The shadows I fight, become my friends
The darkness inside, a means to the end
Welcome to the dark side!
Welcome to the dark side!
Whoah-oh (whoa-oh) Dark Side, by Face Your Fate
Kay Sanchez-Villegas
26 / Female / Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Bisexual / Forever Alone
Member since:
Dec 19, 2012
Last online:
Apr 10, 2013
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
HAII!! The name is Kayleen . Don't calle Kay unless your my bestfriend , my mom or me .. Or if I let you call me Kay..
Well I am 13 years old i am Mexican ... I'm originally from Sacramento , California but I was raised in Anchorage Alaska... Okay let's get to the things i do and don't
Like ..
Don't tell me you like or love me if you don't mean it because I'll end up broken . But I'll end up bein the bigger person and decide to grow the fuck up .
One of my biggest per peeves is when people misspell correctly like I mean I your my friend and all i don't care but if you want to be my friend tou have to impress me .. I'm going to have to under stand what your trying to say but most of the time i probably won't care .
I am very childish , really funny (that's what my friends say) , very VERY random, if its dead silence I'm a class room I'm the one that will laugh out loud about something that happens like 40 million years ago. I am a gamer , only sometimes ...
Don't tell me who I am and who I am not i will tell you off.. It's okay if I mess with my best friend .. But if you mess with her and we don't like you ill probably thow a brick at your face..
I am a really nice person just don't make me mad, don't mess with me, or my friends, don't touch me either unless your my friend.... I don't really like to cuss but I'll do it. Even though its not cool ... I hate snobs/bullies / pricks /jerks ( I think you get the point)
I love to play the piano an sing ..
I can play . The piano. The violin. The viola , the cello , the drums, the guitar and i can sing
I write my own songs ....
I don't like people who label me/or themselves ( my friends say I'm emo/scene and i hate it when they tell me that but I love them) ..
Yes I am bisexual got a problem? But I'm mainly straight so uhhh i dunno ....
There's alot you don't know about me now, but I won't get into that ....
You know my name not my story , behind every smile there's a story.. I hope to become a singer and to meet Amy Lee, Demi Lovato and Adam lambert.. I will listen to pop music only some like , Adam Lambert , Demi Lovato and Jasmine V but that's it really
So byeee!!!
Favourite Music
Rock and some pop it depends
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Adventure time, the regular show, Ted and 21 jump street