so why do good girls like bad guys. Ive had this question for a real long time. Ive been a bad boy and its plan to see. So why do good girls fall in love with me!!!! Good Girls Bad Guys, by Falling In Reverse
31 / Female / SomeWhere In My Box, United States
Straight / Single & Looking
Member since:
Sep 29, 2010
Last online:
Sep 29, 2010
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
I'm Jessie and um well yeah. I'm not like the EmoScene Girl who gets in everyone's way. I get told I LOOK like one, but honestly? I'm not. I'm Jessie. So I DONT have a facebook (Yet) Or a myspace. I HATE myspace. Random Things Cauuuse I'm Bored (:
-I have dyed my hair Red, Orange And Blue -My natural hair color is Blonde -I have dyed my hair since I was 12 (: -I like to talk.. ALOT(: -I'm really nice (: -Um I have a Brother -When I text, I tend to use smiley faces alot(: -The Bus is my FAVORITE place cause the Seniors are stupid(: -I'm bipolar and I have ADHD -I'm currently Single (: -I'm a nautral Flirt(: -I dont believe in Sterotypes -My friends are the booomb(: -I cuuuuus ALOT(:
xD (: :O <3 :T :p -Jessie(:
I liiiike.. Alot of things.
I like Dancing in the Rain,
Piiictures (:
Boys Boys Boys (:
Piercings (I only have 2),
Making Faces At People,
Mexican People (Their so COOL!),
The Buuus (:,
Schooool haha (:
Talking Talking Talk
Favourite Music
NeverShoutNever!, Alesana, Black Veil Brides, Jefree Star, and um moooore but I'm lazy (: