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ill walk alone down an empty street just me and me alone, dont know where to go but for me is this the end of the road? my silhoutte is the only thing that keeps me company These Dark Streets, by The Knights in Armour

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Jennaxlove


Jenna Mason
33 / Female / Liverpool, United Kingdom
Straight / Single
Member since: Oct 22, 2011
Last online: Oct 22, 2011

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

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the world will leave me behind without a trace.........

My name is Jenna Mason or Jen  and i'm a 19 year old girl.A girl who is wondering about the world.A girl who thinks about her future.A girl  who is  unknown about unexpected things.I was born out of my mom in May 5 1991 who is from England  and.Yes i am a girl...a  strange human being who don't even think about what else am i missing in my life.....it has become my nightmare.Part of my life  surrounds my family and all their struggles that they have been through.I have alot of those struggles which i got help from my family.They had been helpful all the way in my life even when i was born. I like to follow my heart instead of listening to other people they are not my conscience i have my own thoughts and nobody can get inside my head to change it.I think negative about myself for reasons that i can't explain.One thing i do not do is lable myself.I dislike  it when people lable themselvs.I dislike the word hate because ,Well to me it means you'll hate it forever.I am an independent teen i usually do stuff by myself .I'm not a spoil  girl who gets everthing and whine all the time.I do it because I want to take care of myself for a change instead of people taking care of me.I might be  sad or down but i'll still put up a smile that would bring out the sun and let all the clouds go away.I have one big brother and he is the best in the whole world.I love eating sushi and chinese and i love to use chop sticks ,Most of the time i put them in my hair into a bun.Yeah  I know what your thinking right now.you're probably thinking that ''this girl is weird .strange and crazy''.Well  I known all this things are true so you don't have to tell me.Sometimes i think of it as a bad thing...it's not good for me to be this things.I am not a perfect person in the world but at least i try to make things where it fits into place and make sense.I do not judge people because i think it is wrong and not a good way to start a friend relationship now if it was a nice judgement then i would tell them.I'm very sensitive.I do not talk alot because,Well it's kind of hard for me to talk to people and im very shy to.I am  half  Japanese and yes i do have an accent it is very diffrent  well i think so...that is my opinion. Some people say im beautiful,cute etc but then it turns it they lied...I know im not those things.My problem is i have trust issue it takes me a long time to get use to someone and get to know them.My worst problem is that I have asma(typo).I absoulutly dislike it.I love listening to pop,rock,scream.metal,k-pop,j-pop,j-rock,techno.I simply adore it.My  or inspirarton idol how ever you prefer it  is black veil brides.I'll always have them in my memories.If you or wonder why i am an unknown child tt is because  I am an invisible person,If you don't know what that means it means i am not noticeable.I do not swear unless i get really upset but that's likely to happen most of the time.Where in the world did i get my name from....I really don't know where my mom and dad got it from.They were going to name me Karina but then she said ''it  was a common name''.So she put Jenna ^^.My name is weird.I don't like it.Anyway my nickname is  hope or jen.You can call me that if you want to or you can make up your own nickname for me.If it is a rude one then fucking  don't bother.If you got a rude comment to say to me don't even bother to say it because karma can get to you and it is a pain(trust me).I am an responsible person I don't go around and blame on other people. I take responsiblility for my action.I know what i did wrong and i have to make it up.I am very responsible.I am an honest person i do not lie i hate when people lie  and don't admitt the truth,Exspeacialy when somebody tell you ''i love you '' and they don't mean it .To be honest it happen to me 3  times :/ thats a crime.I am a dork,a dork who  loves doing what she does in life .Sometimes I  dislike being me and sometime I like to be me it's kinda a medium.I am  a very clumsy person I  mostly trip on  stuff  Example:stairs.I don't fall down them ,I  fall up the stairs well sometimes.My eyes change three colors it's creepy and i dislike it i wish it'll just stay one color instead of changing.I'm scared of alot of things,but the most is just change...is it a good thing or a bad thing????.I have meet two of the most amazing people Matt and Taylor  they have been so nice to me since i arrived at my new school which i did not want to go to a new school, but i can never replace Jake and Chloe.I switch schools as in college alot because my mom wants me to be more social.I part deaf i can't hear that well out of my ears im not fully deaf....yet. i close my eyes sometime when i  take pictures becase of my eyes....they are creepy.Well thats t

he end of my unknown life until it.........continues.

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Favourite Music

Etf,Bless the fall,Never shout never,The goodnight dream,Brokencyde,Flyleaf,paramore,Miss may I,Asking alexandria,Botdf,Lmfao,Tokio hotel,We should whisper,The red jumpsuit apparatus,stero skyline,Meg and Dia,Hey monday,Journey,Avenged sevenfold,Linkin park,Black veil brides,Breathe carolina,Falling in reverse,Panic at the disco,Hollywood undead etc

Pop,rock,techno,electronic,soft rock,deathcore,hard core,crunkcore,metal

Favourite Films / TV / Books

The unborn,Paranormal activity 1 and 2,Strangers,My bloody valentine,Taken,Pne missed call,Final destinations,Saw's,The simpsons,Family guy,The cleveland show,Viva la bam,Jackass,The buried life,Made,My super physco sweet 16,Fear factor,criminal minds,house, etc Shakespear/poetry

Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet

Any one really

Comments (Add Comment)

Emo Pictures - SpanishEmoSinger
Jun 09 2012, 03:16 PM
Thankyou for accepting my friend request O:) Amelie
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Oct 24 2011, 04:36 PM
I agree with the girl below. So hows life in Liverpool then? x
Oct 23 2011, 08:10 AM
hi :) your about me section is just so cool! ^_^
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Oct 22 2011, 01:37 PM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Oct 22 2011, 01:27 PM
Heya Jennaxlove welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures section. Check out the popular Emo Forums and NEW Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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- :)

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- Me and not you

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- I tried to be the girl you wanted me to be

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- Addiction

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- My smile doesn't solve anything

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