Katelyn Rose
29 / Nonbinary / Seattle, United States
Asexual / Forever Alone
Member since:
Sep 30, 2024
Last online:
Oct 21, 2024
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About Me
A cherry blossom with issues. Friendly not sassy. Weeb, then I'm a sleep. Cute and precious. I love consuming media and writing blogs. I have interest in meeting unique individuals. Stalkers are always trying to get their way with me. I try my best to stay active but with depression cycles and insomnia it's the absolute worse. I have a discord, it's 90s bish. Me and Faux90skid used be friends but now we just aren't so if shes on this site spewing hate about me just ignore it. Just a girl trying her best to be her best. Better than what she was the day before. :3
Disclaimer about my Journals I don't make them as I post them. They are just pulled from a physical one I scribble my thoughts down in so if they seem like it doesn't match the time or like from the past that's why. :3
Favourite Music
My Chemical Romance Nirvana Slipknot Thursday At The Drive In Joy Division
Favourite Films / TV / Books
Lain Serial Experiments Cyberpunk 2077 My Future Diary Silent Voice Spirited Away Narcissism for Dummies
Education / Occupation
High School Dropout lol :3
Who I'd Like To Meet
Girls My Age That are emo and unusual in their ways. Dudes if they aren't trying to get into my pants lol
Dreams are a form of reality you know. /ᐠ˵- ˕ - ˵マ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
people say "Don't worry, it was just a dream" they fail to comprehend
that dreams are very real as they are happening, so those unpleasant
things that may have happened were real in those moments, but become
fading memories when we are awake, pushed to the back of our
consciousness until we have another unpleasant dream. I don't have
nightmares as often as I did when I was a kid, though my dreams feel so
lonely and unsettling at times, hostile even. It's sometimes hard to
gauge when a dream is unfriendly, the mind knows best how to fuck with a
person since our dreams are extensions of everything we've come to know
about our own existence, our passions, what makes us sad, what makes us
happy, what we're afraid of. There have been dreams I've had where I
wondered if I would wake up because the hostile presence felt like it
wouldn't allow me to escape - I've had many occurrence's like this where
when the dream begins to shift into uncomfortable territory, uncanny
and not safe, I'll try everything I can to wake up since this is the
point where I usually become lucid, and the dream turns into a lucid
nightmare - where I'm actively aware that I'm stuck inside my own mind
while my body outside is asleep in bed, but sometimes everything I try
to do to wake up is all for nothing and a fruitless venture as I'll stay
locked in the space of my mind, not allowed to open my eyes and wake
up. This occurs a lot as well during false awakenings, something I've
talked about in the past and I don't understand at all how it works, how
we can be trapped within a place that shouldn't even exist when we are
asleep. How is it that our brains are able to come up with so many
different arrays of pictures and create strange story plots while we're
asleep? I go to bed every night, knowing that I'll end up somewhere that
isn't of earth. When I'm awake I spend all of my time behind the
computer screen, working on different projects, consuming mindless
media, but when I sleep I spend time in very unreal places, and it's
based on RNG whether it's a good or uncomfortable experience. I've still
been taking Valerian root every night before bed alongside my tea, I've
stopped taking Benadryl for the most part besides when I need it - and
from what I can tell the Valerian root sometimes causes some very
unexplainable weird dreams that just confuse me when I wake up, but I
guess that's part of the dreaming experience sometimes, complete
nonsensical occurrence's. Last night I recall part of a dream where I
was walking through a dark and wooded, but swampy area where I was
getting bug bites that were uncomfortable and itchy but because it was
all within the mind and I wasn't lucid there was no relief - that was,
until I realized I was with a dream character who I can't recall the
physical details of, though whoever it was seemed to be walking
alongside me until they disappeared again and it was just me but I found
a turtle on the grass and remember picking it up and looking it over,
it's scales and flesh looked as though it were made of raw chicken,
which I believe it was and was afraid of getting Salmonella from
handling the turtle because well dream logic is sometimes quirky like
that. I woke up suddenly and those were the only details I could recall.
I want to spend more and more time within these places and explore them
more to try and understand the physics and how they work. This is very
unexplored territory, people always discuss wanting VR to be akin to
sword art online when we are already able to push these limits of
technology through our own mentality in our sleep. It's a space we
shouldn't be able to explore, but some of those who are lucky like me
are able to. Why is it? I need to know more. It's hard to find people to
talk to about this because most don't bother to consider what it means
that there is a strange place in our sleep we can escape to and be aware
inside of - normies and people who have a closed off mind and don't
want to accept that there's a place beyond here within our own stream of
self conscious. Why does everything feel so much more real when I'm
asleep, is it because of the mental problem, being so detached from
reality? Maybe a place where reality is a nonexistent is where my
detached mind feels most at home with the peculiar surroundings of a