making her believe That the demons knew best They were always there Sometimes just out of sight Waiting in the background Till the time was right These demons were destructive Knocking down the life she knew Hating everything about her She hated herself to These demons can't be seen But they're far from fairy tales They live inside your mind Their evilness prevails So on the bridge she stood About to end the fight The she stopped and thought I'll Fight them on more night

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