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without you theres no reason for my story...and when im with you i can always act the same....forever yea if were together we can make it better you and i, by Anarbor

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - InvisibleGirl666


Kassidy Thorn
25 / Female / Woodsville, United States
Bisexual / In a Relationship
Member since: Jan 28, 2015
Last online: Aug 16, 2015

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

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Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jan 30 2015, 07:01 PM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jan 29 2015, 01:45 PM
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jan 28 2015, 02:32 PM
Heya InvisibleGirl666 welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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  • Please note: Comments soEmo.co.uk considers to be totally unrelated spam will be removed.


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Jun 20 2015, 10:57 AM
Hey guy's...i might delete this account...and the following Facebook accounts: www.facebook.com/kassidy.simmons.98 www.facebook.com/kassidy.simmons.50 Chathour: www.chathour.com/kassidysimmon www.chathour.com/XxGothicaVamprexX these are all the accounts i have...and i'll delete all contact with you all...i'm sorry...
Jun 07 2015, 06:58 AM
Private entry
May 30 2015, 09:33 PM
Private entry
Feb 27 2015, 09:57 PM
Hey Guy's I'm Cast um i Don't feel so well my whole body is aching *sniffles* My boyfriend wants to die and i don't know what to Do what am i gonna do i'm contemplating between life and death right now please someone help me out i'm fucking reaching for the stars trying to get help and it's now working I THOUGHT HE WAS STRONGER THAN THIS FUCK HIM FUCK SCHOOL FUCK LIKE FUCK LOVE HATERS CAN S MY FUCKING D WELL GOOD BYE FOR HIM GUESS I WON'T EVER BE HAPPY AGAIN FUCK HIM GOOD NIGHT
Feb 27 2015, 04:47 AM
FUCK MY DAMN HUNGER i hate you stupid stomach god your so annoying
Feb 24 2015, 09:07 PM
Ok occasionally I will Write parts of a story but not what i'm Doing right now I suprisingly not ever had the actual urge but i do have the urge to cut or see blood soming out of someones mouth sorry but i love the color and i like knifes i'm fasinated with them there like a toy i want one everytime i see one if it was my choice i'd buy every knife in the store i love knifes there so beautiful especially with that beautiful red coming down it i don't know why i do though i guess i like knifes A LOT i absolutely love sharp things ever since that awsome day where my mom died RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY DAMN EYES it killed everything good inside.....everything good of/in me was gone and i can't cry BUT I CAN GET ANGRY i hate it A LOT it's so imperfectly stupid why i can't do something natural i laugh when i get hurt and i smile but when i try and cry i get angry...i've never smiled for real when i don't talk to this person i'm not mentioning names but he know's who he is.he's helped me alot i haven't actually felt happiness talking to anyone except him he's the only friend i have except music reading and books but that's beside the point. I just wanted to get this shit out of me since i can't do anything else whiles he's gone i respect he has a life but i don't sleep wel....technically i can't sleep at all anymore god i hate family there so annoying luckly jill got to choose hers fricken lucky little shit don't worry i don't hate her it's just jelousy i love her but also is jelous of her she's so lucky but i get in there way with my feelings and i screw things up because of my urges usually it doesn't bother me but it's been getting worse and worse i've been scratching and using rubber bands but it doesn't give me satisfaction same with jeff he tried cutting trying to eliminate an urge he has he loves knifes and blood like i do he's also my flip side only a few people have heard or seen him on here damn i could write all night on this but my story is still empty...without feeling and no meaning i hate it cause when i read i feel excited but writing it it feels stupid i love reading stories idk why it's like an escape just like music and singing...i love only a couple like a few...Hate many

Jun 20 2015, 10:57 AM

Hey guy's...i might delete this account...and the following Facebook accounts: www.facebook.com/kassidy.simmons.98 www.facebook.com/kassidy.simmons.50 Chathour: www.chathour.com/kassidysimmon www.chathour.com/XxGothicaVamprexX these are all the accounts i have...and i'll delete all contact with you all...i'm sorry...

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Jun 07 2015, 06:58 AM

Guy's i'm going to fucking puke in disgust where i am...-shudders- I hate my own house now....i feel weak and hate the fact that i had to over hear this shit...-gags- it's bad...if you were here with me...it's just.....it's just disgusting...my dear friends....be selective when you see this message...

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May 30 2015, 09:33 PM

I hate my fucking self....i make everyone's life miserable....Why am i here....what purpose am i meant for? it's stupid...well i thought i'd write more but i guess not. see ya.

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Feb 27 2015, 09:57 PM

Hey Guy's I'm Cast um i Don't feel so well my whole body is aching *sniffles* My boyfriend wants to die and i don't know what to Do what am i gonna do i'm contemplating between life and death right now please someone help me out i'm fucking reaching for the stars trying to get help and it's now working I THOUGHT HE WAS STRONGER THAN THIS FUCK HIM FUCK SCHOOL FUCK LIKE FUCK LOVE HATERS CAN S MY FUCKING D WELL GOOD BYE FOR HIM GUESS I WON'T EVER BE HAPPY AGAIN FUCK HIM GOOD NIGHT

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Feb 27 2015, 04:47 AM

FUCK MY DAMN HUNGER i hate you stupid stomach god your so annoying

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Feb 24 2015, 09:07 PM

Ok occasionally I will Write parts of a story but not what i'm Doing right now I suprisingly not ever had the actual urge but i do have the urge to cut or see blood soming out of someones mouth sorry but i love the color and i like knifes i'm fasinated with them there like a toy i want one everytime i see one if it was my choice i'd buy every knife in the store i love knifes there so beautiful especially with that beautiful red coming down it i don't know why i do though i guess i like knifes A LOT i absolutely love sharp things ever since that awsome day where my mom died RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY DAMN EYES it killed everything good inside.....everything good of/in me was gone and i can't cry BUT I CAN GET ANGRY i hate it A LOT it's so imperfectly stupid why i can't do something natural i laugh when i get hurt and i smile but when i try and cry i get angry...i've never smiled for real when i don't talk to this person i'm not mentioning names but he know's who he is.he's helped me alot i haven't actually felt happiness talking to anyone except him he's the only friend i have except music reading and books but that's beside the point. I just wanted to get this shit out of me since i can't do anything else whiles he's gone i respect he has a life but i don't sleep wel....technically i can't sleep at all anymore god i hate family there so annoying luckly jill got to choose hers fricken lucky little shit don't worry i don't hate her it's just jelousy i love her but also is jelous of her she's so lucky but i get in there way with my feelings and i screw things up because of my urges usually it doesn't bother me but it's been getting worse and worse i've been scratching and using rubber bands but it doesn't give me satisfaction same with jeff he tried cutting trying to eliminate an urge he has he loves knifes and blood like i do he's also my flip side only a few people have heard or seen him on here damn i could write all night on this but my story is still empty...without feeling and no meaning i hate it cause when i read i feel excited but writing it it feels stupid i love reading stories idk why it's like an escape just like music and singing...i love only a couple like a few...Hate many

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