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when you've gone about things all wrong bury them here, with the lifetime you would never regret in savoring sleep, what do you mean i toss and turn everywhere? i'll miss you when you're gone in pretending that you meant the world to me Neverender, by Coheed and Cambria

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Fingertips


Ryan Van Thull
26 / Male / Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since: Apr 06, 2015
Last online: Apr 17, 2015

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

im obsessed with woman.

Games: Shaiya, Conquer, Rohan Blood Feud, Dark Souls, Pandora's Tower, Last Chaos, Archlord, Maplestory, Runescape, Guildwars, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Twelvesky, Rage of Bahamut, Imvu, Blade & Soul, Black Desert, Soul of the Ultimate Nation (S.U.N).

Music: Architects, Nightstep, Knife Party, Touhou, Nightcore, Hardstyle, Hardcore, Dubstep, Skrillex, Classic, Death/Metal, Metal, Rock, Hard Rock, Metal/Rock, Radio, Q-Music, Three Days Grace, Childrem Of Bodom, Pierce The Veil, Black Veiled Brides, Sleeping With Sirens, Asking Alexandria, Escape The Fate, Flyleaf, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Metallica, AC/DC, Motionless In White, Disturbed.

Work: Part-Time.

Sport: Fitness.

Favourite Music


Favourite Films / TV / Books

Animé: Fairy Tail.
Cartoon: Adventure Time.
Tv: Regular Show.

I do have Fairy Tail books myself, and to be honest I like any kind of book.
It just depends on my mood, but I barely read books even though I love them.

Education / Occupation

School 24/7

Who I'd Like To Meet


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Emo Pictures - Fingertips
Apr 07 2015, 08:56 AM
Warmth |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74% Intellect |||||||||||||||||| 54% Emotional Stability ||||||||||||||| 50% Aggressiveness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Liveliness |||||||||||||||||| 58% Dutifulness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Social Assertiveness |||||||||||||||||| 54% Sensitivity ||||||||||||||| 46% Paranoia ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Abstractness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78% Introversion |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74% Anxiety |||||||||||||||||| 58% Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||| 58% Independence |||||||||||||||||| 58% Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||| 54% Tension ||||||||||||||| 42%
Emo Pictures - Fingertips
Apr 07 2015, 04:34 AM
Dear People, I do have Kik/Skype/Facebook etc. (BUT) It's meant for the people I know in reallive, and I can't just share it. This will only be allowed in special circumstances, if there's anything (serious) then just send me a message. I will try everything I can to help you out, ofcourse I won't be of much help in every situation. If you want to share anything, just post a comment or send me a private message! :) I will respond as soon as I can! ^-^
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- Old Picture Of Me.

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- Casual.

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Apr 06 2015, 01:25 PM
Dear ''Emo People'' this is my (Journal) I guess.. I was born 23 Jul 1998, my live had some nice and bad years, who doesn't? I may not be perfect, but I can tell you that i'm a weirdo like all others ^-^ In reallive I am a shy person and not very talkative, my imagination goes to (UK) as in the United Kingdom. Somehow I love the UK, the feelings of wrapping your arms around a girl and walk trough the city is a dream to good to be true sometimes. Maybe my journal might be a little childish, but everyone has those moments (I THINK). I never had a girlfriend myself cause I was to picky, as I said before I am not perfect. I usually act very dead, but when I get interested I can talk for hours and hours. I listen to any kind of music, it just depends on my mood and I love woman ofcourse. Just don't take this seriously cause i'm filled with sarcasm sometimes and have regrets later that I actually type this. Anyways, thanks for reading my journal! I'll update it from time to time *^*

Apr 06 2015, 01:25 PM

Dear ''Emo People'' this is my (Journal) I guess.. I was born 23 Jul 1998, my live had some nice and bad years, who doesn't? I may not be perfect, but I can tell you that i'm a weirdo like all others ^-^ In reallive I am a shy person and not very talkative, my imagination goes to (UK) as in the United Kingdom. Somehow I love the UK, the feelings of wrapping your arms around a girl and walk trough the city is a dream to good to be true sometimes. Maybe my journal might be a little childish, but everyone has those moments (I THINK). I never had a girlfriend myself cause I was to picky, as I said before I am not perfect. I usually act very dead, but when I get interested I can talk for hours and hours. I listen to any kind of music, it just depends on my mood and I love woman ofcourse. Just don't take this seriously cause i'm filled with sarcasm sometimes and have regrets later that I actually type this. Anyways, thanks for reading my journal! I'll update it from time to time *^*

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