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im gonna do the things i wanna do. i dont have a single thing to prove to you. i eat my candy in the pork and beans. excuse my manners if i cause a scene. im not gonna wear the clothes you like. im finally dandy with the me inside. Pork and Beans, by Weezer

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soEmo.co.uk - Emo Kids - KinkyKen69


Kenneth Alesana Quinn
31 / Male / West Midlands, United Kingdom
Forever Alone
Member since: Oct 23, 2013
Last online: Dec 31, 2013

Current rating: No rating yet/10 (0 votes cast)

About Me

Hey :3 If you haven't gathered my name is Kenneth! However I prefer Ken... So call me that xD Talk to me and you'll become my little minions! Jokes! But I'll never leave you alone!!! You'll become my new friends :') My only friends tbh. I dont bite so just send me a message or comment on something! XD

Favourite Music

Oh gosh. Here we go... Avril Lavigne, A day to remember, All time low, BOTDF, BMTH! And many more... Secondhand Serenade, Sleeping with Sirens, Pierce the veil. Slipknot. Ramstein, Buckcherry, Green day, MCR. As you can tell I dont know alphabetical order xD

Favourite Films / TV / Books

I dont watch TV or Films.... But the ones that pop into my head are Tower block and Breaking Bad All the true stories about self harm and abandonment

Education / Occupation

Who I'd Like To Meet

The person taking their time to read this... The person whos to shy to send me a message. I'd like to meet you. Yes you.. The one whos following my words as I write xD You're beautiful and I'd gladly have you as a friend :')

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Emo Pictures - Killjoy2408
Oct 26 2013, 01:16 AM
It's true, your stalking is mighty fine ;)
Emo Pictures - Leahurtsyouwithakiss
Oct 25 2013, 05:19 PM
Awww well I've spent most days sleeping, i kinda hibernate at this time of year
Emo Pictures - Killjoy2408
Oct 25 2013, 05:19 AM
Bitch I didn't know you were on here! Ahah, guess that's how you found my kik then ^.^
Emo Pictures - Leahurtsyouwithakiss
Oct 24 2013, 05:23 PM
Haha nah i don't really hang out here much lol So hi how're you? XD
Emo Pictures - Kate
Oct 23 2013, 03:41 PM
Ah cool =)
Emo Pictures - Kate
Oct 23 2013, 02:20 PM
very random but i swear i've seen you in and around Pigeon park
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Oct 23 2013, 12:56 PM
Good to see yet another fairly local member.
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Oct 23 2013, 03:43 AM
Heya KinkyKen69 welcome to soEmo.co.uk Please fill out your profile and add some pics when you get the chance. Even create a journal if you like... Find other members using the Browse feature. View 1000s of emo scene girls and guys pics in the Emo Pictures and Site Models sections. Check out the popular Emo Forums and Emo Chat. Learn all about emo scene music, fashion and lifestyle in the What is Emo section. The site is still in development so if you have any suggestions or problems please email info@soemo.co.uk or check out the help section. -Matt
Emo Pictures - xXeMoRaCeRXx
Oct 23 2013, 03:07 AM
Thanks for the add :]
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- Hey guys... I have more balls than you can handle

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- How am I ugly?

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- Bus selfie ;3 Ignore my ugliness :c

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- Nawhh! Dat dragon ;3

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Nov 05 2013, 01:43 AM
So it's been a while... I am currently very happy in my self at the fact I have found someone who loves me :') And I love her back! She has made my heart whole again after so long and I care about her so much xD Problem is though I still feel depressed. Suicidal at times... I was pushed to the edge a few days back when everyone was just saying "Go die!" "Cut some more" "You have no friends" Well.. I didn't die. I didn't cut. And I clearly have some friends xD Just cause birmingham is full of knobs who can't forgive and forget isn't my problem.... Bunch of immature people if you ask me. Oh.. And I get called a paedophile who has got 3 counts to his name xD Wahey! More shit I didn't know about me ;D I'm just into the younger maturer girls... Isn't my fault girls my age are utter dicks. And it's not like I'm grooming them or they're not mature enough to know what they're getting into... They like the older boy... It's never their fault though is it.
Oct 25 2013, 03:35 AM
Self harmed last night... I did some mega thinking last night and I couldn't control my anger. Hatred and pity I have for myself. It's haunting me and never leaves me... I want to wake up from this nightmare I'm living! Everyone looks so happy... All these perfect couples. Perfect people. Always wondering what it's like to be in the limelight... The public eye. I walk in the street and all I get is stares... People laughing at me. Judging me. I need to fit in... To smile. To laugh! I can't though due to everyone always putting me down... I even believe it sometimes. I'm not pretty. Not beautiful. Not cute. Not wanted or needed. Unloved... :'( It's been a long hard road without you by my side and what I need is to feel again. To love. I forget all the good times I have had... Everything is piling up with the thoughts and feelings of myself. I'm starting to break down emotionally. I miss you... Jessica. Come back to me my angel? Let me see those blue eyes again... Hey dad... I miss you too. It's been 11 years since I've saw you and I don't even know what you look like or sound like. Whether you remember me and it hurts knowing I could be forgotten. It's not your fault you're mentally ill... That you are in a secure mental home. I'd visit you... Soon. When I can start to pick up my own life and understand why I feel so shit. I'm having counselling now and I'll just wish it helps... I can't open up though. I try but words don't come out. Silence.
Oct 24 2013, 03:49 AM
Okay... Day 1 of this journal! Relationships: Feeling so down as the girl I thought was the one after opening my heart again had let me down and tore it open again :'( Sunday she deletes me off facebook because her mom says... She said she'd never leave me :/ She added me on bbm last night and basically was like I said I'd never leave and I don't plan too.... But i know we can't be together because she doesn't want to lose her mom. :c I lost the first person I ever loved 3 years ago :c 1st december 2010 she committed suicide. We had been going out for 1 year and 3 months beforehand... My counsellor said to me "You have to let jess out your heart to let others in. So you can love again" for 3 years I just kept pushing them away and just what people say "using them" Which I wasn't... I just couldn't love them.. Anyway. I let lisha in and I got hurt again... Seriously considering giving up on relationships. Family issues: Okay so I haven't spoke to my mom and siblings in about a year... They haven't made contact and I know why... It's cause of her partner. My STEP-DAD! The strictest guy you can imagine! I'm glad I got kicked out of the house... Don't have to see him again! I do miss everyone though :c Tough living on your own with barely any money left to treat yourself! I'm all alone in this world with no family and no true friends... I need friends :c Hoping Coventry has some nice people! But I won't get my hopes up :c I just need cuddles again...

Nov 05 2013, 01:43 AM

So it's been a while... I am currently very happy in my self at the fact I have found someone who loves me :') And I love her back! She has made my heart whole again after so long and I care about her so much xD Problem is though I still feel depressed. Suicidal at times... I was pushed to the edge a few days back when everyone was just saying "Go die!" "Cut some more" "You have no friends" Well.. I didn't die. I didn't cut. And I clearly have some friends xD Just cause birmingham is full of knobs who can't forgive and forget isn't my problem.... Bunch of immature people if you ask me. Oh.. And I get called a paedophile who has got 3 counts to his name xD Wahey! More shit I didn't know about me ;D I'm just into the younger maturer girls... Isn't my fault girls my age are utter dicks. And it's not like I'm grooming them or they're not mature enough to know what they're getting into... They like the older boy... It's never their fault though is it.

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Oct 25 2013, 03:35 AM

Self harmed last night... I did some mega thinking last night and I couldn't control my anger. Hatred and pity I have for myself. It's haunting me and never leaves me... I want to wake up from this nightmare I'm living! Everyone looks so happy... All these perfect couples. Perfect people. Always wondering what it's like to be in the limelight... The public eye. I walk in the street and all I get is stares... People laughing at me. Judging me. I need to fit in... To smile. To laugh! I can't though due to everyone always putting me down... I even believe it sometimes. I'm not pretty. Not beautiful. Not cute. Not wanted or needed. Unloved... :'( It's been a long hard road without you by my side and what I need is to feel again. To love. I forget all the good times I have had... Everything is piling up with the thoughts and feelings of myself. I'm starting to break down emotionally. I miss you... Jessica. Come back to me my angel? Let me see those blue eyes again... Hey dad... I miss you too. It's been 11 years since I've saw you and I don't even know what you look like or sound like. Whether you remember me and it hurts knowing I could be forgotten. It's not your fault you're mentally ill... That you are in a secure mental home. I'd visit you... Soon. When I can start to pick up my own life and understand why I feel so shit. I'm having counselling now and I'll just wish it helps... I can't open up though. I try but words don't come out. Silence.

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Oct 24 2013, 03:49 AM

Okay... Day 1 of this journal! Relationships: Feeling so down as the girl I thought was the one after opening my heart again had let me down and tore it open again :'( Sunday she deletes me off facebook because her mom says... She said she'd never leave me :/ She added me on bbm last night and basically was like I said I'd never leave and I don't plan too.... But i know we can't be together because she doesn't want to lose her mom. :c I lost the first person I ever loved 3 years ago :c 1st december 2010 she committed suicide. We had been going out for 1 year and 3 months beforehand... My counsellor said to me "You have to let jess out your heart to let others in. So you can love again" for 3 years I just kept pushing them away and just what people say "using them" Which I wasn't... I just couldn't love them.. Anyway. I let lisha in and I got hurt again... Seriously considering giving up on relationships. Family issues: Okay so I haven't spoke to my mom and siblings in about a year... They haven't made contact and I know why... It's cause of her partner. My STEP-DAD! The strictest guy you can imagine! I'm glad I got kicked out of the house... Don't have to see him again! I do miss everyone though :c Tough living on your own with barely any money left to treat yourself! I'm all alone in this world with no family and no true friends... I need friends :c Hoping Coventry has some nice people! But I won't get my hopes up :c I just need cuddles again...

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