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But there's just something about this dizzy dreamer and a bleeding little blue boy Licking your fingers like you're done and you decided there was so much more than me Caraphernelia, by Pierce The Veil

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - ForeverSearching

[Site Model]

29 / Female / Topeka, Kansas, United States
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since: Apr 14, 2012
Last online: Nov 29, 2019

Current rating: 10.0/10 (1 votes cast)

About Me

I'm a really sweet 18 year old girl with my nose and lip pierced and I really love to read if you want to know anything else just ask! <3 <3

Favourite Music

Motionless In White, Black Veil Brides, Good Charlotte, Mayday Parade, CatchingYourClouds, Blink-182, Simple Plan and the list could go on and on.

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Disney Films (I'm such a little kid), Anime so much Anime haha, Scooby-Doo, Family Guy, American Dad, Cooking shows like dinner:impossible, Bones, Edward scissorhands, Loony Toones, Jonny Depp movies involving him in like Alice In Wonderland truthfully anything that interests me. The Twilight Series, Japanese ghost story books, Ghost Stories, Vampire Kisses series again anything that catches my eye but lots and lots of Manga love my manga.

Education / Occupation

Right now i'm still in High school but i'm online/home schooled and I'm thinking about getting a job soon.

Who I'd Like To Meet

Well I've already met all of Good Charlotte they were awesome, so I would like to meet Andy, Jinxx and the rest of the guys from Black Veil Brides, and I will get to meet Chris and the rest of the guys from Motionless In White hopefully this summer.Music saved my life and I would really like to meet people who are easy going and i'm a really good person willing to lend an ear to anyone who might need it I love helping people and I Don't like people being judged for who they are.

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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jun 27 2012, 08:03 PM
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Apr 14 2012, 03:38 AM
Heya ForeverSearching welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Apr 14 2012, 02:39 AM
Thanks for the add :]
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- My sister and I in front of the rainbow house

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- My Tattoo

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- In front of the Rainbow House

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- Motionless In White Live

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- Motionless In White Live

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- Motionless In White Live

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- Motionless In White Meet and Greet Warped Tour

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- Motionless In White Meet and Greet

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- Allie/ Merch Girl of Motionless In White

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- Our Dobbie Stepped on Me her way of Aplogizing

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- My true personailty was coming out No More Pics!

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- I was sweating eww! and I was sitting on the couch

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- Sonic! I was wondering around Ryan&#039;s place

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- He was making fun of how short I am!

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- Wondering away into the woods and sunset

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- My shoes were killing my feet!

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- My prom date Ryan Licked my ear!

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Jan 04 2013, 04:30 AM
Well what a world these past two months have been I tried to commit suicide towards the end of November but called a ambulance a few minutes after I overdosed. I was taken to the hospital stayed there for a day and a half and then moved to a mental hospital for 3 days and I'll tell you now that mental hospital was literally like prison things bolted to walls screwed shut things bolted to the ground no locks you had to have a card or guard just to get out of a door.
Jun 18 2012, 07:45 PM
So I've recently been having health scares and my doctors have no idea whats wrong with me. First when I started having imense pain and took a pain killer from the time I had Kidney Stones and had my mom set me up a appointment and they said I had Kidney Stones again and sent me home with more pain killers they didn't do Shit except make me sleepy and that was the only time I wasn't in pain. I was in a tolerable amount of pain and then after going out on memorial day and then the next morning I had so much pain that I was crying on the phone to my mom. I really wanted to go to the ER here where I live but my Stupid Ass Father rufuses to give us a copy of the insurance card so I had two choices wait for my mom to come get me 20 minutes away and then drive 30 minutes to the hospital where they had the card or wait for my mom to get the insurance card from my sister 10 minutes away and then come get me and take me to the ER. So we decided to do the one with the insurance card on file. I was in pain for forever and then I had a CT scan and........They found nothing ugh and they still don't know whats wrong with me so my doctor gave me antibotics and called it good yeah they haven't helped i'm just so frusterated ugh.....I'm better now but my back still does hurt but not much righ tnow soooo. Idk what to do anymore
Apr 30 2012, 02:56 PM
I had my heart broken two days after Valentines day and now i'm having it be broken again i'm trying not to cry but he is really acting like a dick and avoiding me and making up excuses..... I've been single for almost 3 years am I ever going to be happy?

Jan 04 2013, 04:30 AM

Well what a world these past two months have been I tried to commit suicide towards the end of November but called a ambulance a few minutes after I overdosed. I was taken to the hospital stayed there for a day and a half and then moved to a mental hospital for 3 days and I'll tell you now that mental hospital was literally like prison things bolted to walls screwed shut things bolted to the ground no locks you had to have a card or guard just to get out of a door.

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Jun 18 2012, 07:45 PM

So I've recently been having health scares and my doctors have no idea whats wrong with me. First when I started having imense pain and took a pain killer from the time I had Kidney Stones and had my mom set me up a appointment and they said I had Kidney Stones again and sent me home with more pain killers they didn't do Shit except make me sleepy and that was the only time I wasn't in pain. I was in a tolerable amount of pain and then after going out on memorial day and then the next morning I had so much pain that I was crying on the phone to my mom. I really wanted to go to the ER here where I live but my Stupid Ass Father rufuses to give us a copy of the insurance card so I had two choices wait for my mom to come get me 20 minutes away and then drive 30 minutes to the hospital where they had the card or wait for my mom to get the insurance card from my sister 10 minutes away and then come get me and take me to the ER. So we decided to do the one with the insurance card on file. I was in pain for forever and then I had a CT scan and........They found nothing ugh and they still don't know whats wrong with me so my doctor gave me antibotics and called it good yeah they haven't helped i'm just so frusterated ugh.....I'm better now but my back still does hurt but not much righ tnow soooo. Idk what to do anymore

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Apr 30 2012, 02:56 PM

I had my heart broken two days after Valentines day and now i'm having it be broken again i'm trying not to cry but he is really acting like a dick and avoiding me and making up excuses..... I've been single for almost 3 years am I ever going to be happy?

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