Where in the world’s the forgotten?
They’re lost inside your memory
You’re dragging on, your heart’s been broken
As we all go down in history
The Forgotten, by Green Day
In Your Dreams
86 / Female / Narnia, United Kingdom
Bisexual / In a Relationship
Member since:
Jun 03, 2012
Last online:
Mar 14, 2014
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About Me
I'm Elly :] (it's my nickname i hate my real name)
I'm three quarters Italian (speak it fluently :D) and a quarter English/American
favourite colour is blue
I love my girlfriend soso much she is literally my entire world (if you're homophobic i'm sorry but you'll have to fucking deal with the fact that i like girls as well as boys)
I cut (family issues, don't ask.) apparently its pretty bad (i know) but i DON'T want help >.< helping just makes things worse.
hate school with passion
music is my life
Don't underestimate me, i'm known for being unpredictable
I'm very VERY shy when there are large crowds and people i don't know because of trust issues (From experience)
age is just a retarded number in my world.
I am VERY random
Roller-blades, Harley Davisons and Skate-boards are my life (but i don't have my skateboard anymore because my parents took it away after i used it down the stairs xD) <3<3
I like egging things (especially cars :D)
I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiled the one who could brighten up your day, even if she couldn't brighten her own.
This pretty much sums everything up. If you REALLY wanna know more then message me, but i think i told you everything.
Cya! :3
Favourite Music
Favourite Bands
Escape The Fate (My No.1 fave band)
Bullet For My Valentine
Falling In Reverse (Tied with Escape the Fate also my No.1)
Black Veil Brides
Asking Alexandria
Blood On The Dancefloor
Bring Me The Horizon
We Are The Fallen, Evanescence
Motionless In White
Pierce The Veil
The Veronicas
My Chemical Romance
Modern Day Escape
Sick Puppies.
(I listen to way more, but if i write them all down then the list would be endless xD)
I mostly listen to Rock, Heavy Metal, Screamo and a little pop. I hate the Charts right now. I like music that has a true meaning behind the words, just like poetry.
Favourite Films / TV / Books
The Vampire Diaries
Naruto xD
Drag me to hell
Scream 4
All the Saw movies
Jennifers Body (Sooo funny xD)
Vampires Suck (xD)
Alice Academy (Love it!!!!!!)
Angel Beats! (Tenshi rules the world!! :D)
Queen of the Damned
Kaichou wa maid-sama
Hiiro no Kakera
Strawberry Panic
Black Butler
Full Metal Alchemist
And i think that is about it. :D (I watch A LOT of anime, so i probably missed out a few other shows) XD
The Hunger Games (and the other two books too)
East of Eden
Twilight series(yes i do like twilight, if you have a problem with that, deal with it)
Beautiful Creatures
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
A series of unfortunate events (I still like them and always will, they were the first series of books i ever had)
The Whale Rider
Season of Secrets
Dragon Keeper
And a few others i can't really remember because i read A LOT.
Education / Occupation
Spend my days in hell (People call it school?)
Who I'd Like To Meet
Andy Biersack
Sasuke Uchiha (If only he would jump out of the TV/computer screen *__*) xD
Ashley Purdy
Craig Mabbitt
Amy Lee
Ronnie Radke
Danny Worsnop
Ben Bruce
An Angel of darkness (no Joke xD)
Bill Kaulitz
And finally, anyone who would appreciate my company :)
I think I might turn lesbian or bisexual, because tbh I've had enough of boys who are dicks, not all of them are like that, only some are, but seriously I've had fucking enough >
I'm alive! I'm alive! oh yeah Between the good and bad's where you'll find me reaching for heaven! I will fight and i sleep when i die, i live, my life, I'm ALIVE!!! :D ahaha xD