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In this sea of lonely, the taste of ink is getting old, It's four o' clock in the f*cking morning, each day gets more and more like the last day The Taste Of Ink, by The Used

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - Kate

[Chat Mod]

28 / Female / East Yorkshire / Midlands /South Wales, United Kingdom
Member since: Apr 22, 2012
Last online: Sep 21, 2019

Current rating: 7.4/10 (8 votes cast)

About Me

Rubbish at spelling & has some crazy blonde moments :p BUT an epic friend who has left her mark, literally - Matt

^Not blonde anymore ;) 

Said to be like the offspring of Wednesday Addams and Bugs Bunny..

lik-  Hair Dye,Thunder storms, Castles/ruins, Cars, Rallying, 
Fitness training, the beach, graveyards, Art, Mystery, Psychology, Gigs, Italian food, Being outside at night,
Gothic architecture, Green tea,Real ale, Books/reading, Forestry type places, talking to Interesting people, Messing about with friends, Exploring, Hiking, discovering/learning new things and Sarcasm...  

Dislike: Bullies, spiders, jealousy, road sweepers, long periods of bad weather, spammers, 
having a tan/bright sunlight, e-books,  milky coffee (why ruin a perfectly good drink ?!  o.0) and manipulative people

 If there’s anything else you want to know/if you want some advice or are having a "get something off your chest" moment 
feel free to send me a PM  and i'll do my best to help/listen to you  =)

Rainbows, spooky stuff  and Batty waffle :')

Favourite Music

! Don't forget to support your local music scene and record stores !   

 Listen to

Most music genres but
prefer alternative music in the goth/punk - metal side of things 

3 days  grace, 2cellos, A static Lullaby, Asking Alexandria, A Day To Remember,  Alkaline trio, Amaranthe, AFI, Avenged Sevenfold,  AlterBrige,  Acid Ballet,Bullet for my valentine, Black Sabbath, Blessthefall, British lion ,Billy Idol,  BVB, Breaking Benjamin,Chiodos, Christian Death, CrashDiet, Canterbury, Cradle of filth,CrossFade, Chiodos, Capture the crown,Devil Driver, D.R.U.G.S, Devilment, Draughty, DeathStars,  Evanesance, Eve, Fallout Boy ,Escape the fate, Funeral for a friend, Finch , Five finger death punch, For all those sleeping , Five fold, From Autumn to Ashes, Fit for rivals, Good Charlotte, Gallows, Hatebreed, Harwthorn heights, Halestorm, Icon for  hire,In flames,  Iron maiden, In League With lions, Jimmy Eat World, Killing the crowned Empire,KISS, Linkin Park, Lamb of god, Let live, Like Moths to flames,Lacuna Coil,  Mötley Crüe, MCR, Mayday  parade, Machine  head, Motor head,  Mastodon, Memphis May Fire, Matchbook Romance, Monsters I've Met, Mineral, Miss May I , Metallica,  Motionless In White , My Darkest days,  Nightwish,New found glory , Our last night,  Orange goblin, Opeth,Oh The Irony, Orison, Papa Roach, Pink Floyd, Pantera, Rise Against,  Reckless love, Rise to remain,  Rolling stones , Rise against, Silverstein,  Shinedown, Story's End, Sex pistols, Sliversun Pickups, Slayer, Saosin, Suicide silence, Skillet, Sound Garden, System of a down, State your cause,Sick puppies, Senses Fail,  Story of the year, The last word,  The Saddest Landscape, Twin Atlantic, The Maine,Trust Company, The Early November, Thrice, That sunday feeling, Trivium, W.A.S.P,  William Control, Young Guns, Venom..Plus loads more!

   Feel free to message me listening/band suggestions  

Seen live 
Rammstein  [piros out of this world]Nickelback /  The Mercy House (x2) / Black Sabbath (with matt) / In Dantes Eclipse  (acoustic set ) / Fury / Hell's Addiction (x2) / ACODA (worcester music fest '15) // Twin Atlantic //Kerrang! Tour 2013 -  Birmingham O2  14.2.13 Black Veil Brides / Chiodos / Fearless Vampire Killers / Tonight Alive / William Control //Lacuna Coil & Motionless in White Co headline tour/ Devilment - Birmingham institute  5.11.14    [what a night! ] // In This Moment (Black Widow tour) -Wolverhampton Slade Rooms  5.03.15  Fearless Vampire Killers  [x2] Starset  <3 // Worcester Music Festival 2015  19-20th September  (Bands i saw from both days line ups..in NO set order ) Pre Sleep Monologue (one of my favorite bands from the saturday) / Rosebud <3 / Young Causeway / Giants <3 / Vault of  Eagles / Flatline / Ebony Clay / Attila the Stockbroker / Bren Haze (x2) / dead frequency / The loved and lost / The broken Oak Duet (x2) // Hawthorne Heights (if  only you were lonely tour) 24.8.16 Birmingham O2 academy room 3  Ashes to Angles / Milestones UK  // Humber Street Shesh 2017 5th August- Kings Horses/Wake up in Vegas /Years Young/Earthbreaker/Abandon the night/The escape artist/ Dividum <3/Of Allies <3/Rectifier /Fossa// HIM  (Bang and Whimper - Farewell tour) 16.12.17 Manchester Academy  // Dream State 18.2.17 The New Adelphi Club  Chapter and Verse <3 / Liberatae Mae // St Agnes 22.2.17 The New Adelphi club Dead Hormones/ Fallen Idol // Public Image LTD 18.6.18 Huu// SlamDunk (North) 2018 26.5.18 -   This Time Last Year <3 /The Dangerous Summer/ Loathe <3 / Brutality Will Prevail/ Say Anything <3/ Save Ferris/ Capdown <33/ZebraHead <33/ Lower Than Atlantis/Northlane <3/ Taking Back Sunday/ Jimmy Eat World <333//

PolarBear (Humber Sesh)- 27.1.17  Let man loose/ Brooder/ Rectifier (x2 at this point)//  11.2.17 Dead! <3/ The Kenneths/  Delta Vega <3 //  27.2.17 Three Day Millionaires <3/ Glass Mountain//  20.3.17 No Nothings/ Brosnan/  Electro Void <3/  Alex Fish <3 // 15.5.18  The Evil  Litter/ Cosmo Calling/Codex+ second place// 8.5.18  Modern Mood Swings/Kit Trigg //  22.5.18 counting coins/The hot soles/Rei Gayaamie//12.6.18 Polo/Ambiere <3 / FINNO//
The New Adelphi club -  18.2.17 Dream State / Chapter and verse <3/ Liberatae Mae//22.2.17 St Agnes/ Dead Hormones/ Fallen Idol// 08.3.17 HABITS  <3 /Nour/ Apparition// 22.3.17 The Piper/ Nour (x2) /The Avenues //

Store signings/band meet and greets

Blood on the dance floor - blue banana  store  signing  16/11/12
(^ dragged along by a mate)

Asking Alexandria  - blue banana  store signing 10/2/13

Hawthorne Heights and Ashes to Angles 24/8/16 
( ^ Intimate gig < 100 people , amazing night and down to earth bands!)

"My music library is too big" said No one.


Favourite Films / TV / Books

Education / Occupation

University  >.< 

Lets hope this new degree goes better than the last! 

Who I'd Like To Meet

Those who  aren't going to waste my time.

Comments (Add Comment)

Emo Pictures - Jazzypandabear
Aug 24 2014, 05:20 AM
Heya :) Ikr you seemed cool so i thought might as well add ye :)
Emo Pictures - EyeWings
Jul 29 2014, 05:02 PM
BBB &&& MMMM finally!! it comes in a large bottle and lasts for weeks and I've found it to be just as good as the pricey alternative, may be worth a go! :) And yes I think you've got a sensible approach to exercise,,, building in plenty of rest time and taking it bit by bit, so many people just plunge in there, so good that you have a plan! Your'e very welcome for the praise on your blog, very informative and entertaining too! Thank You hugs recieved and returned* :) It started out where you were talking about hot water (detox tea) and ended up in a hottie in the water! haha! I was going to mention swimming as a great way of staying fit....and theres the proof ;) If you want to improve your time in the pool just stick Chris walker hebborn at the other end of it.....and watch Kate fly! ;) haha
Emo Pictures - emily_d
Jul 29 2014, 12:56 PM
Jul 25 2014, 11:42 PM
no probz
Emo Pictures - EyeWings
Jun 30 2014, 05:06 PM
AWWW Only just seen that pic! The pair of them have slain me good and proper! :)
Jun 25 2014, 07:04 AM
Thank you :D loving it already *-*
Jun 22 2014, 05:35 PM
Your Welcome. :3
Emo Pictures - EyeWings
Jun 21 2014, 01:56 PM
Kate, just want to say your videos are so interesting! You've had me in stitches a number of times watching them and you have such a natural presenting style too! :)
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Jun 19 2014, 02:20 PM
Thanks Kate post some Maine Coon pics too as I love them both :)
Emo Pictures - EmoStefi
Jun 04 2014, 11:56 AM
pm is Private Message right? okay.. :D Thnks. :D
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