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I don't really care about what they say I'mma come back like a boomerang Won't let the haters get their way I'mma come back like a boomerang Boomerang, by JoJo Siwa

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - HOMOSUCK


Cal Rose
16 / Male / London, United Kingdom
Bisexual / Single
Member since: Oct 04, 2024
Last online: Mar 12, 2025

Current rating: 5.8/10 (5 votes cast)

About Me

haiiiiiiii :3

im Cal, im 16, a guy lel and a major autistic

im jus here 2look 4cewl ppl 2talk abt music n interests n stuffz lol

i luv pokemon (esp glitch pokemon omggg), vaporeon, cyndaquil and zoroark r my favs!!! im a huuuuuuuge homestuck fan, i love death note, warrior cats, wings of fire, invader zim, neon genesis evangelion, spiderman, and undertale fan :D

ive been getting in2 F1 racing recently 2 (my dads fault lolllll)

Favourite Music

euuuurgh idek where 2 begin,,,,,,

im 100% fully fact proven to be the no1 pierce the veil fan (if u disagree u hav aids)

i love pop punk and emo music sm PLSPLSLPSLPSLS if u hav any band r song recs hand em over

heres a lil thingy of sum of tha bandz i listen 2 XP there r sum that dont sho up here tho sooooo


if u wan2 see ALL the bands n shi i listen 2 my main playlist is called 

top 100 reasons i hate spotify

shuld b 1st result XP

Favourite Films / TV / Books


i dont acc whatch a lot of films/tv shows or read much anymore cuz my attention span is so shit BUUUUUUUUUUUT i love the pokemon series (obv im super autistic abt pokemon), invader zim, house md, death note, warrior cats, wings of fire, doawk, percy jackson, F1, a discovery of witches, i have no mouth and i must scream, the spiderman comics, pokemon special manga, deadpool, alien romulus, and beetlejuice :3

Education / Occupation

currently in 6th form lollllll kill me

goin 4my psych, bio and socio a lvls

Who I'd Like To Meet

ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!! srsly idgaf!!!!!

as long as u dont mind me being a bit quiet or autistic here n there i culd not give less of a fuck abt who ur!!! ofc id rather talk to ppl around my age but if ur younger/older w the same interests idc :D

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Emo Pictures - M3CH4N1C4L_BR1D3
Nov 18 2024, 03:15 AM

You seem kind of cool lol

Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Oct 04 2024, 10:53 PM
Heya HOMOSUCKwelcome to soEmo.co.uk

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Feb 10 2025, 10:10 PM

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Feb 10 2025, 10:10 PM

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Dec 02 2024, 10:21 AM

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Nov 15 2024, 08:07 PM

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Nov 15 2024, 08:07 PM

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Nov 15 2024, 08:06 PM

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Nov 15 2024, 08:06 PM

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Nov 15 2024, 08:06 PM

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Oct 04 2024, 11:55 PM


autisming tf out 2 myself over pokemon again lol cuz istg NO1 WILL LET ME TALK ABT GLITCH POKEMON W THEM!!!!!!!!

anyways ive been thinkin abt missingno so heres a mini infodump abt the crittr

missingno is a placeholder pokemon. their name is literally 'missing number' referring to the missing number in the internal storage of the pokemon from where pokemon were removed/scrapped to make room for other parts of the game/code. there are actually supposed to be 255 internal places for pokemon, however the pokedex only stores 151. most of these unused data slots are taken up by missingno.

missingnos internal number is 000, and its the pokedex value that gives the pokemon their appearance actually, it shows the games sprite decompression code where to look to find it, the reason missingno looks so weird is that the pointer of 000 doesnt actually point to any real sprite code, so instead random parts of code are translated as sprite data instead :P. the irregular shape of the sprite is from the sprite decompression not being able to calculate the size of the bounding boxes used for the sprite (as those values are made of garbage code and therefore tend to be unreadable by the program).

a lot of people have this misconception from/about missingno that glitch pokemon can all fuck up save files and ruin game data, and while yes SOME can do some damage thats definitely not the case for missingno. the only glitches missingno can produce are the item overflow and visual glitches, the most notable being the hall of fame.

the only reason missingno affects the hall of fame data is because it is a FAT FUCK. no im not kidding. its garbage data points to a sprite that is so big it bounds out of the boxes used for sprite decompression over into the next sector of the data, which just so happens to be the hall of fame data area lol.

even as a regular pokemon, missingno fails to be anything interesting to use. its horrifically fragile, with terrible special and defence to protect it from attacks, however it has an extremely high attack stat making it a literal glass cannon. the convenient part of missingno is that its normal type, meaning it gets access to some stab boosts, immunities and strengths over other types rather than other glitch pokemon that tend to be glitch types.... loosing but also gaining nothing..... and missingno can learn pretty much every tm and hm in the game meaning that if you set up missingno just right in a battle you can use it to sweep entire teams, unfortunately due to how fragile it is it would be insanely difficult to pull off correctly.

a final (??????) fun fact ig is that if you fail to register a marrowak (one appears in the lavender tower and i dont think you can register one before then) in the pokedex, otherwise missingno will just constantly try and evolve into kangaskhan which is p funny. missingno also likes to take the forms of other abandonded sprites left in the games depending on what u names urself.

so yeah, missingnos a placeholder for removed pokemon, a pretty mediocre glitch pokemon, and a really shit pokemon...... but i still love it. ot may be a horrific piece of garbage code never meant to exist but its MY horrific piece of garbage code that was never meant to exist thank you very much.

autism rant over now methinks...... yawn...

Oct 04 2024, 11:55 PM


autisming tf out 2 myself over pokemon again lol cuz istg NO1 WILL LET ME TALK ABT GLITCH POKEMON W THEM!!!!!!!!

anyways ive been thinkin abt missingno so heres a mini infodump abt the crittr

missingno is a placeholder pokemon. their name is literally 'missing number' referring to the missing number in the internal storage of the pokemon from where pokemon were removed/scrapped to make room for other parts of the game/code. there are actually supposed to be 255 internal places for pokemon, however the pokedex only stores 151. most of these unused data slots are taken up by missingno.

missingnos internal number is 000, and its the pokedex value that gives the pokemon their appearance actually, it shows the games sprite decompression code where to look to find it, the reason missingno looks so weird is that the pointer of 000 doesnt actually point to any real sprite code, so instead random parts of code are translated as sprite data instead :P. the irregular shape of the sprite is from the sprite decompression not being able to calculate the size of the bounding boxes used for the sprite (as those values are made of garbage code and therefore tend to be unreadable by the program).

a lot of people have this misconception from/about missingno that glitch pokemon can all fuck up save files and ruin game data, and while yes SOME can do some damage thats definitely not the case for missingno. the only glitches missingno can produce are the item overflow and visual glitches, the most notable being the hall of fame.

the only reason missingno affects the hall of fame data is because it is a FAT FUCK. no im not kidding. its garbage data points to a sprite that is so big it bounds out of the boxes used for sprite decompression over into the next sector of the data, which just so happens to be the hall of fame data area lol.

even as a regular pokemon, missingno fails to be anything interesting to use. its horrifically fragile, with terrible special and defence to protect it from attacks, however it has an extremely high attack stat making it a literal glass cannon. the convenient part of missingno is that its normal type, meaning it gets access to some stab boosts, immunities and strengths over other types rather than other glitch pokemon that tend to be glitch types.... loosing but also gaining nothing..... and missingno can learn pretty much every tm and hm in the game meaning that if you set up missingno just right in a battle you can use it to sweep entire teams, unfortunately due to how fragile it is it would be insanely difficult to pull off correctly.

a final (??????) fun fact ig is that if you fail to register a marrowak (one appears in the lavender tower and i dont think you can register one before then) in the pokedex, otherwise missingno will just constantly try and evolve into kangaskhan which is p funny. missingno also likes to take the forms of other abandonded sprites left in the games depending on what u names urself.

so yeah, missingnos a placeholder for removed pokemon, a pretty mediocre glitch pokemon, and a really shit pokemon...... but i still love it. ot may be a horrific piece of garbage code never meant to exist but its MY horrific piece of garbage code that was never meant to exist thank you very much.

autism rant over now methinks...... yawn...

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