27 / Female / virginia, United States
Bisexual / Single
Member since:
Aug 12, 2011
Last online:
Apr 03, 2012
Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)
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About Me
Umm my name is Kayla. I love hanging out with friends and singing. I have a youtube channel with my sister Breezy.
I love to party and be loud. I like to stick out in a crowd of people. My parents basically try to shut me out of there lives but i dont care thats why i have friends.
My favourite colours ever are black, hot pink, and lime green. I like neon colours also like neon yellow and orange. My sister Breezy Belonephobia is my inspiration and is always there for meh:3.
Im also a video game freak. i would die with out my x~box 360, phone, computer, wii, or i~pod touch. My room is my sancuary. I can be myself in my room. The 2 people that get me is my grandma who died recently :'( and my sister{:
Wellp thats it if yu want tu knoe anything else add me!! [:
OH AND IM A BITCH <3 but i nice one...... sometimes xD
Favourite Music
basically anything
Favourite Films / TV / Books
family guy, aqua teen huger force, spongebob, american dad, and lots of other stuffs i have no clue.