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these scars on your wrist they're the mark of the world scars, by SayWeCanFly

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - KatieKhaotic


Katie Khaotic
30 / Female / Norwich, United Kingdom
Straight / In a Relationship with Blazing_Simba1
Member since: Apr 29, 2012
Last online: Jul 08, 2013

Current rating: 10.0/10 (1 votes cast)

About Me

      Heyy, so i­m katie an­d from nor­wich, the ­city pract­ically no ­ones heard­ off; but ­whatever, ­It's in th­e East Of ­England :p­ I LOVE my­ music; th­e alternat­ive stuff ­though: me­tal, screa­mo, rock, ­none of th­is new mai­nstream Rn­B stuff th­at's been ­shat out o­f the end ­of a compu­ter that m­akes you w­anna screa­m at the r­adio "­;GIMME SOM­E GODDAM F­UCKING DRU­MS". ­My favouri­te band ha­s to be Pa­rkway Driv­e if that ­rings any ­bells of r­ecognition­ :p I­ love my x­box: oh, t­he hours m­e and that­ thing hav­e shared t­ogether :'­) so yeah,­ ps3 folk,­ may the j­oy of Halo­ or just s­imply hold­ing a big,­ fat, chun­ky white c­ontroller ­forever ta­unt your i­magination­ (mwahaha ­^_^). I enjoy being alternative :) however I ha­te the ide­a of self-­harm; noth­ing agains­t people w­ho do it b­ut, y'know­, its not ­something ­that I fin­d attracti­ve in the ­least. I a­lso hate f­akers (not­e: i will ­not add yo­u if you'r­e pictures­ are obvio­usly not y­ou. :) exc­essive pes­simism, re­becca blac­k and mush­rooms - no­ne of thes­e things s­hould exis­t .__. Im ­happily ta­ken; my bo­yfriend Da­niel is am­azing and ­caring :')­ I'm a pre­tty random­ person (y­ou decide ­if that's ­good or ba­d), bit of an adrenaline junky and hap­py to chat­ to pretty­ much anyo­ne. The ­thing I pr­obably liv­e the most­ for is gi­gs; it com­es close w­ith pickle­d onion fl­avour Mons­ter Munch ­but my god­ the gigs ­coming up ­atm!! and lets not forget DOWNLOAD :O da­mnn. So an­yway, hope­ you enjoy­ed reading­ this; add­ as a frie­nd if you ­will / hit me up or wh­atever, se­e ya :p ...LIKES...: pillow fights, horror movies, cookies, music that would make your mother's ears bleed, emoticons like ^.^ ♫ :3 ♪ >(^.^)> ♥ , late night chats, piercings, gummy bears, hello kitty, converse, salted popcorn, bleach, death note, xbox, ninjas, arcade games, gigs, band tees, fire,  shnapps, studded belts, skinnes, vans, cute little dark and evil things, drum solos, bubblegum, cinema trips, cuddles, drop dead stuff, bracelets, album artwork, ripped jeans, jack skellington, checkered stuff, parties, Hell Bunny, Darkside, Iron Fist, Criminal Damage, barbed wire,  Tresemme hairspray, Nintendo, medieval battles, yugioh, happy tree friends, hama beads, eyeliner, sweepy side fringes, tattoos, band posters.

so errm, yeah :)

Favourite Music

Favourite Films / TV / Books

Films: horror, action/martial arts, manga

TV: Family Guy, The Simpsons, The Big Bang Theory, Misfits, Skins, The Inbetweeners, South Park, American Dad

Xbox games: GTA, Godfather, GoW, Deadrising, Kane and Lynch, Hitman, Assassins Creed, Dead Island, CoD

Education / Occupation

Second year of A-levels

I'm also a waitress XD

Who I'd Like To Meet

Winston McCall!

Mitch Lucker :/ *cry cry*

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Apr 27 2013, 12:42 AM
Hello there.(: ii just wanted to say thank you for accepting my friend request.<3 I know you accepted a while back, but I'm still appreciative for doing that. Stay amazing!<3^-^
Emo Pictures - ReaperTnT
Dec 30 2012, 05:30 PM
You have the Nicest eyes ever!!
Emo Pictures - venessyaddictive
Nov 24 2012, 02:48 PM
thanks, even tho you sent this like a long time ago. i forgot this place existed for awhile :/
Emo Pictures - ReaperTnT
Oct 12 2012, 03:44 AM
I just watched that vid of you doing vocal cover of Secondhand serenade, just like to say your actually really good, made me feel all......... anyways ye lol o.O
Jul 17 2012, 01:43 PM
pretty good too thanks lady ^^ hows life in norwich?
Jul 16 2012, 01:12 PM
how are ya miss ;)
Emo Pictures - sk8onurmomzz
Jul 10 2012, 09:01 PM
You're beautiful, aha. Stunningly beautiful.
Jun 25 2012, 12:33 PM
herro! =D
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Apr 29 2012, 10:35 PM
Thanks for the add :]
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Apr 29 2012, 05:27 AM
Heya KatieKhaotic welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
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- (8) send my resignation to the bride and the groom

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- (8) i swear to god my intentions were gold (8)

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- (8) everyday i pray wishing for a better WAY! (8)

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- (8) self destruction is such a pretty lil thing

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- yes, i tried to be cute .__.

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- (8)if you bring the matches ILL BRING THE GASOLINE

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- (8) you are the salt thats burning my wounds (8)

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- (8) the walls of a church dont make it holy (8)

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- ♫ and as she braves the storm all alone ♫

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- ♫ yeah you bleed just to know youre alive ♫

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- ♫ just look around, you&#039;re not alone ♫

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- ♫ what makes you think that you are invinceable?

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- ♫ i just want you to know who i am ♫

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- ♪ desperation breathes and follows you home ♪

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- ♫ and its freezing; my blood until the enddd ♫

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- ♫ Children of nothing THIS IS OUR SONG ♫

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- ♫ ill never get to live this life again ♫

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- ♫ Hey, Mister, where have you been? ♫

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- ♫ im looking at you through the glass ♫

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- ♫ my convictions lay bare before the tempest ♫

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Feb 14 2013, 09:13 AM
Entry #9 Dear literally EVERYONE that went to the Kerrang 2013 tour, will you please shut the fuck up about how 'fantastic' and 'inspirational' Black Veil Brides are. They are neither of these things; they never have and they never will be, no matter how many times Andy ('don't call me sixx') Beirsack cuts his fucking hair! Black Veil Brides' new album is so much of a rip off Avenged Sevenfold im suprised they didn't name it 'Waking The Fallen Angels' -_- how can you people call something thats so unoriginal an inspiration?????
Nov 02 2012, 08:32 AM
Entry #8 its been a while since i wrote anything in here, i just want to say R.I.P to Mitch Lucker, a huge inspiration to the metal genre which will now never be quite the same and however much we wish for him to return, sadly, You Only Live Once.
Jun 30 2012, 02:04 PM
Entry #7 The moment when your crush tells you he likes you as more than a friend :')
Jun 24 2012, 01:00 PM
Entry #6 Got my Trivium ticket woo!!
Jun 21 2012, 09:15 AM
Such a shit day. Tomorrow can either go up or downhill
Jun 19 2012, 09:14 AM
Wanting sixth form to die right about.... now :)
May 23 2012, 03:57 AM
Entry #3 23/05/12 love it in the exam when everyone looks at the dick who asked for extra paper
May 16 2012, 12:46 AM
16/05/12 Entry #2 From now on.. every time I hear "exams" I'll do this -_____- every time im in an exam, I'll do this -_____- and when exams are over.. I'll partaay like this >(^.^)> <(^.^)< <(^.^)> ^(^.^)^
Apr 29 2012, 11:32 AM
29/04/12 So im guessing this is gonna be like my online diary/blog thingyy.. well here goes entry number 1 :p So today I joined soemo.co.uk which seems pretty cool :) its good to know there are some social networking sites where you don't have to listen to some chav's status about their "reem" white trainers >.< So yeaah, other than that, I walked the dog, totally bathing my pink converse in mud >:( but whatever, I guess we gotta give old toothbrushes something to do right??

Feb 14 2013, 09:13 AM

Entry #9 Dear literally EVERYONE that went to the Kerrang 2013 tour, will you please shut the fuck up about how 'fantastic' and 'inspirational' Black Veil Brides are. They are neither of these things; they never have and they never will be, no matter how many times Andy ('don't call me sixx') Beirsack cuts his fucking hair! Black Veil Brides' new album is so much of a rip off Avenged Sevenfold im suprised they didn't name it 'Waking The Fallen Angels' -_- how can you people call something thats so unoriginal an inspiration?????

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Nov 02 2012, 08:32 AM

Entry #8 its been a while since i wrote anything in here, i just want to say R.I.P to Mitch Lucker, a huge inspiration to the metal genre which will now never be quite the same and however much we wish for him to return, sadly, You Only Live Once.

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Jun 30 2012, 02:04 PM

Entry #7 The moment when your crush tells you he likes you as more than a friend :')

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Jun 24 2012, 01:00 PM

Entry #6 Got my Trivium ticket woo!!

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Jun 21 2012, 09:15 AM

Such a shit day. Tomorrow can either go up or downhill

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Jun 19 2012, 09:14 AM

Wanting sixth form to die right about.... now :)

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May 23 2012, 03:57 AM

Entry #3 23/05/12 love it in the exam when everyone looks at the dick who asked for extra paper

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May 16 2012, 12:46 AM

16/05/12 Entry #2 From now on.. every time I hear "exams" I'll do this -_____- every time im in an exam, I'll do this -_____- and when exams are over.. I'll partaay like this >(^.^)> <(^.^)< <(^.^)> ^(^.^)^

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Apr 29 2012, 11:32 AM

29/04/12 So im guessing this is gonna be like my online diary/blog thingyy.. well here goes entry number 1 :p So today I joined soemo.co.uk which seems pretty cool :) its good to know there are some social networking sites where you don't have to listen to some chav's status about their "reem" white trainers >.< So yeaah, other than that, I walked the dog, totally bathing my pink converse in mud >:( but whatever, I guess we gotta give old toothbrushes something to do right??

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