32 / Female / Minnesota, United States
Bisexual / Single & Looking
Member since:
Oct 25, 2010
Last online:
Nov 16, 2010
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Gabrielle. I'll never be the girl your looking for, so do not bother flirting with me. I'm not looking for online love, I can't find real life love, let alone some cyber romance. I'm ugly. Get over it. I don't care WHAT YOU SAY, I know its true. Photoshop is good at covering up my flaws. Which, for your information, is my face and body. I'm one big walking, talking, flaw. I try to be $cene, but I think I fail miserably. So that's all you really need to know. The end. ~I'm not some carefree, 'I don't give a flying crap' kind of person. ~I'm truly broken inside, and I find it hard to see reason in living. ~I hate myself, inside and out, ~I hate men, other than the guy friends I have, because they all hurt me, and turn out to be players that want nothing to do with me but use me for my body and looks. ~ I'm really actually nice, but I'm severly depressed and don't honestly have much to offer. ~I give much more than I take in friendships ~If you can't stand me, don't bother adding me. Thanks for your time. ~I don't like people that slobber all over other people on this site, so if you do that, don't add me or even talk to me. It bugs me to know end. Just ask any of the guys I talk to on here that does that. Some facts about me: |My birthday is September 29th. |I wear lots of bright neon colors. |I'm a Scene Girl, and I'm proud of it. |I love music, it's my LIFE. |I swear some, but I'm trying to stop. |I'm also a Christian, and I love Jesus. |I'm straightedge. |NO DRUGS.| |NO ALCOHOL.| |NO SMOKING.| |NO SEX.| (((If you want to violate any of those rules, go the heck ahead, but I live by them. I've never done any of those things and don't plan on it. Don't flirt with me, because I know you're secretly all over another girl.))) I carry the burden of a thousand broken hearts upon my arms and legs, and chest. Or so it feels. I'm looking for a boy, who will sit with me and talk on the phone until one of us falls asleep, a boy who will play acoustic guitar for me, a boy who will let me cry on his shoulder, a boy who will ride the waves of my bi-polarity and mood swings, a boy who will love, cherish, and embrace my flaws, physical and mental. A boy who will swing with me because he's so close to me that he knows I love swinging and think it's one of the most romantic things to do ever, a boy who will go to concerts and throwdown for me because he's just that awesome. A boy who will pick me up even though I'm fat, and tell me that I'm light as a feather. Someone who will grab my waist and passionately kiss me. Someone who will be HONEST, RESPECTFUL, and COMMITTED. And NO, I didn't just copy-paste that. I wrote it. Because I'm looking for that special someone....I know he's out there..somewhere. I'm not expecting to find this on this site. I'm not into that whole 'cyber romance' thing. I think it's completely and utterly PATHETIC. Anywhoo, I'm a pretty nice person, if you get past the whole exterior thing. And I like to build walls. Lots of them. Tall ones, short ones, whichever fits you so I can block you out of my heart and mind. I love my friends. I have very few, but that's only been my choice. Their there for you whenever you need them to be, at least the good ones, ones who will be your friend no matter WHAT you look like.. If you can't handle me...don't bother adding. But if you think you -might- be able to... Go right ahead, I don't bite! ...hard..
Favourite Music
Oh goodness...I'm in the Minnesota Hardcore Scene...But I like anything from alternative/indie/screamo/classical/techno/punk/etc.
Ask for more.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Anything Tim Burton. Perks of Being a Wallflower, the Bible, Etc..